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Ask a Girl Thread - You Can Post Your Questions Here! (KEEP IT PG-13!)

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What could be the Skins biggest Achilles heel this season?  

138 members have voted

  1. 1. What could be the Skins biggest Achilles heel this season?

    • Decline in production by London Fletcher
    • Decline in production by Portis
    • Lack of contribution by Thomas, Kelly and Davis
    • Suisham kicking staying the same or getting worse
    • Strong Side Linebacker performance
    • Haynesworth pulling a Dana Stubblefield and playing lazy
    • Defense not creating turnovers
    • Cooley not getting into the endzone enough

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Sadly this question has not been asked yet... I think...(Hey, I am a guy, we are stupid at times)

Why do women gossip at all ?

IMO, it screams insecure. You can listen to it and nod, but to participate to the point of telling other people... is just silly.

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Why will girls flirt with you and lead you on, yet when you try to follow up on it, they'll brush you off?

If they're playing hard to get, do they really think it'll make a guy go after them more and love them more when they finally "get the chance" to go out with them?

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This is a great thread!!

Many great questions......and I tend to agree with most of the answers. Each girl on here brings a different perspective to each question......depending on where she is in her life.........her background......and her "openness".

A few years ago, I would have answered a couple of questions differently than I would answer now.

I have dated men shorter than myself. I am 5'9". I wear heels everywhere so I am usually 5'11". If the man is secure, then all is good. And I have NOT dated men shorter. What matters to me, is the chemistry.

The question about trust is very interesting. It is hard to regain the trust....if you ever really do. A person can forgive........but it would always be in a little spot in the back of the mind. Doubt. Fears. Wondering if it would happen again.

I agree with MissU and the others who said we go to the bathroom in packs because it is our time to talk about something we have seen, or heard, or something we want to do. Or someone to hold you up when you have too much to drink.

Really good friends DO tell each other if something doesn't look good that you are wearing. A really good friend even finds clothes when shopping and says "that would look great on _______.

Women are catty. I think our first impressions of each other can be wrong sometimes....and when we get to know the person, the cattiness ends. And then again, sometimes it doesnt. ;)

I can never think of anytime that I ever asked a guy to buy tampons for me. WTH? I mean really. You see you are using the last one.......go get it yourself. I dont understand that at all.

This is a great thread!!!

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I apologize for not making this a shorter post, but some of this stuff- I guess I just needed to get off my chest. But it adds SOME insight into what I'm dealing with, so hopefully any answers I get will be more pertinent to my life. That said, any of you females have some advice for a guy who is trying to learn to trust again?

Wow. CSA, I am really sorry to hear about your situation. I read through that and was doing this ----> :doh: the whole post.

First of all, you sound like a really nice guy. Being willing to work with your ex-wife through all her mental issues must have taken so much out of you. I commend you for not taking the easy way out, honestly, I do. It says a lot about your character.

I don't know how to help you with your trust issues, although I think you have a legit reason for having those issues...I'm sure I would too. What I can say is that not all ladies are as selfish as your ex-wife was. You just need to find the right one.

If your fears are something that are continually preventing you from pursuing other relationships, I would suggest that you might want to look in to seeing a counselor or something. Honestly. Not that I'm saying you are crazy or anything, but you probably have some deep-seeded trust issues (rightly so IMO for how she betrayed you at the end of your marriage) that you need a neutral party to help you work through.

Hopefully you'll be able find a lady you can trust again...because believe it or not, there are some genuinely great ladies out there who are NOT mental or selfish! Good luck buddy.

Ok, so no woman has ever asked her bf/husband to go buy tampons for her right after she has started...except for all the ones I'VE dated? lol :mad:

HAHAHA, sucker!!!

No, really, I stockpile that stuff. I always have multiples of everything: cleaning products, TP, feminine products, shampoo and conditioner, sunscreen, lotions, diet coke, smart water pretty much freaking everything. When I see my stockpile getting low, I just grab it during my next store visit. I rarely ever have emergencies where I am in immediate need of anything, ever. I would be good to go if we had the apocalypse, lol. My friends and fiance poke fun at me for my habit, but who is ever the first person they go to if they've run out of something? Me!

And what makes other women more catty than others? Also, how often do you find yourself gossiping? I honestly try to avoid negative gossip, but more less than often, I'll occasionally find myself indulging. Honesty, now!

I think cattiness is directly correlated with self-esteem. Also the way someone was raised. If girls are raised in an environment where that really isn't prevalent, they have less of a tendency to partake in that type of behavior when they are outside that environment.

I've also found that girls involved with or interested in sports seem to be a bit less catty. A lot of my best girlfriends are former teammates or chicks who have a passion for sports. I don't exactly know why that is, but I've just found less cattiness among these types of chicks.

Oh yeah, and most importantly...having a freaking LIFE helps deter that behavior as well. Honestly, I have more important crap to deal with than spending my time perseverating about the superficial details of a girlfriend's life.

Just my thoughts.

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Here is another question...

There is a very wealthy man who is interested in you and he is clearly not your type. How much money should he have before you can be interested?

Oh BB, you're funny. How about 12 trillion dollars? I'd pay off our national debt and have a cool trillion left over for fun and games. I think I could handle a guy I'm not interested in for that...

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How about 12 trillion dollars? I'd pay off our national debt and have a cool trillion left over for fun and games. I think I could handle a guy I'm not interested in for that...

Then why haven't we hooked up yet? ;) Thirteen tril is just pocket change, babe.

(Shoot, I think my sig answers my own question)

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Cute thread.

Kids say the darnedest things

So do old people. We call them "The Seniles" ("Sens" for short) :silly:

Damn! Does this mean I'm your ***** now?:silly:

Really though, when I say this is a cute thread, it's because, being an old coot now allows me to accurately predict what most of the questions in the thread were going to be, as well as knowing all the answers to them.

Lots of fun.

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Oh BB, you're funny. How about 12 trillion dollars? I'd pay off our national debt and have a cool trillion left over for fun and games. I think I could handle a guy I'm not interested in for that...

Glad that I could bring some morning humor to the discussion. So, are you saying that blondes are more expensive? :D

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uh...i've never had a guy buy me tampons and i don't think i could get my bf to if even if i begged

There is an upside to buying tampons for your woman. It proves to others that you have one.

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It's a serious question - just curious more than anything.

Biggest age difference for me me was ten years (me, 27 - her, 37). I couldn't date someone more than ten years younger though - or older.

It helps avoid those, awkward "I didn't know Paul McCartney had a band before Wings" moments.


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After reading some of the previous posts, damn is it horrible how being in a bad relationship can totally RUIN your self esteem. This goes for men and women, we can both get the raw end of the deal when we fall for someone who enjoys taking advantage of the fact you'll do anything for them.

I'm not a girl, but I still feel it kinda necessary to mention to anyone going through trust issues, (seeing that I'm going through it as well), that before you even consider a relationship, you need to work on yourself. Having confidence, and feeling good about who you are is the key to being able to enjoy a healthy relationship with someone else.

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Oh, here's another one that bothers me, but I have a feeling none of you fit this mold to really answer, because you all seem to have morals...


Why do women go to the gym in some really tight pants and a shirt that barely covers anything and then get offended when all the guys stare at them?

We had a girl do that at the gym I lift at last week. A bunch of guys were talking and someone said the hottest girl they've ever seen was in the cardio room. It was a train of meatheads heading out to look. She got offended when they did look.

I guess I understand it more in that situation... But in general... When you wear skimpy clothing, you have to at least expect guys to look... Right?

someone answer this

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Originally Posted by KDawg viewpost.gif

Oh, here's another one that bothers me, but I have a feeling none of you fit this mold to really answer, because you all seem to have morals...


Why do women go to the gym in some really tight pants and a shirt that barely covers anything and then get offended when all the guys stare at them?

We had a girl do that at the gym I lift at last week. A bunch of guys were talking and someone said the hottest girl they've ever seen was in the cardio room. It was a train of meatheads heading out to look. She got offended when they did look.

I guess I understand it more in that situation... But in general... When you wear skimpy clothing, you have to at least expect guys to look... Right?

Ok honestly I'm not sure what the answer is to this. However I will say this: if I'm working out, I'm not going to wear some ugly shorts and a baggy t-shirt. Sorry, that's just not how it happens. When I work out I want to look good bc that makes me feel good. So, usually shorts and a tank top or shorts and a sports bra if I'm at home. I'm not really sure what guys expect girls to wear to the gym other than those kinds of outfits.

Now as for the girl getting checked out, you described it as a bunch of guys going out of their way to go oogle her googies. If that was me I would be pissed too. Seriously, it's the gym. If you're jumping off the treadmill/weight bench to go check out some chick, then you really need to get yourself under control.

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Now as for the girl getting checked out, you described it as a bunch of guys going out of their way to go oogle her googies. If that was me I would be pissed too. Seriously, it's the gym. If you're jumping off the treadmill/weight bench to go check out some chick, then you really need to get yourself under control.

This is the correct answer for that scenario. Sheesh control your hormones for 5 seconds. Can't men look at "hot" women discreetly?

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honestly, i think chicks like it when they are working out in something skimpy and you check them out real quick as you pass.

as long as you don't make it obvious and arn't butt hurting, i think chicks enjoy getting checked out real quick in the gym

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