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Poll: Did you enjoy "Live Free or Die Hard?"


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Listen, there's nothing wrong with loving Thelma & Louise and Steel Magnolias. Im just saying that if you didnt love Live Free or Die Hard, you have a vagina. Thats all. :)


When I talk about propping my feet up on the AC unit and letting it blow on my junk, I don't mean a vagina.

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My only complaint is that these movies need to be rated R. Now I'm not trying to say they have to be over the top rated R, (I understand that they lose money by making a movie rated R because teens are a HUGE portion of ticket sales especially in small towns where that is the only thing to do on a weekend) but in a situation like this, you would hear a ton of swearing.

Hell, I remember during the playback of videos after 9/11 hearing plenty of swear words and an f bomb. Because thats what happens during terrorist attacks and disasters like that, you swear.

Just a little unbelievable that total anarchy was ensuing and nobody was swearing. Just my personal opinion (but I voted yes on the poll).

Also the tractor trailer exit ramp scene was a bit transporter esque for me (The first one was great, but I got tired of seeing impossible stunts with the car, the first one looked like it was 90% real driving and real talent as opposed to CG)

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I enjoyed it. Sure the PG-13 watered down some of what made the other 3 fun (John McClain using foul language in describing how his going to **** up the bad guy of the moment was always a highlight) but it was still an overall enjoyable movie. I do think that Die Hard is a series that needs practical effects and stunts (like Indiana Jones) so I did not like seeing some of the CG in "Live Free" but it wasn't nearly as distracting and out of places as Indy 4's CG fest chase through the jungle.

Die Hard is a rare series so far, 4 movies and not one mediocre or even bad one. All are pretty strong in their own way with the first one being the best thanks mostly to Alan Rickman's iconic Hans Gruber. A character that over the last 20 years has been imitated (cough ripped off cough) by so many other films.

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Loved it. But you have to get the Unrated version on DVD - fills in all the missing F-bombs (including the signature line un-muffled by gunfire) and adds some sweet digital blood to boot. And the sound of a breaking neck.

They didn't reinvent the action movie wheel or anything, but the movie was a vehicle for the character of McClane. The story, bad guys, sidekicks and such were backseat to getting Willis back on screen in his best character and doing what he does.

The little Irish jig from the tail of the F-22 was a subtle nod to the climatic fight at the end of Die Harder on the plane wing. And the rig and jet in general were, I thought, less-than-subtle references to the cgi-laden Transformers that came out a few weeks later - kind of a "Hey, we used real ones for our action sequences!" shot.

Needless to say, Colt Brennan would have made this flick an Oscar nominee. Maybe the next one, now that they've upped the contenders to 10.

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I gotta go with yes.

I enjoyed it and it was actually better than I expected.

Most action flicks aren't filled with great dialogue or acting. But as long as there is action and some drama then let's have at it.

I am surprised that no one has mentioned Jason Statham as the best action star right now. I heard his new movie has a bad story, but the action scenes are worth admission.

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