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Senate Considers Federal Tax On Soda


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yeah, cans, and usually only 10 or 11 ounces, By the time they get warm at the bottom I dump them out.


Wait, how does that **** get warm? The rate you must be going through seems way too fast for them to get warm, lol. You'd probably save time and hassle just getting and IV infusion of that stuff...

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You're right, people will ***** no matter what.

Of course they need to quit wasteful spending, but we're in a fix, no?

we need to do something, and the plan is in place. Now we have to pay for it.

No, we DON'T have to do something. There is no justification for forcing indebtedness of some to others merely by their existance. Some people will get sick and die. And? People die all the time. Life sucks.

They could double our property taxes, or they could hit us with something huge, or they could bleed a few extra pennies from a lot of sources to generate some much needed money in fast order.

Or they could not do this and save everyone a load of money.

Our choice.

We can cry and complain til everyone is broke and our whole system shuts down, or we can try to fix this.

When you make a mess, cleaning it up is never easy. And we've made a hell of a mess.

Or we can go along with this and everyone is broke and our whole system shuts down. Making a mess doesn't justify making a bigger mess.

f 3 cents per soda is too much of a cross to bear, drink juice. Use water fountains. Bottle it out of your tap.

I drink a HELL of a lot of soda. Probably 8-10 diet pepsi's a day. For me that will run about an extra 9 bucks per month. Oh no! I'm never going to be able to get mama her operation now!


Juice has sugar in it too. How long until they tax that? How long until this bloated system requires a dollar tax per soda to compensate for the cost overruns? When's the last time you've seen a government project actually cost what it is projected to cost?

BTW, since you drink diet pepsi, you won't be taxed.

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Because we all pay for him to eat and drink himself to death.

Then stop paying for him. If he wants to go down that road, his choice. Not mine. I will not have all the responsibility to pay for his choices while he has all the rights to make them.

Again, we are already paying for other people's health care. Y"ou see it in the increase in private insurance premiums, increased deductibles, our taxes supporting Medicaid...that's all going to offset costs of OTHER patients.

Then the choice is to stop paying. Not to pay more. This is throwing good money after bad.

People who are truely sick and cannot afford care have traditionally sought out charities for help. I have no problem donating to charities that help unfortunate people. But that is my choice. It is not a debt forced on me through no fault of my own.

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Vitamin Water: bottle contains about 32.5 grams of sugar....

They will tax Gyms next as a large portion of injuries happen in "Gyms".

They will tax Soccer Fields/Football/Lacrosse due to all the injuries.

take out taxi: Extra 30% for not even getting off your ass to go to the store.

Once the government randomly gets to pick and chose what companies they wish to succeed or fail based on pricing. (See 7$ a pack of cigs). Must be interstate commerce ;)

Might need to tax the hell out of the below. Outdoor injuries

Nearly 26 percent of the injures were from snowboarding followed by sledding (11 percent); hiking (6 percent); mountain biking, personal watercraft, water skiing or tubing (4 percent); fishing (3 percent) and swimming (2 percent).

Would need to get a Univeral Heath care card to RUN/Jog as that is a killer on the costs.

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They need to find a way to tax not exercising.

Edit: I dont drink soda, so i dont really care.

Does work count as exercising?

You think I'm going friggin jogging in my spare time you're nuts:chair:

Let's just tax by body fat %:evilg:

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Does work count as exercising?

You think I'm going friggin jogging in my spare time you're nuts:chair:

Let's just tax by body fat %:evilg:

No, work doesnt count unless you are a coal miner or professional athlete. :)

Sorry to mention exercise. People have such strong opinions over a 3 cents per soda tax, obviously breaking a sweat is out of the question. Sigh.

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ohhhh taxing by BMI?

Sir: Please stand on the wii fit board. 19.5 (that will be 195.00) then:

Lets do the balance test: Ohhh too bad you scored poorly: that will be an extra 50.

Eye test: our last perscription says glasses AND contacts? extra 50$

Hearing test: I SAID HEARING TEST! WE NEED 25$ more

See you NEXT MONTH!.

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No, work doesnt count unless you are a coal miner or professional athlete. :)

Sorry to mention exercise. People have such strong opinions over a 3 cents per soda tax, obviously breaking a sweat is out of the question. Sigh.

I live in Texas,we sweat just going out the door:D

Do I get credit for the caffeine from 16 cups of coffee and a case of soda I consume a day?...That's gotta burn calories somehow:)

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I live in Texas,we sweat just going out the door:D

Do I get credit for the caffeine from 16 cups of coffee and a case of soda I consume a day?...That's gotta burn calories somehow:)

Not until i get credit for the hundreds of 12 oz curls i do weekly with Bud Lights. :whew:

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Glad I quit drinking the stuff so it doesn't affect me. Personally, I'm all for taxing anything that's detrimental to health and makes our health care costly, especially cigarettes.

You know what makes healthcare costly? Lack of preventative maintenance, more so than the food that you eat. Add big brother on top and it's sure as hell going to be expensive.

This is just another thing that the government can tax because enough people enjoy it to make it worthwhile. If all of a sudden rutabaga became a huge fad and people started eating it in the bucket loads, the government would tax that too.

1.1+ Trillion dollars in debt and massive social spending doesn't pay for itself.

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