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Petition to Stop Parking Lot Changes www.savetailgating.com

Tailgate Ted

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Is it too late to edit the petition? IMO, the petition should read something closer to:

Individuals arriving between two and four hours before kickoff should be allowed to park anywhere in the lot they desire as long as they have the appropriate Parking Pass. Individuals that are occupying more than 1 space will be asked to move. If they do not comply they risk losing their Parking Pass for the Season.

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Is it too late to edit the petition? IMO, the petition should read something closer to:

Individuals arriving between two and four hours before kickoff should be allowed to park anywhere in the lot they desire as long as they have the appropriate Parking Pass. Individuals that are occupying more than 1 space will be asked to move. If they do not comply they risk losing their Parking Pass for the Season.

Yeah, I agree. I can't tell you how frustrating it is on game day to try and find a parking spot, only to have an entire row half full but all of the remaining spaces are taken up by a a grill, table, and a few people standing around. Makes it very difficult to feel like the game day experience is worth it when you have to drive around the lot for 15 or 20 minutes looking for a space.

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Is it too late to edit the petition? IMO, the petition should read something closer to:

Individuals arriving between two and four hours before kickoff should be allowed to park anywhere in the lot they desire as long as they have the appropriate Parking Pass. Individuals that are occupying more than 1 space will be asked to move. If they do not comply they risk losing their Parking Pass for the Season.

It's to late to change it. It has been team policy to direct people where to park 2 hours before kickoff so I didn't want that in the Policy.

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Not trying to disable the effectiveness of the petition, but to be honest, I don't think the team has any choice but to purposely begin filling misc. empty spaces at some point.

They were supposed to do that 2 hours before the game. You and I and House don't take up any extra spaces. If they just enforced their own policy none of this would be an issue

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I'm torn on all this now. At first I was pissed because I didn't really understand all the changes. Now that I've had time to read over them, it doesn't seem that bad. Yeah its going to be annoying having them telling you where to park. But will they tell you an exact spot or just to park in A43 for example?

And I can see how some people are upset because you might not have your regular tailgate spot or be seperated from the group at times. But I think it will work out better because having people that want to take up an extra spot won't be that big of a deal anymore since they'll have spots in the front for people that don't need an extra spot.

The only thing I don't agree with is the Platinum Parking. Did they really need to expand the area of that? IIRC, to have that parking is $1500/game. Are there that many people that park in the Platinum section? And why do they get their own "express" route out of the Stadium? That's the part that has been angry.

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I'm torn on all this now. At first I was pissed because I didn't really understand all the changes. Now that I've had time to read over them, it doesn't seem that bad. Yeah its going to be annoying having them telling you where to park. But will they tell you an exact spot or just to park in A43 for example?

This is what I'd like to know as well. I park in the same general area for every game. I don't like the idea of having some parking attendant tell me where to park. That's why I get to the stadium 4 hours before game time.

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This is what I'd like to know as well. I park in the same general area for every game. I don't like the idea of having some parking attendant tell me where to park. That's why I get to the stadium 4 hours before game time.

If the team can clear up this major question then it would calm a lot of people down. If we have to park in teh front or back fine but let us choose which place to go. I do not want someone with an orange flag and a power trip telling me and my family where we have to park our cars.

401 signatures and counting

Keep them coming!

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I do not know this seem reasonable to me

Moving forward, fans who wish to just park in a single spot and walk into the game will be given spots closest to the stadium. Fans who wish to nab several spots and tailgate for hours will be sent to the back of the parking lots.

"Everyone who wants to tailgate should be able to tailgate. We absolutely believe that," Gershman said. "This is designed to improve the experience for fans who want to tailgate."

"Our outside consultant analyzed the flow on roads and in the parking lots at FedEx Field, with cameras recording the traffic patterns. What we found was that when tailgaters spread into multiple spaces, it caused congestion in the lots, and resulted in inconvenience to everyone - the fans tailgating and the fans who were just looking to park in their assigned lots."


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I agree wholeheartedly.

It's kind of interesting that now, they're embracing the idea of tailgaters taking up more than one space (as long as it's in the back), whereas before, it was clearly not allowed.

Yeah, I'm all confused now. (more than normal) What are we supposed to think is going on? What's it gonna be?

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I do not know this seem reasonable to me

Moving forward, fans who wish to just park in a single spot and walk into the game will be given spots closest to the stadium. Fans who wish to nab several spots and tailgate for hours will be sent to the back of the parking lots.

"Everyone who wants to tailgate should be able to tailgate. We absolutely believe that," Gershman said. "This is designed to improve the experience for fans who want to tailgate."

"Our outside consultant analyzed the flow on roads and in the parking lots at FedEx Field, with cameras recording the traffic patterns. What we found was that when tailgaters spread into multiple spaces, it caused congestion in the lots, and resulted in inconvenience to everyone - the fans tailgating and the fans who were just looking to park in their assigned lots."


If you actually believe this press release I have some Beach Front property I want to sell you in Kansas.

The Press Release is the spin monster working overtime to calm people down.

509 Signatures and counting

Keep it up people!

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Bump to keep this at the top of the stadium. I already signed. #34 or 36 i think. I also texted the link to my friends. Anyone else dropping their friends a text to sign the petition would be a big help!

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sorry but i cant support this petition. i agree fully with the changes. i cant agree with people taking up 6 spaces and setting up their living room with a flat panel tv in the parking lot right in front of the stadium. they have 1 parking pass not 6, and yes ive seen this. its ridiculous.

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Petition Signed, being i've never been to the field i cant really comment other then the fact I see how much you guys talk about the tailgate every year and how much you can't wait to be there on this site. Hopefully the petition goes well

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i feel like i don't agree with either side.

after listening to the guys on ESPN980 yesterday discuss this, i've realized there are way too many people with way too many ideas of what should/shouldn't be allowed for there to be a common ground...

as the person above me said, I don't want people able to take up 6 space when they paid for one - and yes that happens with large grills, tents, and furniture.

I also don't want the redskins staff breaking up years worth of relationships built on tailgating by directing people where to park, or making it even more difficult than it already is to meet up with a lot of people at the stadium....

so where's the middle ground?

i heard some good ideas... like how about you can do whatever you want, with out being directed, up until an hour (or an hour and a half, or 45 minutes, or whatever time is deemed needed) before kickoff - at which point you can no longer take up any extra space... and parking will become directed. Because lets face it - the people who enjoy tailgating get there many hours before kickoff, and most people have eaten by that hour mark (not all, but most).

The only problem with that is it would probably require more staff, cause a lot of problems, and is probably hard to enforce... i'm sure many of the mature people would have no problem packing up once told to do so - or would do so on their own if they keep track of the time...b ut I have a feeling there would be many would just tell them to f off, or 'make me', and would cause more problems than its worth...

edit: all i'm trying to say is something needs to be done... i'm not so sure the redskins have the best idea, likewise i'm not so sure that being 100% against it is the right idea either.... there has to be some sort of compromise. the redskins are ranked near last in terms of game-day-experience for the fans.... and most of the people in this area agree... and anyone here that used to frequent RFK (i know I did, even though I was only 12-15 at the time) knows that RFK was awesome, and FedEx Field is a bit of a disapointment compared to that... they have to do something...

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I signed this awhile ago, and it's good to see people doing something instead of just going with it. On the surface, the press release they sent out doesn't seem too bad, moving the big groups to the back. But I just don't agree with uprooting people who have been in their spots for years, nor do I believe the release is telling us everything. I just have this feeling that eventually we're going to be waved into our spots by guys holding flags.

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