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Obama - he's not "my" president


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You're right the Constitution should be static and instead of Obama being sworn in as President he should be mowing the lawn and picking the cotton. :doh: Thank GAWD that the Constitution was created to be changed all willy nilly like.

Oh the drama the drama. Please somebody save me from the drama.

My precious feeling will be hurt by rhetoric and bull**** talking points.

That is one large bucket of weak sauce you got there ASF.

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Can I just say that you guys have NO idea how civil you are when it comes to political topics lol...I've been to other message boards that have no ability to come anywhere NEAR the level of discourse that's shown here in the tailgate. You may not believe that statement, but it's true.

Many other message boards are either way too heavily liberal or way too heavily conservative, and basically it becomes an orgy of bashing the "other" side over the most inane aspects of their governing. On some sites, "Bush is Hitler" was pretty much seen as a proven, indisputable fact (he may have even been worse...and nobody would have argued if you said so). On others, "Clinton is a communist who raped a woman" would have been met with a resounding chorus of "That's true" lol...and God forbid if you bothered to voice an opposite view on either. Kind of like the Stadium forum after a Redskins loss lol :cool:...

But seriously, I've been impressed by the level of civility, reason and logic used when discussing politics in this forum.

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One thing that I will say: "Dissent is the Highest form of Patriotism"... Except when the Liberals are in total control of the Government. Isn't that what Liberal Democrats did the last 8 years? Explain how they weren't being "un-patriotic" or how they were being extremely uber-patriotic?

The OP is expressing his thoughts and opinion. Everyone else is criticizing, and that's fine. However, the criticism should be constructive and the OPs remarks should be clarified for the topic of discussion to be meaningful. It would be good to hear how people intend to "support" the soon-to-be President and how long they will give him before they decide whether to continue their support...

I've stated that he will have my wary support for the next 100 days. I'll withhold all criticism over the next 100 days. Regardless, I will always include him and all civil authorities in my prayers (whether or not I disagree) while in office. I'll always hope for the best.

Everyone is free to express their opinion. If we go to far the MODS will take care that.

ACtually, what are you expecting in 100 days? Other than them passing his stimulus package what do you expect? Alot of what's in that package won't even have an impact until 2010 or later. This 100 days thing is overrated. You really can't do much in that time span.

I really think Obama is going to have problems with his own party. They are going to want to go further left than Obama will want to.

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I said the constitution is being twisted too far and you take that to mean I'm saying blacks should be slaves and I'm wrong?

Did you stamp your feet when you typed that post or hold your breath?

You say twisted, yet you've offered nothing as evidence, don't offer far reaching generalizations like that an expect me to swallow the bait.

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You say twisted, yet you've offered nothing as evidence, don't offer far reaching generalizations like that an expect me to swallow the bait.
Evidence the constitution is being twisted and the fed is over steeping is bounds? What question are you asking me to answer?

I was referring to your comment that following the constitution equates to keeping blacks enslaved.

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Typical name calling response that I had expected. And I'm sure the mods will be right on this too. :rolleyes:

By the way, I do find it interesting how many posters claim in this thread that "I didn't vote for Obama, but ....". Where were all of you before the election, when the McCain bashers were out in full force?

I was voting for Chuck Baldwin...I can't speak for the rest.
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Yet those laws can be changed by the will of whom? The mob. As I said a republic is just organized mob rule.

No, actually.

The processes put in place to amend the Constitution are downright convoluted. Super majorities in both Houses and 3/4 of state legislatures for ratification.

I'd also point out that the members of the Senate were originally selected by the state legislatures, not the people (which began with the passage of the 17th Amendment).

Even the process of passing a statute is pretty indirect. Two houses, has to pass filibuster in the Senate and a potential veto by the president. Even if a bill passes it still has to be Constitutional in the eyes of the Supreme Court.

All these mechanisms are extremely undemocratic. They were put in place by the founders to protect the law from the passions of the mob.

However, I think these mechanisms have been sufficiently eroded that the mob now rules.

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I would personally like to thank Truman for taking the last piece of cred she had, and tossing it down the crapper.

After a gem like this, who will take her posts seriously now?



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I don't think Truman is alone in this sentiment. I recently received an anonymous Republican email from a Republican friend about how Texas was going to secede from the union because of the Obama victory. It basically went on and on about how nobody in the rest of the USA would have oil because they would keep it all for themselves (LOL) and be 100% self-sufficient.

Hell, Sarah Palin's husband was a long time secessionist and Sarah Palin herself had a lot of repect for their local secessionist party.

Is it unpatriotic to be a secessionist? I would think so, but apparenty there are a lot of Republicans who disagree.

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I hope his presidency is one of the most successful in modern history. Saying "he's not my president" reminds me of a three year old stomping his feet and holding his breath in the supermarket isle because he didn't get the candy bar he wanted.

couldnt agree with you more

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I don't think Truman is alone in this sentiment. I recently received an anonymous Republican email from a Republican friend about how Texas was going to secede from the union because of the Obama victory. It basically went on and on about how nobody in the rest of the USA would have oil because they would keep it all for themselves (LOL) and be 100% self-sufficient.

Hell, Sarah Palin's husband was a long time secessionist and Sarah Palin herself had a lot of repect for their local secessionist party.

Is it unpatriotic to be a secessionist? I would think so, but apparenty there are a lot of Republicans who disagree.

The South's gonna rise again...not.
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Evidence the constitution is being twisted and the fed is over steeping is bounds? What question are you asking me to answer?

I was referring to your comment that following the constitution equates to keeping blacks enslaved.

A static constitution means just that, you said that politicians are twisting the constitution when I was talking about the changing of the Constitution by the will of the people, yet you offered nothing to substantiate your claim.

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