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Better Original Programming: HBO or Showtime?

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This is only for shows currently on the air. So don't vote for HBO because you loved Sopranos, The Wire, or the great Larry Sanders Show.

I've been watching Netflix recently and I've finally been able to see some Showtime shows. I've always thought in the past that HBO destroys Showtime when it comes to original programming, and maybe it did in the past. But right now, I'm not so sure.

HBO has Entourage and Curb your Enthusiasm. Showtime has Weeds, Dexter, and Californication.

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I love Weeds but its getting a little stale, and the same can be said for Entourage.

Those are the only two shows I watch on the networks, so we'll call it a tie until the The Pacific comes out next year, then HBO will be on top for me.

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I love Weeds but its getting a little stale, and the same can be said for Entourage.

Those are the only two shows I watch on the networks, so we'll call it a tie until the The Pacific comes out next year, then HBO will be on top for me.

Weeds is still awesome. Tonights episode was sweet.

I like True Blood on HBO though.

Showtime is still better for series though. Dexter is the shiz, and so is Weeds.

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Put me down for Dexter in #1 and Californication. Liked Brotherhood, too, though.

Good thing you limited it to current shows. The Sopranos & The Wire are still the best to me with Dexter moving up. But I have really enjoyed most all of the OP offerings from both networks.

Don't have HBO anymore (for now) so have to catch True Blood sometime and know I need to check out Weeds which I have never watched more than a few minutes.

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Put me down for Dexter in #1 and Californication. Liked Brotherhood, too, though.

Good thing you limited it to current shows. The Sopranos & The Wire are still the best to me with Dexter moving up. But I have really enjoyed most all of the OP offerings from both networks.

Don't have HBO anymore (for now) so have to catch True Blood sometime and know I need to check out Weeds which I have never watched more than a few minutes.

If you can get Weeds on demand watch the first or second season. The new episodes are pretty bad, IMO.

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its only close now because The Wire & The Sopranos are finished

still give the edge to HBO. Dexter is the best thing goin on Showtime. Weeds has fallen off a cliff fast


Entourage is starting to get a little stale, but I have a good feeling about this season acting as the rebound season for the past couple of downer ones. Weeds just isn't bringing it this season at all.

HBO meanwhile is getting back into season 2 of True Blood, and Hung looks pretty solid.

And nobody does the mini-series better than HBO: From the Earth to the Moon, Band of Brothers, John Adams...all big-time.

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HBO, but it's close. Nurse Jacky is pretty funny and not too far off how a lot of my nursing friends view things.

True Blood is fun...but I think they've stepped down a notch.

HBO used to have shows like the Sopranos, The Wire, Deadwood, Rome, Six Feet Under etc.

They're not there anymore, and I think Dexter is better than anything on the current line-up. I liked the Adam mini series, and I want to see the next Band of Brothers. So it's not like they don't have promising shos in the pipeline.

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Historically speaking, it was HBO hands down:


Six Feet Under


Sex and the City

These shows were better than almost anything on either channel today.

But if you're talking current shows, I've gotta go with Showtime now, mainly because Dexter is comparable in quality to these shows, and is the only show on either channel of such high quality. Also, Nurse Jackie on Showtime (with Edie Falco) is pretty good - the first two episodes are very promising.

I really don't watch anything on HBO any more. They've jumped the shark.

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Pacific looks awesome!

One of the actors, Joseph Mazzello, played the little boy in the first Jurassic Park. I need an "old" smiley...like, hobbling around with a cane or something

something like this, but less beat up :handicap:

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HBO and Showtime are owned by the same company...

I think HBO has more original programming and set the bar as far as the TV award shows go. Problem is many of HBO's best shows are now behind them. The new shows aren't up to snuff with the Suprano's, Deadwood, and Rome.

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