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Thoughts on Vick becoming a Redskin...(merged)


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If you were brought up the wrong way you would have done stupid things to.

The soldiers in Iraq that tossed the puppy to its death are sick but they are still defending your freedom. People are wired differently its called rehabilitation.

I personally wouldnt want him here because of a PR standpoint but he deserves a fair shot.

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I can understand if people are sick of Vick threads. I can

What I dont understand is why people would click on it if they are sick of it.

If I get sick of a television show I dont watch it.

If I get sick of eating something I dont eat it.

If you are sick of a topic dont click on it. Unless you like typing your frustrations out on a keyboard.

1. you wanted opinions.... you are getting it

2. many want to let people who post threads that are repeatative or some how offensive, know that we don't need any more of these threads

3. people like to complain, and show their displeasure

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If you were brought up the wrong way you would have done stupid things to.

The soldiers in Iraq that tossed the puppy to its death are sick but they are still defending your freedom. People are wired differently its called rehabilitation.

1. Still doesn't excuse it.

2. Vick isn't in the military, in fact he was privileged, living a life many dream about

3. He needs to prove he's changed, not just because he wants back in the NFL. Second chances have to be earned

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I agree with StevefromYellowstone...

Debts are paid, that is why we stick people in prison. The justice system suggests we put people in prison so that they may pay their debt to society. I am a dog lover, I have a 15 month old boxer and yes it was awful what he did but the guy deserves another chance.

As StevefromYellowstone said, Ray Lewis, Marshawn Lynch, PacMan Jones, the list goes on. These three guys alone were brought up on charges that involved people's lives, PEOPLE'S LIVES and Ray Lewis is considered to be the best linebacker ever to play the game. It is funny how we determine who deserves a second chance. The people who are dogging Michael Vick were probably doing the same thing to Ray Lewis.

Boy it is funny how time changes the way people think. Give it time, some other jerk will do something stupid and Michael Vick will then be the saint and some other smuck will be the bad guy. It is how this world works. So keep haten, haters and we will revisit this question in 5 or 6 years. I am willing to bet you clowns have a different opinion..

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The soldiers in Iraq that tossed the puppy to its death are sick but they are still defending your freedom. People are wired differently its called rehabilitation.

I think it's fair to point out there's still some controversy over whether that video is legit.

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I have 2 dogs. A half pit-boxer mix and a husky. If I thought with my HEART i would say Vick should be banned from the NFL forever screw him. He is a thug and is stupid.

If I think with my BRAIN so I can be fair. I would say he has been in prison for quite some time. He has lost 100 million dollars or more and I think that his upbringing contributed to him killing dogs. Some people are not brought up to appreciate dogs. Some people hate dogs. He broke the law. He paid for it.

I would not want him as a skin because it would be a PR nightmare.

If Michael Vick saw a school bus on fire with kids on it do you think he would try to save anyone? I would say I dont know. But my point is just because he killed dogs doesnt make him evil. Just evil when it comes to killing dogs.

There is no question he did wrong things. But we all have to varying degrees.

I feel bad for him because this will literally haunt him for the rest of his one life he has. So he has paid the price and will pay more.

Portis didnt even think it was a big deal and "people should mind there business" Why dont we start jumpin on him. He obviously has different views on the issue.

But people have totally forgotten about that as long as he has a great season and makes the pro bowl.

People are brought up differently. If you were lucky to have had grown up right then you should realize that the right thing is to help people and not pass judgment.

My point is people love dogs so much they will treat this guy like crap forever. He made mistakes big ones. But he lost two years of his life, 100 millions of dollars, his reputation. Hes paid the price. Seriously

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My point is people love dogs so much they will treat this guy like crap forever. He made mistakes big ones. But he lost two years of his life, 100 millions of dollars, his reputation. Hes paid the price. Seriously

What do you care? Why is this even an issue for you?

Can he help the Redskins win. That's all I care about.

Talented? Yes. Can he help the team become better? IMO - No.

You are arguing about the rightness and wrongness of his past crimes and most of us really don't care that much. He's a stupid douchebag coddled athlete that lost millions because of his mistakes. Stop asking me to be friggin sorry for him.

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I thought this was a forum to discuss stuff around the nfl. My bad didnt know it would create such an uproar. :doh: :doh: :doh:

Uproar you haven't seen a uproar here yet

My point was threads that solicit comments about the Redskins go in Redskins part of the site normally rather then "around the NFL". Your new here I saw your post count and thought you didn't no the routine. Bubba is here and if he feels your thread belongs here you cool as the other side of the pillow.

I look forward to more of your blistering insight

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He's a winner! Look at the Falcons record when he played and you will see he was clutch. I do not care what his QB rating is, or any other stats. I just know when he played; he won! In fact, the last visit he made to Fedex was a victory for Vick. He's no Pacman and his crime was more from being a product of his environment. The south is known for dog fighting, rooster (we can not use the word ****?) fighting, etc.

"Winners" I would consider Ben Rothelisburger, and Tom Brady, and even Peyton Manning.

Not Mike Vick.

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I know one thing...

I'm gonna hate playing madden when he is back. All those damn ppl that picked the falcons only to run bootlegs and run 20 yards back only to gain 30 at the end. Man he was way too good in that game!

Ha thats true

Just pick the defense with the QB spy shuts him down almost 100 percent

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