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So I've decide to become a Skins fan......info needed

Dr Drunkenstein

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I'm relocating to the DC area from Houston for work. I was a lifelong Oiler fan until they moved and although I had season tickets to the Texans for their first two years, their organizational incompetence was too much for me to deal with.

Coming from Houston, I've always hated the mother ******* Cowboys so that gives me a solids foundation for Redskins fandom right there and as a Texas-ex, I've seen every college game that Rak has ever played so I'll be pulling huge for his success.

A question for you guys, I have two boys, 6 & 8, that love football. I'm going to buy some decent seats (scalper if need be) for an early season game (maybe the Saints) and I have never been to FedEx field before.......is it a cool environment for kids? Some stadiums are & some aren't. I'm fine with them hearing a profanity or two but if there are fights everywhere or if it is out of control, I'd like to know in advance.

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Welcome to the club, Dr Drunkenstein! As ghost mentioned, we are very (and appropriately) "extreme" here at ExtremeSkins.

Check out Mark The Homer's Information Index Thread and see if there's anything that's helpful in there.

Also, make sure you get to know these rules. We like them here. :D

And your hatred of Dallas will help you make friends here.

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Says the Ravens fan, you know nothing about our hatred for the convicts! NADA! :D

I live in Loudoun County, it's like minutes away from the Redskins hq. I have lived in Redskins country all of my life, and I've always supported the Skins and hated the Cowboys. I've actually educated other Redskins fans on how the rivalry got started. Believe me, I know about the hatred.

Btw, this may come as a surprise, but some fans of other teams also hate the Cowboys. Dallas is just that kind of team.

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I'm relocating to the DC area from Houston for work. I was a lifelong Oiler fan until they moved and although I had season tickets to the Texans for their first two years, their organizational incompetence was too much for me to deal with.

Coming from Houston, I've always hated the mother ******* Cowboys so that gives me a solids foundation for Redskins fandom right there and as a Texas-ex, I've seen every college game that Rak has ever played so I'll be pulling huge for his success.

A question for you guys, I have two boys, 6 & 8, that love football. I'm going to buy some decent seats (scalper if need be) for an early season game (maybe the Saints) and I have never been to FedEx field before.......is it a cool environment for kids? Some stadiums are & some aren't. I'm fine with them hearing a profanity or two but if there are fights everywhere or if it is out of control, I'd like to know in advance.

This is just my opinion, but I will urge you to reconsider. You grew up in Houston and followed the Oilers, then continued your fandom with the Texans. Stick with it......of course its frustrating right now, but thats just how things go....it will feel a lot better when something positive does happen.

Oh....and you mentioned "organizational imcompetence". Let me let you in on a little secret.......this franchise is NO more competent than the Texans.....maybe less competent.

As far as location goes, I lived in Maryland for 22 years and rooted for the skins....lived in Florida for the last 3 years and my fandom for the skins has only grown.

Again just something for you to think about.....either way...welcome to extreme skins...

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As far as the kids are concerned, I have been taking my daughter to games at FedEx since she was 8 years old. as long as you expect them to see and hear what you think you'd see at a NFL game then they will be fine.

Be sure to make it out to the ES/RR tailgate before and after which ever game you make it to. The gameday expereince will never be the same for you and the family.

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This is just my opinion, but I will urge you to reconsider. You grew up in Houston and followed the Oilers, then continued your fandom with the Texans. Stick with it......of course its frustrating right now, but thats just how things go....it will feel a lot better when something positive does happen.

Oh....and you mentioned "organizational imcompetence". Let me let you in on a little secret.......this franchise is NO more competent than the Texans.....maybe less competent.

As far as location goes, I lived in Maryland for 22 years and rooted for the skins....lived in Florida for the last 3 years and my fandom for the skins has only grown.

Again just something for you to think about.....either way...welcome to extreme skins...

I understand your perspective but moving to Florida as a Redskins fan is a completely different thing than having a franchise leave a town. There are myriad reasons why I never really embraced the Texans which would probably bore everyone here to tears.

Trust me, as a long-suffering Longhorn fan & alumnus, pulling for a team that didn't win a championship I was aware of until I was 35, I understand how something delayed is all the sweeter.

Now, as a new guy, is it okay for me to launch myself into the Orakpo/LB situation?

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Welcome to the Skins fanhood. But like it was mentioned earlier, if the Oilers and Texans frustrated you, the Skins will be even harder for you to root for. The grass is always greener on the other side.

As far as taking your kids to a game...definitely make it a day game if you do. Since all 3 division games this year at home are primetime games, I would strongly recommend you dont take them to any of those games. Division games + all day drinking, not a good combo for little ones. I've literally seen people chasing each other with broken beer bottles in their hands when leaving the game.

Day games, of course you're gonna get people swearing and all that, but it really depends on the luck of the draw. I've never really had any huge obnoxious fans around me. I have seen fights and people tumbling down the rows of seats. New Orleans would be a good game, or better yet a west coast team. Not gonna have a lot of opposing teams fans there. There are some people on who who refuse to go to another game because of the actions of others. But I remember being a kid and going to Skins games and I just knew what to expect.

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Always good to add one more.

Kids have a pretty good time. Fed Ex is not a particularly violent or ugly stadium. In fact, there are probably too many whine and cheesers. If you get unlucky you will find someone who is drunk and idiotic, but for the most part we're a friendly bunch. If you are at all worried, where the colors and 90% of the time you'll be treated like family.

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I understand your perspective but moving to Florida as a Redskins fan is a completely different thing than having a franchise leave a town. There are myriad reasons why I never really embraced the Texans which would probably bore everyone here to tears.

Trust me, as a long-suffering Longhorn fan & alumnus, pulling for a team that didn't win a championship I was aware of until I was 35, I understand how something delayed is all the sweeter.

Now, as a new guy, is it okay for me to launch myself into the Orakpo/LB situation?

First off, WELCOME:D

Second, by al means insert yourself in the Orakpo/LB sitiation. As someone that most assuradly watched him more than most of us combined, your input would be appreciated.:D

Third, unlike most teams our most popular player is not the Second String QB. It's the Third String QB. He brought a bunch of crazy Hawaiians with him, they are good peeps though. ;)

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Welcome...Fedex should be ok for your kids, unless you go to a divisional game then you might witness some craziness.

ditto on this one, do NOT take your kids if...........your in the nosebleeds, and we are playing the east, during a losing season....eff'n dante's inferno.

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I'm relocating to the DC area from Houston for work. I was a lifelong Oiler fan until they moved and although I had season tickets to the Texans for their first two years, their organizational incompetence was too much for me to deal with.

Coming from Houston, I've always hated the mother ******* Cowboys so that gives me a solids foundation for Redskins fandom right there and as a Texas-ex, I've seen every college game that Rak has ever played so I'll be pulling huge for his success.

A question for you guys, I have two boys, 6 & 8, that love football. I'm going to buy some decent seats (scalper if need be) for an early season game (maybe the Saints) and I have never been to FedEx field before.......is it a cool environment for kids? Some stadiums are & some aren't. I'm fine with them hearing a profanity or two but if there are fights everywhere or if it is out of control, I'd like to know in advance.

If you really want to get acclimated quickly go see some preseason games. That way you will learn every player on the roster, not to mention they are cheaper and easier to get good tickets for.

As for orginizational incompetence we have some experience with that as well;)

I can say from experience that our games are very exciting, and the fans at the stadium are usually alright if sometimes a little indiscriminate with their vocab.

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I agree, outside of divisional games it should be fine. You get the occasional idiot that drinks way to much and gets overly obnoxious, but most folks keep it sporting and not personal even when loaded.

Not that you need my approval but I think your reasons/rationale for becoming a skins fan makes sense. There hasn't been a whole lot to hang your hat on or cheer about for the past decade for various reasons, but my being a fan runs so deep..through it all I love the Redskins. We are a passionate lot. Hope you enjoy the area/city and the games.

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Not to butt heads or start a arguement of any sort but my kids have been to day games, night games, divisional and non-divisional games and the atmosphere as far as kids goes is about the same. Now maybe I have gotten lucky or maybe I just tolerate more than most but I havent had any really bad experiences no matter when the game was.

For the record: we are not a show up at kickoff and leave right after the game kinda family. We are usually on Arena Drive hours before the lots open and hang out hours after the game is over. She has had plenty of chances to see/hear all that FedEx has to offer. :D

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I was a lifelong Oiler fan until they moved and although I had season tickets to the Texans for their first two years, their organizational incompetence was too much for me to deal with.

You about to get a crash course in "organizational incompetence". Dan & Vinny would never have taken Mario Williams over Reggie Bush (Houston made out on that deal big time). BTW it was Charlie Casserly who was our previous GM who had the balls to make that pick. CC was fired by Snyder after the 1999 season when the Skins last won the NFC East. :doh:

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Now, as a new guy, is it okay for me to launch myself into the Orakpo/LB situation?


The person that said our most popular player is our 3rd string QB is probably right, though we also have Cooley who seems like a good dude. This team is pretty easy to cheer for with the amount of likable people we have on the team. There's lots to laugh about with the players too, great group of characters.

As for whether or not to take kids to games, I'd say the best way for you to judge things for yourself is to go to the free annual scrimmage against the Ravens. It's a good time and you can pretty much sit anywhere in the stadium you want, even with 40K+ that show up. It's a pretty decent example though everyone is in a generally good mood. I've taken my kids to see the Skins play and the only problem we had was that it was too loud for them, it actually scared them, but they were both pretty young at the time, 5 and 3.

I've been a Skins fan my whole life and the family is extremely accepting of other fans, always ready to talk too. I ran into a couple fans while in Georgia and everytime I end up having a pretty good conversation about the team. So, WELCOME! (Especially since you have a deep hatred of the Cowboys from a past life as an Oiler).:dallasuck

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One thing is for sure....the upper level nose bleed seats are terrible. We had season tickets located near the top of the stadium and they were so bad we gave them up. If you need binocluars to see the names on the jerseys, its pretty much a bummer IMO....not to mention we had people all around us who acted like they were half asleep.


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