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Petition to Stop Parking Lot Changes www.savetailgating.com

Tailgate Ted

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From what I read on washingtonpost.com it says they're only restricting large tailgates that take up multiple parking spots. I don't see what's wrong with that. It's going to allow for more people to park closer to the stadium. It's not like you can't stop along at all your buddies spots and hang out awhile. It just means you can't take up 10 spots for the sole purpose of having tents/grills etc. So instead of 10 drunken guys taking up 5 spots in the front of the lot because they got there first, it will allow a father to take a child to the game with a little less distance to walk, and without walking past all the drunken parties.. Sounds like a win/win.

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Right, but they're still telling you where in the lot you'll have to park if you have a tailgate of any size. I always park either adjacent to or in front of a grassy area so that I have enough room for my tailgate. I also park where I can exit as quickly possible. If these new rules are enforced, my options for both preferences will be severely limited.

All the grassy areas in Green are in the back of the lots, aren't they? As for the other, that might be true. Again, we need to see this in operation to see what is working and what isn't.

"If" is making a huge assumption. Reading the rules as they are written, they don't say you can expand behind your space because there will be no traffic. They simply say you must contain your tailgate to your space. I can't even begin to guess what they'll actually enforce. I can only contemplate the rules as they are written. Doing that, I see major problems with them.

Well, if they weren't enforcing the "one spot per car" rule before, I doubt they are going to do anything about this. Every time that I've gone, I've had no problems tailgating from the back of my car even with traffic coming through, no matter if it was Green, Orange, Red or Blue lots.

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From what I read on washingtonpost.com it says they're only restricting large tailgates that take up multiple parking spots. I don't see what's wrong with that. It's going to allow for more people to park closer to the stadium. It's not like you can't stop along at all your buddies spots and hang out awhile. It just means you can't take up 10 spots for the sole purpose of having tents/grills etc. So instead of 10 drunken guys taking up 5 spots in the front of the lot because they got there first, it will allow a father to take a child to the game with a little less distance to walk, and without walking past all the drunken parties.. Sounds like a win/win.


read the previous 7 pages.

thats what sucks about these threads, epople just roll in on page 10, don't read anything, and repost the same statement that were made on the previous page.

round and round we go.

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From what I read on washingtonpost.com it says they're only restricting large tailgates that take up multiple parking spots. I don't see what's wrong with that. It's going to allow for more people to park closer to the stadium. It's not like you can't stop along at all your buddies spots and hang out awhile. It just means you can't take up 10 spots for the sole purpose of having tents/grills etc. So instead of 10 drunken guys taking up 5 spots in the front of the lot because they got there first, it will allow a father to take a child to the game with a little less distance to walk, and without walking past all the drunken parties.. Sounds like a win/win.

Please read the previous couple posts before you make this assumption of a "win/win"

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All the grassy areas in Green are in the back of the lots, aren't they? As for the other, that might be true.

No. My old spot (last grassy median in E3) is toward the front of the lot. IF I stay in that lot I will now have to vie for a spot as close to Redskins Road as possible, along with the people that always tailgate in the back, the other displaced tailgaters in my lot and probably a good portion of the displaced Green tailgaters from the C and D lots taken over by Orange parking.

Well, if they weren't enforcing the "one spot per car" rule before, I doubt they are going to do anything about this. Every time that I've gone, I've had no problems tailgating from the back of my car even with traffic coming through, no matter if it was Green, Orange, Red or Blue lots.

That was under the old rules of tailgating anywhere, anyhow. If you can comfortably predict how they are going to implement the new rules as written, you must be very wealthy from playing the stock market.

Again, we need to see this in operation to see what is working and what isn't.

We've seen the old rules in operation and we know what doesn't work there - enforcement. As many others have said, why place undue burdens on people with new rules, when simple enforcement of the old rules is all that is needed?

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No. My old spot (last grassy median in E3) is toward the front of the lot. IF I stay in that lot I will now have to vie for a spot as close to Redskins Road as possible, along with the people that always tailgate in the back, the other displaced tailgaters in my lot and probably a good portion of the displaced Green tailgaters from the C and D lots taken over by Orange parking.

Yeah, my bad. I had looked at the map later and saw that there are more grassy areas than I thought.

That was under the old rules of tailgating anywhere, anyhow. If you can comfortably predict how they are going to implement the new rules as written, you must be very wealthy from playing the stock market.

More going off of past history. They weren't patrolling and evicting people before, why should they start now?

We've seen the old rules in operation and we know what doesn't work there - enforcement. As many others have said, why place undue burdens on people with new rules, when simple enforcement of the old rules is all that is needed?

Because it is probably easier to tell their drones to direct people to spots rather than have someone drive around and make decisions. Doing event-style parking doesn't require brainpower or much decisionmaking skills.

The problem with the "if they just inforce the existing rules it will solve the problem" argument is that I don't think simply opening up more space in the lot is going to solve the issue of having to weave between people tailgating and taking up space in the driving lane, or waiting for people to cross in front of you who are going to the stadium. Those who come early don't have as much of a problem with that, but if you arrive later for whatever reason, you are going to have that problem, which is especially true in the closer lots.

I understand where Teddy is coming from and I do think that these rules are probably going to make it harder for him. (Tho, how much harder is under question.) But, I think for the majority of stadium-goers, this is probably going to be a plus.

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More going off of past history. They weren't patrolling and evicting people before, why should they start now?

Because the new rules are designed to curb the tailgates that previously went un-patrolled. The very existence of the new rules implies intent to enforce them. If they don't intend to enforce them then the people supporting them will gain no benefit from them.

Because it is probably easier to tell their drones to direct people to spots rather than have someone drive around and make decisions. Doing event-style parking doesn't require brainpower or much decisionmaking skills.

It requires more decision making skills than they need under current rules, which is ZERO. Under the new rules, theoretically, they have to communicate and make a decision based on that communication with every vehicle that enters the lots. That seems like a lot to expect from a drone.

The problem with the "if they just inforce the existing rules it will solve the problem" argument is that I don't think simply opening up more space in the lot is going to solve the issue of having to weave between people tailgating and taking up space in the driving lane, or waiting for people to cross in front of you who are going to the stadium. Those who come early don't have as much of a problem with that, but if you arrive later for whatever reason, you are going to have that problem, which is especially true in the closer lots.

The current rule is that you may not occupy more than your space - period. If that rule is enforced, there is no issue of people tailgating and taking up space in the traffic lanes, so I don't see how enforcement won't solve the problem.

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The current rule is that you may not occupy more than your space - period. If that rule is enforced, there is no issue of people tailgating and taking up space in the traffic lanes, so I don't see how enforcement won't solve the problem.

Yeah that's all that really needs to happen( I doubt they will put people in to do it tho). I really don't mind if you take an extra spot I just think its hilarious when people cordon off sections and the sense of entitlement about taking up multiple spots.

when the people we go with start getting mad I just say hey were all redskins fan's but what's so special about that person or me that I need 3-10+ spots.

My brother broke his leg and we had our usual purple+ the handicap tag and some people thought it would be a good idea to use the handicap spaces as a bbq.:doh:

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Yeah that's all that really needs to happen( I doubt they will put people in to do it tho). I really don't mind if you take an extra spot I just think its hilarious when people cordon off sections and the sense of entitlement about taking up multiple spots.

when the people we go with start getting mad I just say hey were all redskins fan's but what's so special about that person or me that I need 3-10+ spots.

My brother broke his leg and we had our usual purple+ the handicap tag and some people thought it would be a good idea to use the handicap spaces as a bbq.:doh:

I always heard about the problem of using parking spaces for tailgating, but I never witnessed it until I got Green parking. I used to park in the outermost Red lot along Arena Drive. That guff never happened there because it was enforced by the Jericho staff. People knew better than to try it.

It galls me to see people so consumed with their own needs that they feel they are entitled to take as much parking space as they need for tailgating. Your friends are perfectly justified for being mad. The people that do that may be Redskins fans, but there's no rule that says you can't be a tool AND a Redskins fan, in that order.

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I've never see it. I haven't seen people arrogantly take two spaces like they own the place. I've seen them save spaces for incoming friends for a short time, but not just take over a space.

Obviously it's happened and it's a problem, but I haven't seen it. I've been using the C lot.

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I've never see it. I haven't seen people arrogantly take two spaces like they own the place.

I think the people effected most by these problems tend to be those who arrive closer to gametime. A guy like you never has to experience this nonsense.

Hardcore veteran tailgaters show up 3-4 hours before a kick off to stake out their usual spots. Hardcore TGers know that the best TG spots are in places where they'll be free to sprawl out till gametime. Nobody wants conflict.

It's the carloads of non regulars (typically younger, 20 somethings) who show up 90 mins before kickoff and then sprawl out their half assed tailgates in the travel lanes between the rows of parked cars. Few parking spaces remain for people to set up TGs in at this point. These inexperienced patrons are already anxious because it took them forever to get to the game in the traffic. Traffic which their slacking friends have caused them to wait in because the friends all showed up late to leave for the game. Everyone's nerves are on edge with the approaching game.

Then along come the guys like Andy Polin an hour before a kickoff. A lot of people like Andy are still in the mindset that you can just show up to a game at noon without hassle. As if we were still at RFK in 1988. These patrons get trapped in their cars on the congested travel lanes. They ask people to take down the TGs to make room for parking.

The inexperienced TGers blocking the travel lanes are likely at their one game of the year. They feel that it's their god given right to TG in the middle of the roads and consume what few precious parking spaces remain because they just don't give a ****. It's a mob mentality and no one's going to mess with them and their crew.

The conflicts tend to be the worse at night games where people have been boozing for hours.

Andy Polin's story of the TGers spitting on his car after he asked the people to make way at the Steelers game last year was a perfect example of why you need to arrive hours early at FedEx.

Consequently, hardcore TGers like us take the punishment for the inexperienced.


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I think the people effected most by these problems tend to be those who arrive closer to gametime. A guy like you never has to experience this nonsense.

Hardcore veteran tailgaters show up 3-4 hours before a kick off to stake out their usual spots. Hardcore TGers know that the best TG spots are in places where they'll be free to sprawl out till gametime. Nobody wants conflict.

It's the carloads of non regulars (typically younger, 20 somethings) who show up 90 mins before kickoff and then sprawl out their half assed tailgates in the travel lanes between the rows of parked cars.

Best summation so far of what is really happening. Thanks!

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Best summation so far of what is really happening. Thanks!

The time I referenced in another post where I thought I was going to get jumped....with my wife....and the only time I have ever been nervous at fedex field....was a time I had to arrive late because I got the tix late.

You ride in lines of traffic...looking for any available space. There are uite a few...but blocked by rude tailgaters.

The space I took...it was open but narrow. I had to squeeze my way in.

I took that space because it was there, or I could follow a line of traffic.

I wasn't a rookie, I was just late for once...and nobody parked could care.

It's the only time I thought I could have trouble at fedex. I take my kids their.

Trust me, show up late one time and you will realize how inconsiderate people are.

Inconsiderate people ruined it for everyone.

Because I am late doesn't make me less of a fan.

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Trust me, show up late one time and you will realize how inconsiderate people are.

I speak from experience.

I learned my lesson at MNF Dallas '04.

From that point forward I became a total control freak in regards to my gameday transportation.

I've been fortunate to have had no such difficulties since.

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Because the new rules are designed to curb the tailgates that previously went un-patrolled. The very existence of the new rules implies intent to enforce them. If they don't intend to enforce them then the people supporting them will gain no benefit from them.

If you choose to interpret it that way, there isn't much I can say. I see it the way they present it: as a plan to get people into the lot in a somewhat orderly and efficient manner. It does come at the expense of some freedom, but I don't think it is going to affect the die hard tailgaters all that much.

It requires more decision making skills than they need under current rules, which is ZERO. Under the new rules, theoretically, they have to communicate and make a decision based on that communication with every vehicle that enters the lots. That seems like a lot to expect from a drone.

Not any more than what they do now. Really, it is as simple as saying, "I'm a tailgater", and having them point you to the back.

The current rule is that you may not occupy more than your space - period. If that rule is enforced, there is no issue of people tailgating and taking up space in the traffic lanes, so I don't see how enforcement won't solve the problem.

Sure, and as soon as the parking guys go away, they fill the gap again. We all know that they barely have the personnel for the job that they do now. Sending them on a patrol doesn't exactly seem to be the most efficient way of using them. The easiest way of dealing with people taking up more than their share is to make sure that they don't do it in the first place.

I think the people effected most by these problems tend to be those who arrive closer to gametime. A guy like you never has to experience this nonsense.

Hardcore veteran tailgaters show up 3-4 hours before a kick off to stake out their usual spots. Hardcore TGers know that the best TG spots are in places where they'll be free to sprawl out till gametime. Nobody wants conflict.

It's the carloads of non regulars (typically younger, 20 somethings) who show up 90 mins before kickoff and then sprawl out their half assed tailgates in the travel lanes between the rows of parked cars. Few parking spaces remain for people to set up TGs in at this point. These inexperienced patrons are already anxious because it took them forever to get to the game in the traffic. Traffic which their slacking friends have caused them to wait in because the friends all showed up late to leave for the game. Everyone's nerves are on edge with the approaching game.

Then along come the guys like Andy Polin an hour before a kickoff. A lot of people like Andy are still in the mindset that you can just show up to a game at noon without hassle. As if we were still at RFK in 1988. These patrons get trapped in their cars on the congested travel lanes. They ask people to take down the TGs to make room for parking.

The inexperienced TGers blocking the travel lanes are likely at their one game of the year. They feel that it's their god given right to TG in the middle of the roads and consume what few precious parking spaces remain because they just don't give a ****. It's a mob mentality and no one's going to mess with them and their crew.

The conflicts tend to be the worse at night games where people have been boozing for hours.

Andy Polin's story of the TGers spitting on his car after he asked the people to make way at the Steelers game last year was a perfect example of why you need to arrive hours early at FedEx.

Consequently, hardcore TGers like us take the punishment for the inexperienced.

A good summary, tho very biased against fans who do not want to tailgate and spend the whole day at the football stadium. I personally don't think that attitude is unreasonable. I like tailgating myself and do it whenever I can. But, not everyone has the time, particularly for weeknight games, or they don't really want to hang out in the cold overly long for late season games. The attitude that such behavior is to be expected toward "latecomers" is to be expected is kinda arrogant.

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I always heard about the problem of using parking spaces for tailgating, but I never witnessed it until I got Green parking. I used to park in the outermost Red lot along Arena Drive. That guff never happened there because it was enforced by the Jericho staff. People knew better than to try it.

It galls me to see people so consumed with their own needs that they feel they are entitled to take as much parking space as they need for tailgating. Your friends are perfectly justified for being mad. The people that do that may be Redskins fans, but there's no rule that says you can't be a tool AND a Redskins fan, in that order.

Yep, when I can't go because my pops is taking other people or not enough tickets to go around. And I've gone in the green it is REALLY bad in there purples bad sometimes also but it seems to have gotten a tiny bit better.

I think the people effected most by these problems tend to be those who arrive closer to gametime. A guy like you never has to experience this nonsense.

Hardcore veteran tailgaters show up 3-4 hours before a kick off to stake out their usual spots. Hardcore TGers know that the best TG spots are in places where they'll be free to sprawl out till gametime. Nobody wants conflict.

Consequently, hardcore TGers like us take the punishment for the inexperienced.


I agree I think the guys/families who really are committed to it don't do it like the people who say hey lets try tailgating and I do feel bad for the people who follow the rules or get lumped in I actually like driving in seeing all the Tgers in the back of the lots its just those people who cordon off sections in the middle/ front of green/purple (and once in platinum when we went:doh:)

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...The space I took...it was open but narrow. I had to squeeze my way in....

That's something I'm not sure there is a solution to. The spaces are very narrow, even if you have a smaller vehicle. And the early tailgaters who have to access supplies inside the vehicle a dozen times or more during the course of the tailgate are going to crowd the line next to the empty space to allow more room next to the filled space on the other side. So if you're arriving late, you can bet any empty spot you find is going to be narrow and extremely tight, even tighter than it would be if you had arrived early.
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If you choose to interpret it that way, there isn't much I can say. I see it the way they present it: as a plan to get people into the lot in a somewhat orderly and efficient manner. It does come at the expense of some freedom, but I don't think it is going to affect the die hard tailgaters all that much.

I don't see my interpretation as any different than yours, unless you don't see an intent to enforce the new rules.

Not any more than what they do now.

What decision making do they do now?

Sure, and as soon as the parking guys go away, they fill the gap again. We all know that they barely have the personnel for the job that they do now.

Then what makes you think they can keep people from tailgating in the front of the lots with the new rules?

Sending them on a patrol doesn't exactly seem to be the most efficient way of using them. The easiest way of dealing with people taking up more than their share is to make sure that they don't do it in the first place.

See above.

A good summary, tho very biased against fans who do not want to tailgate and spend the whole day at the football stadium.

How can a biased summary be good?

I personally don't think that attitude is unreasonable. I like tailgating myself and do it whenever I can. But, not everyone has the time, particularly for weeknight games, or they don't really want to hang out in the cold overly long for late season games. The attitude that such behavior is to be expected toward "latecomers" is to be expected is kinda arrogant.

I haven't read any judgements against latecomers other than to question their sense of reality in thinking they can arrive at a location where 90,000 people are gathering for a scheduled event one hour before that event begins without encountering some difficulties. That's why people arrive early - to avoid them. If anything, the arrogance lies with the majority of latecomers.

Not liking the new rules has nothing to do with imposing the tailgaters' will on everybody else. In fact, the new rules will do just the opposite.

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