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Petition to Stop Parking Lot Changes www.savetailgating.com

Tailgate Ted

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A good summary, tho very biased against fans who do not want to tailgate and spend the whole day at the football stadium.

I was totally thinking of Andy Pollin's story he told on 980 the other day. Those who heard that tale probably have a better perspective for where I'm coming from.

The bottom line is that people need to have their vehicles parked at least an hour before a kickoff if they wish to avoid these major hassles.

I realize that not everyone has the time nor do they all wish to tailgate, because I don't TG at every game.

But there has to be a balance.

More people need to learn to tailgate responsibly, while non tailgating patrons need to understand that they have to allow themselves enough time to park comfortably. Arriving w/in an hour of a game is not a recipe for such.

And yes, no one should consume parking they haven't paid for if other paying patrons clearly need the spots.

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I was totally thinking of Andy Pollin's story he told on 980 the other day. Those who heard that tale probably have a better perspective for where I'm coming from.

The bottom line is that people need to have their vehicles parked at least an hour before a kickoff if they wish to avoid these major hassles.

I realize that not everyone has the time nor do they all wish to tailgate, because I don't TG at every game.

But there has to be a balance.

More people need to learn to tailgate responsibly, while non tailgating patrons need to understand that they have to allow themselves enough time to park comfortably. Arriving w/in an hour of a game is not a recipe for such.

And yes, no one should consume parking they haven't paid for if other paying patrons clearly need the spots.

And if they can get people off the roads and into their parking spaces more efficiently, it will help with those goals. I'm sure most would like to be there an hour before the game, but unless you are willing to dedicate yourself to come very early, it is hard to predict how traffic will go.

It is particularly tough on those who are not season ticket holders and want to just go to the occasional game. Most don't know any better. Even those who do might not have the time to take all day to do the game. In some cases, it is a reason not to go to the game at all. It is a negative to the game experience.

I know for myself that I can't dedicate that kind of time for all the home games. While I like to go to the occasional game, most of the time I prefer to sit at home and watch the game because of everything involved with having to go to the game.

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We have 790 signatures and counting

Keep them coming guys

WOO HOO !! :cool:

Oh, and I did get a return receipt from the Post so someone has seen it. Again, with all that has happened this week, I'm not sure how it will rank in importance. But all we can do is try, right?


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WOO HOO !! :cool:

Oh, and I did get a return receipt from the Post so someone has seen it. Again, with all that has happened this week, I'm not sure how it will rank in importance. But all we can do is try, right?


Good Stuff House

I hope they run it

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The bottom line is that people need to have their vehicles parked at least an hour before a kickoff if they wish to avoid these major hassles.

More people need to learn to tailgate responsibly, while non tailgating patrons need to understand that they have to allow themselves enough time to park comfortably. Arriving w/in an hour of a game is not a recipe for such.

And yes, no one should consume parking they haven't paid for if other paying patrons clearly need the spots.

Amen. I think it just makes sense to get there at least early enough to:

A) Find a spot in enough time to be able to park and be able to get into the stadium, go through the search, grab some food/beer/drink (if wanted), hit the bathroom (if needed) and get to the seats by kickoff. An hour should give a person plenty of time without rushing.

B) If you are tailgating, allow others to park and be on their way.

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Do you guys really think that an online petition will sway Mr Snyder's decision to change the policy? The man hired an outside consulting firm for Christ's sake. He's spent money and I'm sure he wants to see results to justify the outlay. I suggest y'all heed your own advice and arrive early.

I certainly don't mean to cast aspersions on your efforts, just trying to add a dose of realism here.

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Do you guys really think that an online petition will sway Mr Snyder's decision to change the policy?

Nope. But you never know.......

I suggest y'all heed your own advice and arrive early.

Most will, especially the tailgaters and many of the ES/RR folks.

If it was just me, I also would have no problems to that. But when I have family members that don't like to be at FedEx all day, it makes life difficult (oh yeah especially when I have a long car ride there and back)

I certainly don't mean to cast aspersions on your efforts, just trying to add a dose of realism here.

I think this is one way to send a message whether anything is done or not.

I appreciate that the Redskins are attempting to ease parking issues and traffic congestion. My problem is how they are doing it and the effects of the policy.

Here's my issues (these may be different in some cases that teddy and Mark and the others):

1. The reduction of the green lots and the expansion of the platinum lots. I've said it before but I will say it here as well. Since I've been a STH for 5 years now (2009 is year 6) and every time I came via shuttle from the cash lots or from the Blue lot for every game I noticed this; the Green lots by Arena Dr. were packed and the platinum lots were empty. Now maybe everybody was downgrading to green/purple/orange from platinum but that seems like an awful lot of people.

The Redskins have the #'s but I still wonder if that many spots are really needed for platinum parking when the Skins are now throwing Blue and some red lot folks into the already crowded green lots?

I also have an issue about the "special" lanes for the platinum holders. Won't this just worsen congestion? And are "special" lanes really needed for platinum members? Also, won't people (both "tailgaters" and "non tailgaters") now stay and tailgate knowing that they'll be slowed up moreso b/c less lanes and won't this slow people leaving FedEx?

2. I don't like being told where to go. Just how it is. I don't mind following rules, but if I want to park in spot A where I have a little more manuevering room and I get forced into parking in spot B where I get crammed in well just kind of sucks.

3. Why didn't the Skins enforce the tailgating rules in the first place? And how do they plan enforcing the new rules now?

4. Are the staff going to follow the same protocol/training or are we going to get people who are either a)clueless in traffic direction, B) enjoy making your life hell or a mixture?

5. Is it just me or does everybody else expect utter confusion and chaos during the season opener trying to park?

And do you expect parking attendants to be like this on that day?

"ALL IS WELL !!!!!!!"

I know the Skins read this (hi :)) so maybe if they miss something maybe they'll catch it here and be more ready. Maybe seeing some fan concerns will at least get somebody's attention (it sure did cause a press release after Monkey Boy's post that showed the changes came out and started a ****storm).

If this plan by the Skins go smoothly, I'll be right on here once I get home from the game and post about it and also on my blog. And I'll admit they did a great job.

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I don't see my interpretation as any different than yours, unless you don't see an intent to enforce the new rules.

Not sure what you mean by that. It looks like they are going to direct people to the spots up front, except for the ones who want to join a big tailgate who will go to the rear.

What decision making do they do now?

Kinda my point.

Then what makes you think they can keep people from tailgating in the front of the lots with the new rules?

Uh, they aren't. From the PR:

The most significant new procedure will have parking attendants directing fans who wish to tailgate in more than one space to the back of lots, where they will be allowed to occupy two spaces until required for additional vehicles. Fans who wish to only park, or tailgate within their single parking spot, will be directed to the front of lots, filling the lot from front to back. Tailgating is permitted in all lots, except Platinum. Platinum lot parkers who choose to tailgate will be provided passes for Purple lots.
How can a biased summary be good?

The facts were more or less correct. It was the slant that I had a problem with.

I haven't read any judgements against latecomers other than to question their sense of reality in thinking they can arrive at a location where 90,000 people are gathering for a scheduled event one hour before that event begins without encountering some difficulties. That's why people arrive early - to avoid them. If anything, the arrogance lies with the majority of latecomers.

Not liking the new rules has nothing to do with imposing the tailgaters' will on everybody else. In fact, the new rules will do just the opposite.

It sounds more like you've gotten used to the issue and have come to think that it should be a normal occurrence. The only sporting event that I felt that I needed to come earlier for was the one time we went to Memorial Stadium in Baltimore. We ended up missing half the game. So no, for most sporting events I shouldn't have to feel that I'm required to get there 3 hours before the game so that I feel I have a reasonable amount of time in finding a parking space and getting myself inside to enjoy the game.

When you get right down to it the problem really comes around to a lack of parking, or more to the point, the lack of prime parking. The parking areas are kind of odd shaped and in some ways separated from the stadium. In some ways, there isn't much to be done for some of that. We'll have to see how this year's parking realignment works out. I certainly understand Mark's concern there (Tho I don't know if his map will be the final map or not), but I don't know if everyone knows what kind of pass that they are going to get. Considering everything I've read in the ticket thread, it sounds like there is some attrition going on.

In any case, I'd mostly be apprehensive, but in wait-and-see mode to see how things will really work with this. The status quo works for some people, but it doesn't work for some others. We'll have to see if the prices paid here are worth the cost.

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...In any case, I'd mostly be apprehensive, but in wait-and-see mode to see how things will really work with this. The status quo works for some people, but it doesn't work for some others. We'll have to see if the prices paid here are worth the cost.

The problem with wait-and-see mode is, nobody points out potential problems that are obvious to us and not-so-obvious to those who are trying to implement these backwards-ass policies. I also think that some people who park at the tree line in the E and F lots who believe this policy won't be so bad are in for a rude awakening come September - if the new policies and new colored parking maps come to fruition as outlined.

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I wouldn't sign it! All I want is to be able to arrive at my favorite green lot, at a decent hour, to park and NOT have to pass a bunch of nice parking places because a "I'm all about me" tailgator(s) taking up 2 or more spaces to put up their tents. I tailgate at every game. I have my table, my grill, my cooler, my chairs and my friends ----all in my ONE CAR parking space. Yes, my car sticks out a little into the roadway but there is plenty of room for cars to get by. That should be more acceptable than taking up a bunch of parking spaces. We have had 3 cars parked side-by-side, tailgating and using only the 3 car spaces.

My 2 cents-----finished commenting!

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This crap is pushhing me toward just staying at home and watching it on TV or listening to XM siruis. I drive 3.5 hours every sunday and arrive at 915 am. I do this so I can park with my tailgate freinds. if this is taken away from me it would greatly diminish my gameday experience.

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The problem with wait-and-see mode is, nobody points out potential problems that are obvious to us and not-so-obvious to those who are trying to implement these backwards-ass policies. I also think that some people who park at the tree line in the E and F lots who believe this policy won't be so bad are in for a rude awakening come September - if the new policies and new colored parking maps come to fruition as outlined.

I was more talking about this petition, which isn't about working out the bugs in the plan but about a complete rejection of it. Course I understand there are those who nothing but the complete rejection of this idea would be acceptable, including the one who started the petition.

I do agree with you that realigning the lot could be problematic, especially for those who are used to parking in E and F. My point is (and you can correct me if you know different) that we don't know who is getting what passes as of yet. You say that there are a lot of people from Blue and Red who are going to get promoted to Green, but is that true? How many of those people are going to be moved to the new Grey lot? How many who have been in the Green lot are giving up their passes or are getting promoted to Orange? Will the new realignment reflect the passes that are assigned to people? While we know some things that are of concern, I don't think we know everything.

I don't argue that these questions shouldn't be asked. They should be. I just think that's more productive than a petition to completely reject a plan that is likely to be implemented no matter what.

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I wouldn't sign it! All I want is to be able to arrive at my favorite green lot, at a decent hour, to park and NOT have to pass a bunch of nice parking places because a "I'm all about me" tailgator(s) taking up 2 or more spaces to put up their tents. I tailgate at every game. I have my table, my grill, my cooler, my chairs and my friends ----all in my ONE CAR parking space. Yes, my car sticks out a little into the roadway but there is plenty of room for cars to get by. That should be more acceptable than taking up a bunch of parking spaces. We have had 3 cars parked side-by-side, tailgating and using only the 3 car spaces.

My 2 cents-----finished commenting!

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I wouldn't sign it! All I want is to be able to arrive at my favorite green lot, at a decent hour, to park and NOT have to pass a bunch of nice parking places because a "I'm all about me" tailgator(s) taking up 2 or more spaces to put up their tents.

If you would read the Petition is states that we are asking that they enforce the old policy of one parking pass once space. Try and read before you make comments that don't make any sense.

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I was more talking about this petition, which isn't about working out the bugs in the plan but about a complete rejection of it. Course I understand there are those who nothing but the complete rejection of this idea would be acceptable, including the one who started the petition.

I do agree with you that realigning the lot could be problematic, especially for those who are used to parking in E and F. My point is (and you can correct me if you know different) that we don't know who is getting what passes as of yet. You say that there are a lot of people from Blue and Red who are going to get promoted to Green, but is that true? How many of those people are going to be moved to the new Grey lot? How many who have been in the Green lot are giving up their passes or are getting promoted to Orange? Will the new realignment reflect the passes that are assigned to people? While we know some things that are of concern, I don't think we know everything.

I don't argue that these questions shouldn't be asked. They should be. I just think that's more productive than a petition to completely reject a plan that is likely to be implemented no matter what.

All I know is what I've read from other posters. And what I've read is, people who have blue are being upgraded to green. People who have red are also being upgraded to green. People who have cash parking are being upgraded to grey.

Nobody has been upgraded to orange. And why would they? Orange is dedicted parking for club contract holders only.

The way this is setting up, there will be significanly more fans with green passes trying to park in significantly fewer spaces. And, if we look at the map, the closest green lots are E and F - so naturally, most people are going to be headed for those two thin narrow lots. I predict both lots will be jammed before 10 AM.

If anybody has any contrary info, I'd love to hear it.

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If you would read the Petition is states that we are asking that they enforce the old policy of one parking pass once space. Try and read before you make comments that don't make any sense.

I will be more blunt then. They didn't enforce it before, it won't work now! The plan, while it has faults, may work. I assumed readers are reading other posts, maybe ones I have written, and already understand where I am coming from. I was not clear on my last post. That was wrong I agree. I hope I have not implied some impairment you may have. :saber:

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Nobody has been upgraded to orange. And why would they? Orange is dedicted parking for club contract holders only.

Weren't there people saying that the ticket office was trying to encourage LL ticket holders to take club level seating? Also, I remember that some were also encouraged to buy more seats to get upgrades. That would be fewer parking passes, wouldn't it.

I'm not saying you are wrong. Things do look tight the way you lay them out, but I don't know if there is more going on that we don't know about.

Your point was lost many posts ago.

On you, apparently.

What does the bolded portion of the PR, or any of it, for that matter, have to do with their ability to enforce the new rules in the lots where tailgating is permitted?

What rules are you talking about? Maybe if I knew what you were talking about, maybe we could talk about it.

The rules as I know it is if you want more than one space to tailgate in, you have to go to the back of the parking area. Otherwise, you will be directed to a parking space in the front. What am I missing here?

I'll take that as a grudging admission from you that the facts were MORE correct. I'm at a loss as to how facts can create a slant. If they can, why don't you throw some facts into the mix to create a slant that you don't have a problem with?

Facts don't create a slant. How they are presented creates a slant.

I'm not sure what sporting events you're referring to, or why you feel you have to, but nothing at FedEx under the existing rules requires you to arrive three hours before the game to find a parking space and get to your seats.

Hey, you are the ones questioning the reality of those who arrive an hour before the event. And no, I don't arrive more than an hour before a concert at Nissan Pavilion, for example, and I usually get parked and in my seat with more than enough time. That's because they have a plan on how to park people. Right now, if you arrive an hour before a game, you have to go searching for a parking space, deal with the tailgaters who may be blocking spaces or fans heading into the stadium blocking the roadways.

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Kinda my point.

Your point was lost many posts ago.

Uh, they aren't. From the PR:

The most significant new procedure will have parking attendants directing fans who wish to tailgate in more than one space to the back of lots, where they will be allowed to occupy two spaces until required for additional vehicles. Fans who wish to only park, or tailgate within their single parking spot, will be directed to the front of lots, filling the lot from front to back.Tailgating is permitted in all lots, except Platinum. Platinum lot parkers who choose to tailgate will be provided passes for Purple lots.

What does the bolded portion of the PR, or any of it, for that matter, have to do with their ability to enforce the new rules in the lots where tailgating is permitted?

The facts were more or less correct. It was the slant that I had a problem with.

I'll take that as a grudging admission from you that the facts were MORE correct. I'm at a loss as to how facts can create a slant. If they can, why don't you throw some facts into the mix to create a slant that you don't have a problem with?

It sounds more like you've gotten used to the issue and have come to think that it should be a normal occurrence.


The only sporting event that I felt that I needed to come earlier for was the one time we went to Memorial Stadium in Baltimore. We ended up missing half the game. So no, for most sporting events I shouldn't have to feel that I'm required to get there 3 hours before the game so that I feel I have a reasonable amount of time in finding a parking space and getting myself inside to enjoy the game.

I'm not sure what sporting events you're referring to, or why you feel you have to, but nothing at FedEx under the existing rules requires you to arrive three hours before the game to find a parking space and get to your seats.

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