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Guys Who Go #1 Sitting Down


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This was a discussion topic on sports talk radio here in Detroit yesterday. The question was raised because one of the guys on the show learned from his friend that he sits down to pee 100% of the time. He also said that it is his belief that 50% of the guys out there do this. Now I admit, I do it from time to time when I'm tired, but 90% of the time I stand up to pee. What do you think about this? Should a guy have to turn in his man card when he sits like a lady 100% of the time?

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I definitely don't do this. That's odd. But I guess for those who have problems peeing, why not?

I find it a bit more odd when guys go into the stalls and pee standing up when there are urinals free. It's unpleasant to hear, too.

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it its 4AM and i gotta go there is a 50/50 chance Ill sit down..any other time and thats just not gonna happen.

Exactly, I'll take a seat when I barely manage to stumble my way into the bathroom in the first place, better not risk peeing and not realizing you're missing the bowl or stumbling a little.

If I'm awake and alert, unless I'm taking a crap I'm standing up.

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lol just when i think every topic has been discussed, somebody comes up wit somethin else.

one time i was real drunk and it looked like the toilet was movin, and i didn't wanna miss. other than that one time, i stand up.

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I remember when my boy was 3 he freaked me out one night when I took him into the restruant to go pee and he jumped up on the bowl and went #1. Mom was at work here I thought. The next day I had him pointing his junk at the bathtub so he could get used to standing up and peeing. Alot of the bathrooms he goes into the toliets are too big for him to stand up and pee so he has no choice but to sit down and pee but on the smaller ones I taught him to rip off a piece of toliet paper first and toss it into the bowl and pee all over it like a game. He prefers to stand up and pee but he's only 4 so he can't yet. Dad only sits down to go #2, can't understand wanting to pee sitting down. That's weird

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I knew this guy whose bathroom was carpeted and his wife made him sit to pee so he wouldn't splash/dribble on the floor.

Why he disclosed this I don't remember but I always thought it was a bit strange.Firstly to have carpeting in the bathroom and secondly for letting his wife tell him how to pee.

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