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Petition to Stop Parking Lot Changes www.savetailgating.com

Tailgate Ted

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sorry but i cant support this petition. i agree fully with the changes. i cant agree with people taking up 6 spaces and setting up their living room with a flat panel tv in the parking lot right in front of the stadium. they have 1 parking pass not 6, and yes ive seen this. its ridiculous.

The Petition is asking the team to reprimand those individuals that are taking up more then 1 Space. We're simply asking the team to enforce the old policy.

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sorry but i cant support this petition. i agree fully with the changes. i cant agree with people taking up 6 spaces and setting up their living room with a flat panel tv in the parking lot right in front of the stadium. they have 1 parking pass not 6, and yes ive seen this. its ridiculous.
The Petition is asking the team to reprimand those individuals that are taking up more then 1 Space. We're simply asking the team to enforce the old policy.

Yes. Ironically, I think there's a strong possibility that this new policy, if it isn't changed, is going to backfire. The old rule clearly stated that only one space per vehicle may be used. The new policy clearly states that two spaces per vehicle maybe used, provide they park at the back of the lot. So what happens when the last row is filled, then the second to last, third to last, etc., with cars taking two spaces? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that only half as many cars can fit into that area of the lot! Then at 11 AM everybody's tailgate is going to be disrupted as the late-comers arrive. Ingenious!

What the point of creating a new policy? The old policy would have been fine - had it been enforced.

Why not simply enforce the old policy and solve the problem that way - rather than disrupt everything unnecessarily?

That's why I signed the petition.

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Yes. Ironically, I think there's a strong possibility that this new policy, if it isn't changed, is going to backfire. The old rule clearly stated that only one space per vehicle may be used. The new policy clearly states that two spaces per vehicle maybe used, provide they park at the back of the lot. So what happens when the last row is filled, then the second to last, third to last, etc., with cars taking two spaces? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that only half as many cars can fit into that area of the lot! Then at 11 AM everybody's tailgate is going to be disrupted as the late-comers arrive. Ingenious!

What the point of creating a new policy? The old policy would have been fine - had it been enforced.

Why not simply enforce the old policy and solve the problem that way - rather than disrupt everything unnecessarily?

That's why I signed the petition.

I see your point. It will be interesting to see how well they enforce the 2 spot rule and for how long can you occupy 2 spots? Because once the back row is full, then what happens? I see where it said the last "few" rows. But how many is a few? 2, 3, 4?

I like the idea of hvaing the big tailgate people in the back so they won't be bugged by other people trying to park. I can just see it being a big cluster...the first game and they might give up after that. We all know most of the parking lot attendants aren't the brightest.

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see thats my thing... the people they have running the parking lot are not exactly geared mentally for what will be involved in this sort of setup...

and they'll try to make up for that by adding more of them....

and its going to be a giant mess... and i'm sure people will get thrown out / arrested because of arguments between the two sides...

they couldn't even enforce their old policies... now they want to change it, and expect people to follow?

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What the point of creating a new policy? The old policy would have been fine - had it been enforced.

That's why I signed the petition.

I'm an out of town fan, but I signed because I'm fundamentally against making new rules instead of enforcing current rules.

I do hope they start enforcing rules since I can unfortunately only go to 1 or 2 games a year parking can suck.

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i dont tailgate so this doesnt affect me, but it is lame when people take up 6 spaces and set their entire house up in the parking lot. theres no way theyre gonna get anything in place to please everybody though, and i highly doubt a petition truly going to change anything.

but keep fighting the good fight! as long as i dont have to park in lot ZZZ im cool with anything.

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i dont tailgate so this doesnt affect me, but it is lame when people take up 6 spaces and set their entire house up in the parking lot. theres no way theyre gonna get anything in place to please everybody though, and i highly doubt a petition truly going to change anything.

but keep fighting the good fight! as long as i dont have to park in lot ZZZ im cool with anything.

So what was the purpose of your post? For the +1? To say "I dont tailgate but I have a problem with you folks that do and take up spots"

Hopefully this thing gets attention

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sorry but i cant support this petition. i agree fully with the changes. i cant agree with people taking up 6 spaces and setting up their living room with a flat panel tv in the parking lot right in front of the stadium. they have 1 parking pass not 6, and yes ive seen this. its ridiculous.

We nor the petition states you should be able to take up more than one space. I think we all agree that you should not take up more than one space. We are upset with being directed where to park.


Say pez and I drive seperate as my parents are in town. Well I get stuck on 495 so I arrive 5-10 minutes later than him. If they "direct" us where to park I will not be allowed to park near my husband but where they tell me I have to park. That is the biggest issues here. I can speak for ES, Teddy and MTH that we have never blocked others from parking or taken up more than our spot.

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What the point of creating a new policy? The old policy would have been fine - had it been enforced.

Why not simply enforce the old policy and solve the problem that way - rather than disrupt everything unnecessarily?


that's why I signed it also. The permits clearly stated on the pass and in the stadium rules: 1 pass = 1 spot. The problem was that there was nobody to enforce it.

I got the dirty looks and I think somebody stole one of my car magnets one time in the blue lots when I tried to park in a spot that people were using as a tailgate. Had a parking attendant been there to tell them to move, there shouldn't have been an issue.

How many problems will arise when you allow tailgaters multiple spots, let them get their drink on and food on the grill and then.....force them to move? I see potential problems. And none of this ever was an issue with the ES tailgates b/c if memory serves the ES tailgates were always on the grass (ie. not taking up empty spaces).

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It seems to me, these two-space tailgates are going to be forced to squeeze back into one space earlier rather than later because more people are going to be taking advantage of this new two-space rule since it is now allowed, leaving less space for everybody else.

It also seems to me, the green lots are going to be absolutely packed now, since the C and D lots (this is a huge area) have been changed from green to orange and the Blue lot people (and many red lot people) have been upgraded to green.

The whole thing, to me, sounds like a zoo. I honestly don't think the people who have set this policy have thought this thing through clearly.

I predict complete chaos in the lots on Sept 20th and STH outrage the following week, if this policy isn't amended, or better yet, abandoned.

Proposed new map:


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We nor the petition states you should be able to take up more than one space. I think we all agree that you should not take up more than one space. We are upset with being directed where to park.


Say pez and I drive seperate as my parents are in town. Well I get stuck on 495 so I arrive 5-10 minutes later than him. If they "direct" us where to park I will not be allowed to park near my husband but where they tell me I have to park. That is the biggest issues here. I can speak for ES, Teddy and MTH that we have never blocked others from parking or taken up more than our spot.

What if the person directing traffic ask you are you tailgaiting or not then directs where to park, those who are not taligating closer to the staduim and those who are no closer to the areas where you can?

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It also seems to me, the green lots are going to be absolutely packed now, since the C and D lots (this is a huge area) have been changed from green to orange

Proposed new map:


I don't think they've changed the size of E3 and F3 from last year, according to that map. If you compare it to a satellite photo, it looks like the border of the Green and Orange lots will be along the last grass median in the lot. This is where it was last year, although it wasn't labeled as such, and the map that is STILL up on Redskins.com doesn't even reflect last year's changes. So, if you compare the new map to the old map, there is a big loss of Green parking.

The upgraded Greens from Blues are another story - unless they're replacing the exodus of former STHs.

Edit: I got my letters confused and thought you were referring to the big lots. You're right - that's a big loss of Green real estate.

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I don't think they've changed the size of E3 and F3 from last year, according to that map. If you compare it to a satellite photo, it looks like the border of the Green and Orange lots will be along the last grass median in the lot. This is where it was last year, although it wasn't labeled as such, and the map that is STILL up on Redskins.com doesn't even reflect last year's changes. So, if you compare the new map to the old map, there is a big loss of Green parking.

The upgraded Greens from Blues are another story - unless they're replacing the exodus of former STHs.

You're correct. The Green E and F lots have not changed. But the C lot and D lot were all green last year. They are orange this year.


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You're correct. The Green E and F lots have not changed. But the C lot and D lot were all green last year. They are orange this year.


Green parking is going to be a headache this year. It wouldn't surprise me if there is more people with Green parking permits than there are parking spaces.

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It looks to me like Green E-3 has been narrowed between the woods backing up to the ESTG and Orange E-3. Orange E-3 is now where the other half of Green E-3 was last year.

The number of spaces seems reduced reduced from last years map.

Maybe it's just the way I'm looking at the two maps.

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Ian - it looks that way, but it's not quite that way. That's because the map on redskins.com has been wrong during the entire year last year.

Here's the actual way the lots were in 2008:


Last year, purple was moved into orange, orange was moved into green, and green was squeezed into the tree line.

As you can see, the above map is different than the redskins.com map, but it's closer to how the new pdf map looks in that area - at least as far as orange and green go...

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Makes sense. The map has been off scale for the last few years because it shows the correct boundry between orange A-3 and green A-4. The signs in the lot also allign with the maps.

However, there's been a portable concrete barrier wall between the two lots for the last few years.

Not surprisingly, the porto wall shrunk the green parking while increasing the orange. The signs in the lot have not changed. A listener mentioned this during the call-in segment on TSR on 980 last Tuesday.

This despite the fact that orange A-3 has never filled to capacity while green A-4 packs in as tight as green E-3.

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