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Criminals: is NOTHING sacred anymore?

Ned Flanders

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Man, I am EXTREMELY pissed off right now. I have a Koi pond in my back yard, where Art and Darrell lived. I say lived, because some freakin ******* STOLE MY DAMN FISH! They were 2 years old, and about 16 inches long - we raised/trained them since they were babies. The net which hangs on my shed was taken down and found next to the pond. They also stole my damn cooler, I guess to put the fish in. I am in denial right now, but DAMN IT, why the hell take my fish???

I really cannot believe some ******* did this. If I find you, I am going to :saber:

and that's putting it nicely.

Art and Darrell: Daddy and Mommy miss you!:(

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Damn that's ****ed up. I know big koi can probably get a pretty penny. But wtf? Thieves suck. You should check local nurseries or places that might sell pond stuff. Who knows.

Definitely report this.

And check with local pet stores and nurseries. See if anyone was trying to sell koi.

Probably worth a shot.

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I called the cops, and they basically laughed about it. I pay a ****load in taxes, and when I ask for the services which I contribute to (which is once in a blue moon), I get laughed at? WTF! *******s

Art and Darrell were probably, monetarily, worth about $600 - not the point, but still. That's at least worth a police report. I think I am going to talk to their supervisor, and see how funny he thinks this is - the blatant neglect of duties to a law abiding tax payer.

The messed up thing about it all, is our house is listed for sale, and in the past week there's been 4 Asian families look at the place, and they all really liked the pond. Not to stereotype, but it really makes me wonder. They've been fine for 2 years, house hits the market, and BAMM - they're gone.

Son of a ....

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The messed up thing about it all, is our house is listed for sale, and in the past week there's been 4 Asian families look at the place, and they all really liked the pond. Not to stereotype, but it really makes me wonder. They've been fine for 2 years, house hits the market, and BAMM - they're gone.

Son of a ....

God damn asian people! :mad:

Are there any Chinese, etc. restaurants in the area? I suggest you go vandalize the outside with things like:




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If they hadn't stolen your cooler as well, I might have suspected a four footed thief. I know I've had raccoons take some of the fish out of my pond before I redesigned it to provide hiding places/shelter for the fish to take refuge in.

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