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Thoughts on Vick becoming a Redskin...(merged)


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I would stop watching the NFL. Seriously.

He's paid a price for his actions, but he hasn't paid the price. The only punishment that would matter to me would be for him to fully appreciate the magnitude of torturing and murdering a species of animal that was bred and evolved to trust and serve its human masters. If he could understand the gravity of his betrayal of these animals and carry it for the rest of his life, I could forgive him. But this man is only sorry that he was caught. He's only sorry that his status as a football superstar has been stripped from him. And he's only sorry that he's broke and in debt. Screw him.

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He's no Pacman and his crime was more from being a product of his environment. The south is known for dog fighting, rooster (we can not use the word ****?) fighting, etc.

I don't know. Those dogfighting rings steal people's pets and lost animals to use as 'target practice' for their vicious, ill-treated pit bulls.

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Debts are paid, that is why we stick people in prison. The justice system suggests we put people in prison so that they may pay their debt to society..

So keep haten, haters and we will revisit this question in 5 or 6 years. I am willing to bet you clowns have a different opinion..

Your first point here is wrong. People are put in prison because they are dangerous and not fit for society. That's it.

And the second point is so ignorant, I'd like to reach through my computer and smack your dumb ass.

I feel bad for him because this will literally haunt him for the rest of his one life he has.

People are brought up differently. If you were lucky to have had grown up right then you should realize that the right thing is to help people and not pass judgment.

Yeah, poor Vick. It's a shame he didn't know you are not suppose to electrocute living things, slam them on the ground until dead, because they didn't want to fight, breed dangerous animals to kill each other and then set up an interstate gambling ring, lie to people about his name and then give them herpies.

What a swell guy. Shame he blew his $100 million dollar career and couldn't wait 10 years to be the human piece of garbage that he is.

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...Say you are at home, pop on Sports Center and there is breaking news that Michael Vick had just signed a 2 year deal with the Washington Redskins.


Sou what would your reaction be. Just curious. :logo:

First, I'd check the calendar and hope it was a bad April Fool's joke.

Next, if it were real, I would be very upset. Not only is Vick a bad QB, I also feel he is a bad human being. The Skins have had enough bad moves recently and don't need another.

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I'd boycott everything Redskins if Vick was signed

I don't think it would be the end of the world if Vick signed here.

However, it would be a PR nightmare for the Redskins if he were to sign here. PETA, the Humane Society, ASPCA would all have a field day and it being in DC, many of their lobbyists are already here so they wouldn't have any problems mobilizing.

Secondly, it would also make Snyder look like he didn't learn a lick from Gibbs and is playing fantasy football with the roster again.

I'm glad some people are looking at this in a strictly football sense, and they can see that he would be a poor fit in what we're trying to accomplish. Remember, when Mora was in Atlanta, he ran a "WCO" and he kept going back and forth between a running QB and a pocket passer. Him and WCO just do not mix very well.

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Vick is a good fit for a team like the Radiers, not for us

I think he would be a good fit here, this offense has been horrible, offensive line seem to suffer against better defenses, when that happens, hes a perfect fit. I say he would make a play or two that JC doesent when the Oline is struggling. If we get stronger on D i think w could make a run with him at QB, Im not sure if he would make the offense that much better but i think the threat is higher if hes the QB, for big plays.

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Your first point here is wrong. People are put in prison because they are dangerous and not fit for society. That's it.

And the second point is so ignorant, I'd like to reach through my computer and smack your dumb ass.

Yeah, poor Vick. It's a shame he didn't know you are not suppose to electrocute living things, slam them on the ground until dead, because they didn't want to fight, breed dangerous animals to kill each other and then set up an interstate gambling ring, lie to people about his name and then give them herpies.

What a swell guy. Shame he blew his $100 million dollar career and couldn't wait 10 years to be the human piece of garbage that he is.

Losing a 100 million dollars over some dogs, wow only in america. But its ok to bust a cap in a deer, and cut its head off, then hang it on a wall, and brag about it. Now thats sicker than what vick does. To call a HUMAN garbage over a freakin dog is like totally rude. Since when did a dogs value mean more than a humans? or for any other animal for that matter? At what point in america history that some man decided to make a freakin dog his best friend? Why do you think everyone in prison is not fit for society when u just offered to smack someone in the face for stating their opinion? I guess you consider that ok in your world. There is guys in prison with death sentences who have been found not guilty, falsley accused, thats a shame. Makes you wonder how many people is in jail for life and have been put to death for the wrong reasons. It must mean one thing, the real criminals are here live and well.

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I went to see Vick in Atlanta with my son (stadium # 5). Putting what he's done aside, I still wouldn't like him being a skin. He's great at running and scrambling but his passing skills are debatable. By the way Atlanta lost the game, fg wide right.

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I know one thing...

I'm gonna hate playing madden when he is back. All those damn ppl that picked the falcons only to run bootlegs and run 20 yards back only to gain 30 at the end. Man he was way too good in that game!


man honestly if he came here, all he would have to do is win and all is forgiven

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What do you care? Why is this even an issue for you?

Can he help the Redskins win. That's all I care about.

Talented? Yes. Can he help the team become better? IMO - No.

You are arguing about the rightness and wrongness of his past crimes and most of us really don't care that much. He's a stupid douchebag coddled athlete that lost millions because of his mistakes. Stop asking me to be friggin sorry for him.

Over-rated? Yes. I don't understand why so many people are so enamored of this guy. His career QB rating is 75, which is pretty middling. Anyway, he will face a long suspension when he emerges from the clinker. Sure, he'll play for someone (probably Dallas) but it won't be until the 2011 season or so.

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I've had 3 dogs. Of course I hated to know that one of my fav players (Vick), was involved in that type of situation, but he should be given a second chance. Pacman got his second chance, and I honestly don't see Vick as having a harsh or demented mentality. I just seen Vick's situation as something extremely ignorant.

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Losing a 100 million dollars over some dogs, wow only in america. But its ok to bust a cap in a deer, and cut its head off, then hang it on a wall, and brag about it. Now thats sicker than what vick does. To call a HUMAN garbage over a freakin dog is like totally rude. Since when did a dogs value mean more than a humans? or for any other animal for that matter? At what point in america history that some man decided to make a freakin dog his best friend? Why do you think everyone in prison is not fit for society when u just offered to smack someone in the face for stating their opinion? I guess you consider that ok in your world. There is guys in prison with death sentences who have been found not guilty, falsley accused, thats a shame. Makes you wonder how many people is in jail for life and have been put to death for the wrong reasons. It must mean one thing, the real criminals are here live and well.

Man, what a brutal read. I can't say I agree with this position at all. I'm not detecting much compassion, comprehension, or common sense in this blather.

If you take all of the legal problems out of the equation and are left with just the quarterback/athlete, you are not left with much. You are talking about a football player who hasn't played in over 2 years. He hasn't attended a team sanctioned training camp, minicamp, or OTA. It's pretty much the same as bringing in Onterrio Smith or Maurice Clarett after they haven't played in a couple of years. Whatever you do, just don't get your hopes up. I think the truth will come out this summer on what kind of player this is.

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I'd be sad... we have other more important wholes. Unless Vic is coming in as a Running back (and not a QB), then positionally I could see the possibility, but it ain't happening, we are not going to pay him what he wants and we can't trade for his current contract.

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I've had 3 dogs. Of course I hated to know that one of my fav players (Vick), was involved in that type of situation, but he should be given a second chance. Pacman got his second chance, and I honestly don't see Vick as having a harsh or demented mentality. I just seen Vick's situation as something extremely ignorant.

Vick tortured dogs, Pacman tortured himself, big diff.

Pacman would have the strippers protesting him, which did not happen, Vick would have just about everyone, except you, protesting him. Talk about your PR no-no. Let Dallas have him.

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