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Si.Com: A-Rod tested positive for Steroids in 2003


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Please indulge me in a scenario.

Which is the greater sin or are they equal?

Player A grew up in the United States and had any opportunity succeed. He even had baseball players in his family. Because of great talent and hard work, he was a very successful player who didn't need steroids to be great, but he took them anyway out of jealousy of others success who were taking them.

Player B grew up dirt poor in the Dominican Republic. His father vanished and his mother died under suspicious circumstances, and B had to raise several siblings on his own working in a sweatshop. His natural talent got him out of abject poverty to the US minor league system, but he needed something "extra" to ensure that he would stick around and make a living playing baseball.

A is Barry Bonds. B is Miguel Tejada.

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Come on how is this a surprise? When the Barry Bonds witch hunt was in full swing and the media was promoting A Rod the media plugged their ears and were going la la la la to ignore people saying look at how he also bulked up.

But the media on ESPN sports reporters especially wanted a quasi great white hope to fumigate the era of Bond, Sosa and McGwire.

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Please indulge me in a scenario.

Which is the greater sin or are they equal?

Player A grew up in the United States and had any opportunity succeed. He even had baseball players in his family. Because of great talent and hard work, he was a very successful player who didn't need steroids to be great, but he took them anyway out of jealousy of others success who were taking them.

Player B grew up dirt poor in the Dominican Republic. His father vanished and his mother died under suspicious circumstances, and B had to raise several siblings on his own working in a sweatshop. His natural talent got him out of abject poverty to the US minor league system, but he needed something "extra" to ensure that he would stick around and make a living playing baseball.

A is Barry Bonds. B is Miguel Tejada.

Bonds is worse. :2cents:
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No argument here. I think the single most impressive thing that football players do is play a game that violent once a week for about 5 months.
I heard somewhere that the amount of damage the human body takes in a game of professional football is roughly equivalent to being in a car accident.
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Looks like A-Fraud can thank Bonds for all of these being leaked. It turns out the Players Association did not destroy the samples from 2003 and once the government went after Balco they went after these results. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that these names were going to be in the Mitchell report but they had not matched the samples by then.

So it seems both will go down as fakes and neither will ever sniff the HOF.

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It would appear he's going the route of other guilty Yankees such as Andy Pettitte and Jason Giambi by apologizing to steroid use , according to ESPN. Good. The last thing I wanted to see was him continue to deny the truth like Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens.

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His voice shaking at times, Alex Rodriguez met head-on allegations that he tested positive for steroids six years ago, telling ESPN on Monday that he did take performance-enhancing drugs while playing for the Texas Rangers during a three-year period beginning in 2001.

"When I arrived in Texas in 2001, I felt an enormous amount of pressure. I needed to perform, and perform at a high level every day," Rodriguez told ESPN's Peter Gammons in an interview in Miami Beach, Fla. "Back then, [baseball] was a different culture. It was very loose. I was young, I was stupid, I was naïve. I wanted to prove to everyone I was worth being one of the greatest players of all time.

"I did take a banned substance. For that, I'm very sorry and deeply regretful."


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i respect him for coming clean now about it. he could have pulled a bonds and clemens and kept trying to deny it. it takes a real man to own up to his mistakes. good for a-rod. what he did was still wrong and he shouldn't have done it, but at least he admitted to it. now lets move on and get ready for spring training!

p.s. i'm not even an a-rod fan

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I think if you look at Clemens and Bonds and then look at someone like Andy Pettite, it's pretty clear what you need to do when caught. America is a forgiving country for the most part. But he's still tainted and baseball continues to be lame as a result. Ah my first love. What an f'n shame.

All that's clear now is that the NBA is the best league in professional sports. It's not like there is any corruption whatsoever there :paranoid:

(But really, at least the players are good to go. **** David Stern (unless he gives the Wiz the lottery this year.))

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It would appear he's going the route of other guilty Yankees such as Andy Pettitte and Jason Giambi by apologizing to steroid use , according to ESPN. Good. The last thing I wanted to see was him continue to deny the truth like Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens.

Oh please. I'm so sick of just because a guy "apologize" he gets off. It's easy to admit to any wrong doing after you get caught redhanded. We still don't know what Giambi "apologized" for. Did A-Rod come clean when interviewed on 60 Minutes?

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Oh please. I'm so sick of just because a guy "apologize" he gets off. It's easy to admit to any wrong doing after you get caught redhanded. We still don't know what Giambi "apologized" for. Did A-Rod come clean when interviewed on 60 Minutes?

Hey, it doesn't make it ok. But imo it should at least get him a 2nd chance. Bonds is still fighting his out in court, when everyone knows that ****er was juiced. BIG BIG difference between the two.

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Oh please. I'm so sick of just because a guy "apologize" he gets off. It's easy to admit to any wrong doing after you get caught redhanded. We still don't know what Giambi "apologized" for. Did A-Rod come clean when interviewed on 60 Minutes?

None of these guys are "getting off." This will haunt them long after their careers are over. Their legacies are tarnished forever. They are being punished in one form or another.

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None of these guys are "getting off." This will haunt them long after their careers are over. Their legacies are tarnished forever. they are being punished in one form or another.

IMO, Giambi has suffered the less of any of these guys. Pettitt would be second. And now, people are applauding A-Rod for admitting to something he was caught using?

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IMO, Giambi has suffered the less of any of these guys. Pettitt would be second. And now, people are applauding A-Rod for admitting to something he was caught using?

Nobody is applauding him. I expected him to take the Palmeiro or Clemens route and deny, deny, deny. I think more people are surprised more then anything else.

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IMO, Giambi has suffered the less of any of these guys. Pettitt would be second. And now, people are applauding A-Rod for admitting to something he was caught using?

I'm not applauding him for cheating, I'm applauding him for coming out and addmitting that he used them instead of denying it like Bonds and Clemens. I had forgotten about Pettite using steroids to be honest. I'm glad that he came out and accepted responsibility, that's what I'm applauding! :applause:

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Nobody is applauding him. I expected him to take the Palmeiro or Clemens route and deny, deny, deny. I think more people are surprised more then anything else.

I'm actually applauding him and I despise the man.

He did it 6-8 years ago. When confronted he's immediately fessed up to it. Good for him. A lot of players did it and very few are admitting to it so i respect him for how he's handling the situation.

I don't think it makes his initial action right or vindicates him, but he handled the situation as best he could. :2cents:

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I think if you look at Clemens and Bonds and then look at someone like Andy Pettite, it's pretty clear what you need to do when caught. America is a forgiving country for the most part. But he's still tainted and baseball continues to be lame as a result. Ah my first love. What an f'n shame.

All that's clear now is that the NBA is the best league in professional sports. It's not like there is any corruption whatsoever there :paranoid:

(But really, at least the players are good to go. **** David Stern (unless he gives the Wiz the lottery this year.))

Blake Griffin needs a wizards uniform

i expected Arod to go either the hardcore denial or the "i only used them to heal from an injury" route. glad to see him own up to it

still doesn't excuse what he did in any form

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I'm actually applauding him and I despise the man.

He did it 6-8 years ago. When confronted he's immediately fessed up to it. Good for him. A lot of players did it and very few are admitting to it so i respect him for how he's handling the situation.

I don't think it makes his initial action right or vindicates him, but he handled the situation as best he could. :2cents:

He handled it the way they all should. Americans don't seem to care if the apology is sincere or not - just apologize. A-Rod had the fortune of having seen what happened to Pettite and Giambi when the apologized and what happened to Bonds and Clemens when they didn't. He took the easy road and who can blame him.

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He handled it the way they all should. Americans don't seem to care if the apology is sincere or not - just apologize. A-Rod had the fortune of having seen what happened to Pettite and Giambi when the apologized and what happened to Bonds and Clemens when they didn't. He took the easy road and who can blame him.

I don't see it as "easy" or "tough" at all. It's right (admitting and apologizing) vs. wrong (denying).

A-Rod did the best possible thing he could do given the circumstances.

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He says he used it only 2001-03. He lied before, what's to say he's not lying now? For all we know, he had a syringe in his tuckus 5 minutes before he sat down with Gammons and that's why he's squirming.

They're all liars. The whole era is deeply tainted. Sad for a once-great sport.

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I don't see it as "easy" or "tough" at all. It's right (admitting and apologizing) vs. wrong (denying).

A-Rod did the best possible thing he could do given the circumstances.

Maybe 'easy' wasn't the right word. He took the 'duh' way out. To me its a no-brainer to fess up and take your lumps.

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