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I had to ask myself why my son looked more like his mother...


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I was just discussing with my fiancee the other day how my son does not have any of my facial features.

He has her nose, cheeks and lips (his mother's are very voluptuous, mind you and most attractive) but she constantly swears that he has my eyes. Well, both of our eyes are a shade of black. :mad:

I did a little research and found this:


It is comonly known that the Nucleic DNA (DNA in the nucleus) in a human baby is half Paternal and half Materna. This is because each Chromosome in our genome has a partner that is very similar to it but with denes coding slightly different. Onc chromosome comes from the father and the other from the mother. They come from the Haploid cells (cells with only half the normal number of chromosomes) the Ovum (egg) and the Spermatozoa (sperm). These cells are haploid because they split from precurser before the DNA had been copied so one chromosome from each pair ends up in each haploid cell. When the sperm and the egg join (fertilisation) one cell is prodiced which has both partners in each of its pairs, one from the mother and one from the father. This means that both parents contribute the same amount of nucleic DNA. Although this isnt strictly true in males because he Y chromosome (which comes from the dad) is significantly shorter than the X chromosome form the mum. This means that in boys the mother has contributed slightly more nucleic DNA. On top of that... The mithochondria in a cell contain some Mitochondrial DNA. The mitochonria in the sperm cell that power its motion are in the Mid-Peice which drops of once the head of the sperm has penetrated the ovum. This means that all the mitochonria and therefore all the mitochondrial DNA comes form the mother ovum. So it is true that the mother contributes more DNA to a baby than the father

Now make no mistake, my son is the most precious spirit to ever come into this world... but, part of me still wishes he looked more like me rather than his mother.

Do any of the father's out there have this same birth defect (I mean problem) :D? Perhaps it's just me over-exaggerating and not taking into consideration that he's only a week and 3 days old.

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I was just discussing with my fiancee the other day how my son does not have any of my facial features.

He has her nose, cheeks and lips (his mother's are very voluptuous, mind you and most attractive) but she constantly swears that he has my eyes. Well, both of our eyes are a shade of black. :mad:

I did a little research and found this:


Now make no mistake, my son is the most precious spirit to ever come into this world... but, part of me still wishes he looked more like me rather than his mother.

Do any of the father's out there have this same birth defect (I mean problem) :D? Perhaps it's just me over-exaggerating and not taking into consideration that he's only a week and 3 days old.

No, why in the hell does it matter if your son looks more like your wife? Be glad you have a healthy baby boy, not all parents are that fortunate. Of course, my baby girl looks just like me, but I wouldn't have cared if she looked like her mother, my wife is beutiful.

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When she was born, my daughter looked EXACTLY like my baby picture.

She still has my eye color, hair color, and skin tone. She's slowly gaining some of Mom's facial features. But with this child, I clearly won. :cool2:

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Speaking as a geneticist, I have to point out that in multiple, large, population-based genetic research studies, the overall rate of non-paternity is ~10%.

In other words, these are studies where large number (>1k) families are sampled, and they always collect at least one child and both parents. Approximately 10% of the time, the person identified as the father has contributed exactly zero DNA to the child. This has been documented in the US, Finland, Spain, and Japan (at least), and the average rate is comparable across cultures.

Speaking as a dad now, that's creepy. When my kids were born, they looked exactly like their mom. Now they look more like me. Thank goodness...

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Maybe you have no dominant genes? Question. How much were you picked on in school? When you pass by a locker do you shiver and start contemplating how well you would fit in it? Maybe your mlanhood just lacks the manhood to assert itself?


Maybe the babe's three weeks old and very soon will grow into its baby and then child's face and you will see yourself reflected in him. physically, emotionally, and spirtually.

Mostly though, congrats on becoming a dad. Happy Father's Day one day late.

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I don't know why it would matter. My son looked a lot like his mother when he was born, but by the time he was 3 he looked a lot like me (But with blonde hair).

True story - When my son was about 1 month old, we took him to a BBQ where we didn't know most people. A couple came up to us, told us how cute our son was, looked at us and said "He looks a lot like you (looking at my wife) but not much like you (Looking at me)"

I stared at him and said "Well -He's not mine. But we are trying really hard to work through that...."

They didn't find that as funny as I did....

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Who were you replying to with this Burgold?

Gbear is a friend of mine in real life. His children are his foster kids that he has brought into his home and heart and wants to adopt. Both his kids are of different races and none of them look like him except in spirit (which is all that really matters really). He's a great guy and has very cool kids even though they have gone through horrible trauma (multiple surgeries, abandonment, etc)

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Everyone tells me I'm an exact replica of my mom and it's kinda creepy in some of her college pics we look almost exactly alike. My brother and my sister both look ridiculously like my dad. They have my mom's brown eyes though, and I got my daddy's blues.

In baby pictures though, we're all mixed up at different points, sometimes I look exactly like my dad and other times I look like my mom. I guess like everyone else said - babies change a lot.

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