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Obama - he's not "my" president


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it was forwarded. Aren't they all? :)

Ah, so this is like the Eddie Murphy-elevator email, then? lol...which gets switched to Michael Jordon, then Tiger Woods, depending upon which black celebrity is pulled out of a hat at any particular moment. Or the "20 uses for Coke" email, which says among other things that the highway police keep a case of Coke in their car to wash away the blood off the street after car accidents lol :D...

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Unity is so over-rated.

I'll say Obama is the president. Since I really don't need someone to lead me, I feel no need to say he's my president.


In regards to the whole "democracy" side topic, I was reminded of this quote:

"Democracy has proved only that the best way to gain power over people is to assure the people that they are ruling themselves. Once they believe that, they make wonderfully submissive slaves."

- Joseph Sobran

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I really think Obama is going to have problems with his own party. They are going to want to go further left than Obama will want to.

This is gonna be interesting,and his greatest challenge

sorta like herding cats;)

he has conservatives of his own party to appease as well

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This is just a terrible and immature sentiment from the OP. I'm not a Dem & I don't care for many of Obama's policies but I would never want any of our presidents to fail in leading this country. Now more than ever, we need the Commander in Chief to achieve some short and long term success.

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A static constitution means just that, you said that politicians are twisting the constitution when I was talking about the changing of the Constitution by the will of the people, yet you offered nothing to substantiate your claim.

I understand that the constitution should be able to adapt.

There are a lot of ways the Fed is over stepping it's own ability. That is where my point is.

The fed should protect us from others, not ourselves.

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Couple things I did not vote for Obama.. I do not agree with many of his viewpoints/policies BUT he is the President tomorrow man RESPECT THAT who cares who he is HE IS THE PRESIDENT. I will pray for him because if he screws up America is screwed too...Why would anyone want to see their country go down in flames.....you sound like an anarchist or some crap like that....

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I did not Vote for Obama, I have real doubts if he can be effective. I do not believe that if he should fail it would be all his fault. I have said many times to friends that whoever won in November would be a lame duck. Not by their actions but by the houses actions.

I do not want Obama to fail. He fails that leaves us worse than what we are now.

I am a memeber of the GOP and I find the "typical conservitive view" just as bad as saying "I want Obama to fail".

That said he is a citizen of the U.S. so he is intitled to his opinion as is everyone else.

So here is my opinion. The OP is a idiot.

The person who said that the OP shares the "typical conservitve view" is an idiot.

I for saying that am an idiot

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Bush didn't win fair and square.

He most certainly did win and it was actually the Dems who pushed illegal means to swing the election in Gore's favor. This is the biggest fiction trotted out by blind followers who felt that the GOP stole that election. There are many books which give a fair accounting of what transpired. I suggest you read some of them. Don't use Michael Moore as your source of information.

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Nope. The fact that you voted for someone who openly praises a secessionist organization does.

I have no problem with people embracing the independence this country was founded on....the whole is not greater than the parts.

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You call democracy mob rule, and yet have no alternative? It is the organized "mob rule" that this country was founded upon, i.e. representative government, when by the people, of the people for the people....i.e. the mob. If an American does not support this then they don't support America.

The founding fathers were scared ****less of the "mobocracy"

Shay's rebellion after the Revolution only added to their fear

Hence the electoral college, hence why Senators were not directly elected until the late 1800s and the representative form of government

The founders certainly did NOT want mob rule or direct democracy

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I didn't vote for him either, but he is still my president, and because we so desperately need it, I hope his presidency is one of the most successful in modern history. Saying "he's not my president" reminds me of a three year old stomping his feet and holding his breath in the supermarket isle because he didn't get the candy bar he wanted.

That is what the liberals have been doing for quite a few years, and I refuse to stoop down to that level. I didn't vote for Obama, I don't agree w/ most all of his policies....with that said, just like what other conservatives posted, we must pray for his success. If he fails, our country fails. There is one thing I pride myself on, and that is being a patriot. I served in the military during the Clinton years. 99% of the military hated his policies, but we all hoped for the best. We all knew and understood he was our president, our commander in chief. This isn't like your job, where you just quite and find another one if you don't like your boss.

Reminds me of the absolute disgust I found in people who wanted to move to Canada when Bush was elected. I told them to go ahead and move, cause I sure as hell don't want people like that living here. If you really hate it that bad, go try and find another country that is better. You won't.

So, again, I'll keep him in my prayers and hope that he is successful. I honestly hope that in 4 years, he is so successful, I will consider voting for his re-election.

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F you dude. George W. Bush is my President until tomorrow and if you choose to be a citizen of this great nation, Barack Hussein Obama will be your President tomorrow. You are free to dislike him, disagree with him, protest against him, etc. but he is your President unless you renounce the United States.

Hated this when liberals were stupid enough to say it. Hate it still.

"F you dude"? Seriously? You may have hated it when liberals did it but I'm sure you never responded that way.

Maybe electing a D president has inspired some of the libs to grow a pair;)

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I have no problem with people embracing the independence this country was founded on....the whole is not greater than the parts.

Thank you.

I disagree, I think the whole is greater than the parts. Case in point, if each of the 50 states had their own military, none of them would be able to afford a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier.

I also think secessionist tendencies are the very definition of unpatriotic (that includes liberals who said they were going to move to Canada in 2004) particularly if it is inspired by undesirable election results.

I can see the paralell you are drawing from the revolutionary war though. But I don't think anyone would accuse 1773 Boston on a whole as having been patriotic for England.

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As the "historic" day approaches, I thought I should clear up something with the messiah supporters.

When someone is debating with you on all things Obama, please do not say "well, he's your president too .... blah, blah, blah". I don't know how many times I have read this on this board or seen someone say this on TV. He's NOT "my" president. I did NOT vote for him. I do NOT agree with his policies and think they will be detrimental to the security of America. I will NOT support him. I hope he fails miserably. He is no more "my" president than George W. Bush was your president.

I do not say this out of bitterness or jealousy or whatever. He won the election fair and square. I'm not going to whine and ***** like the libs did when Bush won. But, what I will do is give Obama everything that Bush was given by the libs, plus some. Turnabout is fair play. I'm not alone in this. Plenty of my friends feel exactly as I do.

So, enjoy your day tomorrow, because it's going to be the high point of the next 4 years.

Some of you just need to grow up. He is the President of the United States, so if you are a citizen of the United States of America he is your President. That is trying to say the congressmen or senators are not yours from your state because you didn't vote for them, or the ceo at your company is not yours because you didn't support them etc....

Grow up. If you do not like it then go to Canada.

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Thank you.

I disagree, I think the whole is greater than the parts. Case in point, if each of the 50 states had their own military, none of them would be able to afford a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier.

I also think secessionist tendencies are the very definition of unpatriotic (that includes liberals who said they were going to move to Canada in 2004) particularly if it is inspired by undesirable election results.

I can see the paralell you are drawing from the revolutionary war though. But I don't think anyone would accuse 1773 Boston on a whole as having been patriotic for England.

One man's patriot is another man's rebel.

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Nope. The fact that you voted for someone who openly praises a secessionist organization does.

Well, first, you have no idea who I voted for lol...

And second, if Palin and McCain were "openly" championing the idea of states seceding as part of their platform, you might have a point. But they weren't, so you don't.

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lol it's true. IMO, you can't be patriotic and a secessionist. It's one or the other.

Reminds me of the conversation between Judah and Messala in Ben-Hur. Messala wants Judah to turn over the men who are rebelling against the Roman occupation. Judah refuses, claiming the men are patriots.

Just a question of where your loyalties lie.

Robert E. Lee was patriotic to Virginia. :)

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