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Elementary school policy rant


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Sorry to go off in a rant, but I am upset about a school policy and wanted to know what others think of the situation.

My 10yr old son is having a Birthday party this Saturday and was going to pass out invites to all 30 of his class mate. The school policy is if you pass them out everyone must get one. (you can't just invite your friends). Anyways he passes them out and then later in the day ask for 1 of them back from a boy he doesn't like and didn't want to attend. (This is wrong and I explained to him that it was wrong.) My problem is that the teacher saw this and then told everyone in the class they had to return the invites since he didn't invite everyone. So now there is no way to invite his class other than his close friends that he has their phone number. After speaking with the teacher and principal and suggesting that the punishment didn't fit the crime and that detention or reduced recess privileges would be better. They said no and the punishment stands.

Sorry for the rant, but to a 10 yr old this is the end of the world. :mad:

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Ugh!!!!! I hate that people are so concerned with kids getting their feelings hurt. Everyone's a winner!! Hate it hate it HATE IT! Kids need to learn to fail, need to feel disappointment. This PC world we are living in is detrimental to those growing up in it.

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I'd make a list with him of who he wants to attend, then give him the list and tell him to go get their phone numbers. If the school doesn't like that, make a stink about it. I'd get the local paper involved. County papers, small town stuff, they love this kind of stuff.


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what grade is your son in?

if you really want to be vindictive and hes at the end of his time at that school...i would make it a big deal with the school board and anyone else who would listen - "principal and teacher trying to prohibit my son from inviting his classmates to a birthday party"

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I remember sitting at lunch in 3rd grade and having one of the hot chicks from another class come over to my table and hand out only a couple invitations (I was included of course, it was sealed with a kiss too :D). Ah, that was a good bday party at the old roller skating rink.

I dont see what the big deal is....the school sounds like they are running a nancy-boy facility :silly:

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Tell him to ask his friends for their phone numbers and call them up after school to invite them.

That what we are doing. My wife and I sat down with him and wrote out a spreadsheet with all his classmates names so he could have them put the phone numbers next to it and them we would call the parents tonight. I told the principal this and she said fine as long as he does this during recess only. I also said that when I make this call I would be sure to tell all the parents why I am having to call them at night and interrupt their evening. She didn't seemed to pleased with me when I walked out.

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what grade is your son in?

if you really want to be vindictive and hes at the end of his time at that school...i would make it a big deal with the school board and anyone else who would listen - "principal and teacher trying to prohibit my son from inviting his classmates to a birthday party"

He's in the 4th grade. I've got a call into the school board, but I am sure it will fall on deaf ears. something like "This is the district policy" or something.

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I also said that when I make this call I would be sure to tell all the parents why I am having to call them at night and interrupt their evening. She didn't seemed to pleased with me when I walked out.

That's awesome.

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I think I'm going to go nuts when I have kids if I have to deal with this kind of crap.

I'm have three kids. My oldest is a fourth grader as well.

And can tell you this is just the tip of the iceberg. :)

When I was a kid I used to think parents and teachers and principals were all on the same side ... against me. :) (You know, like that scene in A Christmas Story ...) Truth is, mom and dad were on your side more often than you realize. A lot more.

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Sorry for the rant, but to a 10 yr old this is the end of the world. :mad:

I'm a little torn here. First off I don't think it's the end of the world to not be invited to a birthday party as a little kid. However, as bad as this punishment is for your kid; it was at least that bad for the child who your kid uninvited. Think of that, the entire class being invited to a party; except one little boy or girl. Sounds to me like that's worse than having a 4-5 or 8 person party as apposed to a 30 person party. That doesn't mean your kid is a bad kid, I'm sure he's not. What it means is even good kids can do some pretty mean things which hurt other kids, and their parrents telling them it's wrong doesn't make it right.

If I were you I would go outside the school, look up all the kids in the class and mail/email out the invitations. I would definitely make sure everybody in the class was invited too.

I thought you were going to talk about their zero tollerance policies.... Zero tollerance sounds reasonable for drugs and weapons in elementry school doesn't it. Until you realize zero tollerance is by definition designed to be unreasonable. My kid brought a nail clipper to school because he liked the tweazers which were embedded into the device..... Teacher said it was a weapon. Met with the Principal and she dismissed the charge. An incredible gutzy move too, cause if that got to the county school board she could face suspsension herself for dismissing the case. Another kid was suspended for bringing in a cap gun he got for christmas to show his buddies. No caps even. Kids parrents got the parrents of the rest of the kids to appear at his suspsension hearing. Didn't help, kid was still suspended... rediculous. Or the zero drug policy, Bring asprin to school and face suspension..... moronic.

Anyway you'll learn about those.

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I'm a little torn here. First off I don't think it's the end of the world to not be invited to a birthday party as a little kid. However, as bad as this punishment is for your kid; it was at least that bad for the child who your kid uninvited. Think of that, the entire class being invited to a party; except one little boy or girl. Sounds to me like that's worse than having a 4-5 or 8 person party as apposed to a 30 person party. That doesn't mean your kid is a bad kid, I'm sure he's not. What it means is even good kids can do some pretty mean things which hurt other kids, and their parrents telling them it's wrong doesn't make it right.

If I were you I would go outside the school, look up all the kids in the class and mail/email out the invitations. I would definitely make sure everybody in the class was invited too.

I agree with you that it was wrong on his part and even told him that he should apologize to him. I just think that it isn't the teachers place to decide to allow who can and can't pass out invites. I even suggested that along with the apology that he personally invite the boy.

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Does your school not have a directory? Just use that to contact the parents you should invite.

Personally I think its silly the school even has to put a policy in place. I know there were years I didn't get invites to parties and times I didn't invite certain class members to mine.

It happens.

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I just think that it isn't the teachers place to decide to allow who can and can't pass out invites..

I agree with you there. We're creating this false world where kids think it's somebody elses fault when their feelings get hurt. That's a formula for always having your feelings hurt and always blaming other people for the pain you feel.

It's really nobody's business except yours who you invite to your kids birthday, and folks who didn't get invited really need to manage their own feelings, just like adults must.

That's a good point.

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Ugh!!!!! I hate that people are so concerned with kids getting their feelings hurt. Everyone's a winner!! Hate it hate it HATE IT! Kids need to learn to fail, need to feel disappointment. This PC world we are living in is detrimental to those growing up in it.

couldn't agree more. How are some of these kids going to react when they dont get into the college they want? I can picture some 18 year olds throwing a two year old style tantrum in front of the Dean of Admissions if they get rejected, since they will have no idea how to deal with the disappointment like an adult. And at what point do you stop protecting your kids from hurt feelings?

kids need to learn that not everything in the world is designed to make them happy and how to deal with those things when they come up. Kids need to learn how to lose so they can develope some character, be able to lose with dignity and show that winning is not easy, it takes hard work to be the best at something.

And as for your kids class, some kids need to not get an invite, so they can learn that if they act like a jerk, people might not want to play with them, but if they are nice, chances are people will invite them to parties.

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