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Petition to Stop Parking Lot Changes www.savetailgating.com

Tailgate Ted

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Not surprisingly, the porto wall shrunk the green parking while increasing the orange.

This despite the fact that orange A-3 has never filled to capacity while green A-4 packs in as tight as green E-3.

Well, from the pdf map, it looks like they're again shrinking the green and again increasing the orange.

I bet Green E will be just as jammed this year, but much, much earlier.

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I predict complete chaos in the lots on Sept 20th and STH outrage the following week, if this policy isn't amended, or better yet, abandoned.

Well, they will have a couple of preseason games to do a test run of the new policy, but you are right that it will probably be chaotic at first as everyone learns what they can and cannot do. But, I don't agree that the plan should be abandoned like some of you. I do think the policy CAN improve parking at the stadium, especially for those who don't care as much about tailgating as you guys do. Whether it WILL is another question.

Personally I think everyone should wait and see how it is going to work before doing stuff like this, but I'm just one guy and probably not one who has a valuable opinion since I'm not a season ticket holder.

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I'm starting to think these reconfigurations are more of an effort to increase the amount of cars in the shrinking green lots than it is to accomodate those who've complained about not being able to get spots an hour b/f gametime.

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This despite the fact that orange A-3 has never filled to capacity while green A-4 packs in as tight as green E-3.

Perhaps this is Danny's way of telling everyone: "Commit to premium seating and you will have great parking. Otherwise, off with your heads you peasants"

Well, they will have a couple of preseason games to do a test run of the new policy ...

The preseason games cannot properly gauge what it will be like for the regular season opener. Very few, if not anyone, from my regular season group of tailgaters made it to the preseason games. And I'm sure that is the case everywhere: vacation schedules, not wanting to deal with traffic for a Friday night game (Patriots, 28 August), etc. It will be an absolute mess when we host the Rams in September.

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The preseason games cannot properly gauge what it will be like for the regular season opener. Very few, if not anyone, from my regular season group of tailgaters made it to the preseason games. And I'm sure that is the case everywhere: vacation schedules, not wanting to deal with traffic for a Friday night game (Patriots, 28 August), etc. It will be an absolute mess when we host the Rams in September.

I was more talking about it being a test run for the staff. Obviously even with that that they aren't going to get the bugs out of it before the regular season since they won't have nearly the crowds, which is why I agree that it will be a mess at first.

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Well, they will have a couple of preseason games to do a test run of the new policy, but you are right that it will probably be chaotic at first as everyone learns what they can and cannot do. But, I don't agree that the plan should be abandoned like some of you. I do think the policy CAN improve parking at the stadium, especially for those who don't care as much about tailgating as you guys do. Whether it WILL is another question.
Thing is, if they had simply enforced the rules we had in place before, this problem wouldn't exist. It doesn't make sense to me to make new rules due to problems that exist because they never enforced the old rules. It also doesn't make sense to punish the people who were following the rules (the smaller one-space tailgaters) while rewarding those who broke the rules (the multi-space tailgaters).
I'm starting to think these reconfigurations are more of an effort to increase the amount of cars in the shrinking green lots than it is to accomodate those who've complained about not being able to get spots an hour b/f gametime.
I just realized the plan. They're gonna repaint all the green spaces eight inches narrower, thereby increasing the capacity by 20%! :doh:

Then we're all going to get mailings from the premium seating division advertising orange parking including "...luxurious wider parking spaces for your convenience..." :doh:

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I just realized the plan. They're gonna repaint all the green spaces eight inches narrower, thereby increasing the capacity by 20%! :doh:

Then we're all going to get mailings from the premium seating division advertising orange parking including "...luxurious wider parking spaces for your convenience..." :doh:

Egads ... the spaces in Orange H-3 are small enough. If that is the barometer for the premium lots, those in Green (and possibly Gray) might as well drive Smart Cars.

Or is this Danny's way of showing the world our fans are going green? If so, which company does he have controlling interest of? LOL

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Thing is, if they had simply enforced the rules we had in place before, this problem wouldn't exist. It doesn't make sense to me to make new rules due to problems that exist because they never enforced the old rules. It also doesn't make sense to punish the people who were following the rules (the smaller one-space tailgaters) while rewarding those who broke the rules (the multi-space tailgaters).

I just realized the plan. They're gonna repaint all the green spaces eight inches narrower, thereby increasing the capacity by 20%! :doh:

Then we're all going to get mailings from the premium seating division advertising orange parking including "...luxurious wider parking spaces for your convenience..." :doh:

There's no lines at Tailgate Field, which is where I may end up in short order.

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Mark' date='

Did you see my question on the other thread about what constitutes a big taligate and who is going to decide that? People are going to find loopholes in this policy and it's going to cause chaos.

As soon as you write a rule down, the lawyer in me starts wondering, "Hmmm...how do I get around that?"[/quote']

Yes I did. And I think that's exactly how it will go. Car space car space car space. Why wouldn't they? It's in the rules. :doh:

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Thing is, if they had simply enforced the rules we had in place before, this problem wouldn't exist. It doesn't make sense to me to make new rules due to problems that exist because they never enforced the old rules. It also doesn't make sense to punish the people who were following the rules (the smaller one-space tailgaters) while rewarding those who broke the rules (the multi-space tailgaters).

Actually, I think this policy is addressing a different problem from the rules, and that is how to get a bunch of people off the roads and into their parking spaces in the quickest amount of time. Most "event" parking that I've seen has attendants directing people orderly to parking spaces. With the way it currently is, you have vehicles still coming in having to fight through tailgaters and guys tossing footballs while trying to find a parking space.

If this works out the way I think it could, once the people get parked, they can then go ahead and set up their (single car) tailgate and not have to worry that cars could be coming. A good situation for those people (which I am usually one of those people when I go to games).

Certainly there are concerns with the bigger tailgate parties, especially if space is going to end up being squeezed. The problem is, I don't think anyone has the numbers yet of who is going where. There is the assumption by you that blue log people will be upgraded to green, but who is going over to the new grey lot? I bet a lot of the blue lot people and probably new ticket holders.

Again, not enough information. I can understand how that makes people nervous, but it doesn't mean it is going to end up being a bad thing.

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Mark' date='

Did you see my question on the other thread about what constitutes a big taligate and who is going to decide that? People are going to find loopholes in this policy and it's going to cause chaos.

As soon as you write a rule down, the lawyer in me starts wondering, "Hmmm...how do I get around that?"[/quote']

Well, if they do decide to do event-style parking for the front of the lot, there isn't going to be too many ways around that, short of coming in as one big group and at some point move cars to elsewhere, but I don't see that sort of effort being all that rewarding to those who try it.

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Each preseason I go just to see how they have messed up this year. I make note of missing trash cans and port-o-johns and barriers placed in the wrong section. I then give this list to the Parking supervisors and they adjust on the fly before the 1st game. The new policy is a major overhaul that's not as simple as placing a trash can where it used to be. We let stuff slide in the past because we knew they would eventually get it right, ie. marking parking passes with sharpies before you pull into the lot (only lasted 2 games). We can't afford to let this slide.

I know a lot of you thinkl this Petition is meaningless and they will do what they want to do but I disagree. We are making news nationaly and we need to keep it up. I beg all of you to please forward the Petition to everyone you know and to have them forward it to everyone they know. If they can do this at Fedex what stops other stadiums from adopting it as their policy?

What's next?

We can only tailgate for 2 hours instead of 4 so we have to buy more food inside the stadium.

Save Tailgating


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So let me get this straight:

You guys are complaining that the new policy is preventing people from taking up multiple spaces with one vehicle in order to tailgate. I come to games and tailgate behind my vehicle in one spot. Some groups take up three parking spaces with four people tailgating from one vehicle. Serves ya' right! I must be missing something here.

Seems to me Snyder is allowing for more parking by minimizing the inconsiderate peeps who take up multiple spaces as if they own the fuggin' lot themselves. You paid for one spot! God, that used to piss me off. So if that's the motivation for this new policy, I'm all for it. That said, if that isn't the motivation, I'm really confused.

I don't feel like he's forcing people in the door to spend $8 on beer instead of tailgating and getting a pre-drink on. I can't imagine that they won't let you drink at your car like you've always been able to do. Nobody is going to force you to leave your single spot if you're hanging out in the rear of your vehicle drinking beers and firing up some dogs' on a small charcoal Weber, are they? I can't imagine that would happen. If that's the case, I'd flip the proverbial finger to Dan Snyder and never go to a game at Fed Ex until he either sells or changes the policy. If you're telling me that lot workers are now instructed to ask fans not to tailgate in the space that they've paid for, meaning the one space that they essentially own, then I'd say Snyder has lost it completely.

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I have such mixed feelings on this. While i love drinking it up and not paying 10 bucks a warm beer,but the reason they get warm is because we have to spend all the time finding a spot. Its bad enough concessions cost an arm and a leg,but the fans should be able to have as much of a fun experience possible. Maybe snyder just wants to control the people watching at home too?

ITs not people taking up 8 spaces like larry michael claims.

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So let me get this straight:

You guys are complaining that the new policy is preventing people from taking up multiple spaces with one vehicle in order to tailgate. I come to games and tailgate behind my vehicle in one spot. Some groups take up three parking spaces with four people tailgating from one vehicle. Serves ya' right! I must be missing something here.

Seems to me Snyder is allowing for more parking by minimizing the inconsiderate peeps who take up multiple spaces as if they own the fuggin' lot themselves. You paid for one spot! God, that used to piss me off. So if that's the motivation for this new policy, I'm all for it. That said, if that isn't the motivation, I'm really confused.

The parking spaces is not the issue. I have not seen anyone on ES outraged because they can't use multiple spaces. The issue is tailgating together. We might have 15-20 or more cars showing up as the gates open for the ES tailgate. Coming form VA, MD, PA, NC, SC all over. If we are directed to spots unless we line up exactly together we will be scattered throughout the lot.

We tailgate on the grass and unmarked pavement and never take up more than 1 parking space per pass/car.

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So let me get this straight:

You guys are complaining that the new policy is preventing people from taking up multiple spaces with one vehicle in order to tailgate. I come to games and tailgate behind my vehicle in one spot. Some groups take up three parking spaces with four people tailgating from one vehicle. Serves ya' right! I must be missing something here.


We are complaining because he will be directing people exactly where to park and you can't park with your friends if you get there later then them. People you've tailgated with for years will now be in various parts of the lot. We're complaining because they never enforced the old policy and now they are coming up with a new asinine one.

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The parking spaces is not the issue. I have not seen anyone on ES outraged because they can't use multiple spaces. The issue is tailgating together. We might have 15-20 or more cars showing up as the gates open for the ES tailgate. Coming form VA, MD, PA, NC, SC all over. If we are directed to spots unless we line up exactly together we will be scattered throughout the lot.

We tailgate on the grass and unmarked pavement and never take up more than 1 parking space per pass/car.

Gotcha HOF and teddy. That's frustrating. Thanks for the clarification. I guess everyone will have to try and meet at a central location and line up. Super frustrating, but that's par for the course with the Redskins and everything that encompasses this organization under Snyder's reign.

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So let me get this straight:

You guys are complaining that the new policy is preventing people from taking up multiple spaces with one vehicle in order to tailgate.

No, most of us are complaining about being told where to park.

I come to games and tailgate behind my vehicle in one spot.

The new rules state that if you don't go to the large tailgate area you must tailgate within your one spot. Unless you have a very small car, tailgating behind your car would put you in a location that would be impeding traffic, and IF the new rules are enforced, you would be told to get back into your parking space.

Nobody is going to force you to leave your single spot if you're hanging out in the rear of your vehicle drinking beers and firing up some dogs' on a small charcoal Weber, are they? I can't imagine that would happen.

See above.

If that's the case, I'd flip the proverbial finger to Dan Snyder and never go to a game at Fed Ex until he either sells or changes the policy. If you're telling me that lot workers are now instructed to ask fans not to tailgate in the space that they've paid for, meaning the one space that they essentially own, then I'd say Snyder has lost it completely.

Now, maybe you can see why there is such a furor over the new rules among tailgaters.

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Gotcha HOF and teddy. That's frustrating. Thanks for the clarification. I guess everyone will have to try and meet at a central location and line up. Super frustrating, but that's par for the course with the Redskins and everything that encompasses this organization under Snyder's reign.

For the ES Tailgate things "appear" to be ok. Huly contacted the Skins and it's her understanding at this point that the "large groups" will be directed to the back of the lots and allowed to park where they wish.

Your guess is as good as ours as to how this will play out on game day.

As for teddy, he got here super early and got a prime spot at the front of the lots that allowed him to have a big tailgate and not take up multiple spaces. Now unless the policy changes his tailgate is screwed.

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Got it C. Taylor. I have a mid-sized SUV and I can tailgate behind my vehicle. I mean, everyone should meet at one location and get as close together as possible. You could then line up everything behind each vehicle. If you drive a tank, you're ****ed.

Everyone take a Prius...ha!

I get the whole concept, but people will find a way I'm sure. Still, doesn't it just piss you off that you cheer for this middle of the road-near bottom feeder NFL team and you're treated as if you should bow to the great owner for the privilege? In other words, we're treated with a mildly entertaining product and charged a premium price in many different forms both literally and figuratively.

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No, most of us are complaining about being told where to park.

I haven't seen anything yet that confirms that this is going to happen in the tailgate section, and it wouldn't make sense to me. Again, what I think they are going to do is do "event" parking in the front and the tailgaters can hang in the back until the parking catches up.

The new rules state that if you don't go to the large tailgate area you must tailgate within your one spot. Unless you have a very small car, tailgating behind your car would put you in a location that would be impeding traffic, and IF the new rules are enforced, you would be told to get back into your parking space.

If they do it like most "event" parking, you aren't going to have to worry about traffic for long, since all the spaces around you are going to be filled and traffic will be directed elsewhere. If they do it right, single tailgaters and people just trying to find a place to park will have an easier time of it.

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everyone should meet at one location and get as close together as possible. You could then line up everything behind each vehicle. If you drive a tank, you're ****ed.

Everyone take a Prius...ha!

No one really drives an over sized car but do you really think we're all going to meet up at Mcdonald's before we go into arena drive? What if someone is coming from 270 and they get stuck in traffic. What if Dave is bringing the bar and he gets a flat? Are you all going to wait for him to get there before you go to the Stadium? Yes we can Macgyver sometihng to make it work but that's not the point. If they just enforced the old policy we would not have this problem.

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I haven't seen anything yet that confirms that this is going to happen in the tailgate section, and it wouldn't make sense to me. Again, what I think they are going to do is do "event" parking in the front and the tailgaters can hang in the back until the parking catches up.

Right, but they're still telling you where in the lot you'll have to park if you have a tailgate of any size. I always park either adjacent to or in front of a grassy area so that I have enough room for my tailgate. I also park where I can exit as quickly possible. If these new rules are enforced, my options for both preferences will be severely limited.

If they do it like most "event" parking, you aren't going to have to worry about traffic for long, since all the spaces around you are going to be filled and traffic will be directed elsewhere. If they do it right, single tailgaters and people just trying to find a place to park will have an easier time of it.

"If" is making a huge assumption. Reading the rules as they are written, they don't say you can expand behind your space because there will be no traffic. They simply say you must contain your tailgate to your space. I can't even begin to guess what they'll actually enforce. I can only contemplate the rules as they are written. Doing that, I see major problems with them.

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