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Senate Considers Federal Tax On Soda


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Because enacting a tax on soda is politically expedient, and easily implemented (in law, and in industry). Whereas, a "you're a fat blob" tax would not be politically expedient, and would be a gi-normous pain in the flab to implement.

Not to mention the cries of discrimination...

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No. At least according to the article. Diet sodas would be exempt.

Diet drinks would be exempt for now, but once the tax revenue declined diet drinks will be targeted. The government becomes dependent on tax revenues like this and once revenues decline they will start taxing something else. It's never ending.

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Before everyone gets in too much of a tizzy, be aware that this is only one of many proposals and is unlikely to go anywhere (just like 99 percent of all bills suggested in Congress).

Michael Jacobson and CSPI have a pretty lousy track record of getting their ideas enacted into law. About the only big success I can recall is the legislation against transfats, which was actually a very good thing. Even then, they haven't succeeded on a federal level.

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Even if this doesn't make it in to law, it's ridiculous to think that Senators would even consider taxing soda. Of course, the more time they spend on things that ultimately don't get passed, the less time they have to pass other bills... I like that.

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Well, on one hand we hear all the whining about the deficit and where they're going to get the money. Then they propose a way to get some of the money, and everyone whines.

Would we all just be happy if they conjured it out of thin air?

3 cents on a soda. Big F-ing deal. Quit drinking soda, or pay it and shut up. If you'd rather whine over it, shut up when it comes to the deficit.

As usual, we want answers to everything, but not if we have to pay a few measly extra pennies for it.



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Here's an easier way:

(Wikipedia's my source for this in depth research)

Gallup International indicates that 41% of American citizens report they regularly attend religious services

Why don't we throw a $10/year tax on going to church?

304 059 724 * .41 = 124 664 487 * $10 = $1.2 Billion

Make people that believe in "sins" pay for "sinning"

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Well, on one hand we hear all the whining about the deficit and where they're going to get the money. Then they propose a way to get some of the money, and everyone whines.

Would we all just be happy if they conjured it out of thin air?

3 cents on a soda. Big F-ing deal. Quit drinking soda, or pay it and shut up. If you'd rather whine over it, shut up when it comes to the deficit.

As usual, we want answers to everything, but not if we have to pay a few measly extra pennies for it.



I think we'd all be happy if they quit wasteful spending.

edit: on second thought, people would ***** about their program being dropped. People suck.

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I think we'd all be happy if they quit wasteful spending.

edit: on second thought, people would ***** about their program being dropped. People suck.

You're right, people will ***** no matter what.

Of course they need to quit wasteful spending, but we're in a fix, no?

we need to do something, and the plan is in place. Now we have to pay for it.

They could double our property taxes, or they could hit us with something huge, or they could bleed a few extra pennies from a lot of sources to generate some much needed money in fast order.

Our choice.

We can cry and complain til everyone is broke and our whole system shuts down, or we can try to fix this.

When you make a mess, cleaning it up is never easy. And we've made a hell of a mess.

If 3 cents per soda is too much of a cross to bear, drink juice. Use water fountains. Bottle it out of your tap.

I drink a HELL of a lot of soda. Probably 8-10 diet pepsi's a day. For me that will run about an extra 9 bucks per month. Oh no! I'm never going to be able to get mama her operation now!


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Haha, I knew they were going to go this route. There is no way in HELL Obama can fund his health care plan without a massive increase of taxes and diminishing medical returns to physicians and hospitals.

This will not be the last thing they propose raising taxes on; they are going to go on and do this with fast food...and "junk" food...and everything else under the sun that they deem "bad."

Personally, I'd rather increase consumption taxes on this crap. I don't mind that. The problem is the instability of projected budgets from this revenue as Dictator has been saying in his posts. Once consumption backs off, then the budgets they have set up for these health programs go to crap and they have to find something else to tax. So I really have mixed feelings on this, but for now, I'm fine with consumption tax on soda and junk food.

Here's a thought. Let him eat and drink himself to death. Why should you or I be responsible for his health? How did I become indebted to him? You chose to screw up your body, you pay the consequences. Not me.

Because we all pay for him to eat and drink himself to death.

ETA: Preventative medecine doesn't decrease costs. It increases it.
Sorry, I thought it was clear my comments were preceded by 'If/once universal health care happens'. Then, everyone's cost and care is everyone else's.

Again, we are already paying for other people's health care. Y"ou see it in the increase in private insurance premiums, increased deductibles, our taxes supporting Medicaid...that's all going to offset costs of OTHER patients.

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Health care reform is going to cost money in the short term. The idea is that it will save much more money in the long term.

So would killing off the deadweight

Even bullets cost money,but think of the longterm savings

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Bang , 8-10 a day?

I have that many before lunch...gotta get my aspartame fix.

Dang, I thought I was packing it in. I break it up with some cranberry juice here and there, but I'd say most of my body's water content comes from Diet Pepsi


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I drink a HELL of a lot of soda. Probably 8-10 diet pepsi's a day.

Jesus Christ Bang! That is a hell of a lot of soda. I consider it a lot if I drink more than 1-2 diet sodas a day. But if that's your think and you're not ****ing about the extra pennies per soda, then more power to you.

BTW, you're talking 12 ouncers right, not 20oz?

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The problem is the instability of projected budgets from this revenue as Dictator has been saying in his posts. Once consumption backs off, then the budgets they have set up for these health programs go to crap and they have to find something else to tax.

i finally feel noticed.

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Dang, I thought I was packing it in. I break it up with some cranberry juice here and there, but I'd say most of my body's water content comes from Diet Pepsi


You and me both.

They gotta stop putting the Heroin in that stuff.

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Jesus Christ Bang! That is a hell of a lot of soda. I consider it a lot if I drink more than 1-2 diet sodas a day. But if that's your think and you're not ****ing about the extra pennies per soda, then more power to you.

BTW, you're talking 12 ouncers right, not 20oz?

yeah, cans, and usually only 10 or 11 ounces, By the time they get warm at the bottom I dump them out.


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