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Obama - he's not "my" president


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You may have hated it when liberals did it but I'm sure you never responded that way.

Maybe electing a D president has inspired some of the libs to grow a pair;)

Well, I remember going ballistic on a few people who tried to compare Bush with Hitler.

I think actually being critical, loud, and cynical is great! I think what he said is not. You should complain. You should disagree. You should be skeptical. You should not disown your nation. In effect, that's what he did.

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He will be given the same amount of respect that was given to Bush for the past 8 years.

Respect is earned. Be a more respectable President than Bush and you'll get more respect from the people. Obama probably won't have much trouble achieving that remedial accomplishment.

Unless the nation is full of vengeful Bush lovers (ha), your prediction will fail to materialize.

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good for you. I agree whole heartidly with you on this. However, I hope that he doesn't screw the country up like I think he will.

He isn't my president either, since I didn't vote for him. He is only my president by the fact that I am an american and he represents me.

Funny story. I have a t-shirt that says just that, "he's not my president" and I have yet to have anyone say anything negative about it. Everyone has agreed with it and want one.

It's hard to know what's cheesier....

Your t-shirt or your sig.

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then why don't you report the posts you find objectionable, and let them deal with it instead of hoping they do?

I used to, but I've given up on that. There's an Einstein-like algorithm applied to all of my reported posts that I can never figure out, so why even bother.

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I used to, but I've given up on that. There's an Einstein-like algorithm applied to all of my reported posts that I can never figure out, so why even bother.

If you don't report the posts, then stop complaining. You are acting like someone stole your cookie.

Get over yourself.

Why not take a second and address the posts that refute your beliefs?

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The mods must have taken the day off.

Truman, I was on my facebook page today and a friend of mine was on there just killing Bush, saying that she can't wait till he's out of office and that he should have never been there in the first place, blah, blah, blah. I told her the same thing I'm telling you, give it a rest. Unless you denounce your citizenship, he's going to be trying to make things better for you. Whether he succeeds or not is a different story.

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As the "historic" day approaches, I thought I should clear up something with the messiah supporters.

When someone is debating with you on all things Obama, please do not say "well, he's your president too .... blah, blah, blah". I don't know how many times I have read this on this board or seen someone say this on TV. He's NOT "my" president. I did NOT vote for him. I do NOT agree with his policies and think they will be detrimental to the security of America. I will NOT support him. I hope he fails miserably. He is no more "my" president than George W. Bush was your president.

I do not say this out of bitterness or jealousy or whatever. He won the election fair and square. I'm not going to whine and ***** like the libs did when Bush won. But, what I will do is give Obama everything that Bush was given by the libs, plus some. Turnabout is fair play. I'm not alone in this. Plenty of my friends feel exactly as I do.

So, enjoy your day tomorrow, because it's going to be the high point of the next 4 years.

THis is what is great about our country.. you have the right to say how you feel and this is how you feel I have no problem with you stating your feelings on him as I had no problem with people who bashed bush..

Whether I agree or disagree with you does not make a difference. Its the people who tell you to STFU and throw anger your way who truelly dont understand america but they are the same ones to bash those who oppose their views.

Personally I didnt vote for obama, I didnt hate bush, I didnt like bush I didnt like clinton either. I wait to make my judgement but I certainlly will not curse you or call you names for stating your opinion..

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Hoping he fails, is hoping the country fails...which disgusts me.

That is a big, steaming pile of BS.

I truly believe that Obama's proposed policies are going to be detrimental to this country, in terms of it's national security and it's long term economic outlook. In that regard, I hope he fails miserably, because his policies will destroy this country. He's proposing another $1 trillion in spending and people think this is good for the country? :doh:

Like I said, turnabout is fair play. He's starting in the hole with me and has a long way to dig himself out. He's not up to the challenge. His bumbling transition decisions has dug himself even deeper. He gets a free pass from the media all of the time, but not from me. And if you think I'm alone in this thinking, you're all in for a big surprise.

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