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Workout Thread II


Poll: Geographic Breakdown of Ravens Hating  

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  1. 1. Poll: Geographic Breakdown of Ravens Hating

    • I'm from DC and I hate the Ravens
    • I'm from DC and I'm (kinda) cool with the Ravens
    • I'm from MD and I hate the Ravens
    • I'm from MD and I'm (kinda) cool with the Ravens. I may even LIKE the Ravens.
    • I'm from VA and I hate the Ravens
    • I'm from VA and I'm (kinda) cool with the Ravens
    • I'm a Skins fan with no ties to the area and I hate the Ravens
    • I'm a Skins fan with no ties to the area and I am ok with the Ravens

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Just got a Nike Fuelband today and so far I love it. I need to do a little more research on how "fuel points" are calculated, but the band gives you your "fuel points," steps taken, calories burned and time. ... Anyway, that's my experience with it so far. Anyone else have one of these???

I love my fuelband, which I've had for nearly a year. It really keeps me off the couch when I get home from work or on weekends. 4,000 Fuel and 10,000 steps is my day.

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I read reviews saying the fuel band doesn't reliably count how many calories you burn. I'm mostly lift weights, I don't see how the fuel band could possibly calculate how many calories I burn lifting weights.

Obviously. But you can't use it as the end all be all. You use it as a guide. I set my "fuel" count goal low. 2500. If I get to that, I know I'm actually higher than that on days that I weight train.

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I read reviews saying the fuel band doesn't reliably count how many calories you burn. I'm mostly lift weights, I don't see how the fuel band could possibly calculate how many calories I burn lifting weights.

The criticism is valid with not not being a true indication for calories burned. Folding laundry gives you mad points while riding a bike would be minimal in comparison. :pfft:

But I may get home from work around the same time over three days and have 2300, 2800 and 3300 fuel points. Usually tells me that I need to move my rear. (and maybe sometimes get that laundry folded if I'm short! :evilg:)

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I love mine. But, it does malfunction from time to time. For instance, mine doesn't reset every night now at midnight. But still, it's a great tool and the iPhone app is awesome.

Interesting KDawg. I wonder what the lifespan of these things is.

I love my fuelband, which I've had for nearly a year. It really keeps me off the couch when I get home from work or on weekends. 4,000 Fuel and 10,000 steps is my day.

That's basically what I'm using mine for, to remind me to be active during times I normally would veg out. I have the same goal as you as far as fuel points and steps. I'm going to see how it goes in the next couple weeks and try to bump mine up to 5,000 points a day to really push myself.

I read reviews saying the fuel band doesn't reliably count how many calories you burn. I'm mostly lift weights, I don't see how the fuel band could possibly calculate how many calories I burn lifting weights.

Yeah, I don't think counting calories is the primary use for the fuelband. I looked at my calories after CrossFit last night and was pretty sure it was way off. I'm not really focusing my health and/or fitness schedule on calories burned b/c I know if I'm doing CrossFit and/or cardio 5-6 times a week I'm fine with calories burned. I primarily track calories taken in in my journal.

To me, the fuelband is mostly more of a motivational tool. I figured it would be good for my personality as the competitiveness in me would push me to reach and/or beat the daily goals I set. So yeah, if you're wanting something really technical about heart rate, calories burned, GPS, sleep cycle, etc., this isn't the tool for that. It's more about motivating us non-professional athletes to be active all the time. :)

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I wouldn't get one because of the price. If it did accurately measure how many calories I burned a day I would buy it. I don't need motivation to work out. That being said I wish I had one cause they look cool to me.

I don't think those of us in this thread who have said they have a fuelband don't need motivation to workout either ;) The band helps motivate me outside the gym, to be more aware of my activity level during the "real" day...plus it's fun :)

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I have a fuelband, it's awesome. Definitely doesn't accurately count calories, but I use a heart rate monitor for that. I like comparing my steps I take daily and love it when my band lights up with "Goal"... I think I have it set for 5,000 fuel and 10,000 steps per day

edit: it does give me an idea of my calorie burning per day. On days where it says 1000+ I know I'm on track, when I'm under 1000, I know I need to get moving.

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Joe Weider died. :(


I remember when I was in HS, I had his "Ultimate Bodybuilding" book. It was the size of a phonebook and had hundreds, maybe thousands of exercises in it, training routines, everything. It ****ing told you how to tan for Mr. Olympus competitions. :ols:



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  • 2 weeks later...

3 Set RFT @ 1min. with 1 min. rest between sets:

- Burpee to box jump

- Knee to elbow

- Med ball thrust

- Sumo deadlift high pull

- Pushups

- Row machine

- Push press

Haven't felt this weak after finishing in a while. Tomorrow's going to suck :ols:

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Congrats! The mud race sounds pretty similar to what some of my CrossFit friends and I signed up for this summer: Tough Mudder. Looking forward to getting my ass kicked on the course, haha!

If you do crossfit, tough mudder will be easy.

Sadly way way too many people do tough mudder now and because of that the waiting takes the "tough" out of tough mudder

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I started regularly lifting weights about 3 months ago. i've been doing 5x5 compound lifts for the past month or so. 5x5 has been awesome. My max bench press a couple months ago was 185, and now I can do 5x5 185. I've had basically linear progress on squat as well.

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I started regularly lifting weights about 3 months ago. i've been doing 5x5 compound lifts for the past month or so. 5x5 has been awesome. My max bench press a couple months ago was 185, and now I can do 5x5 185. I've had basically linear progress on squat as well.

Good stuff man, I did same program and made amazing gains. Gained a lot of good mass too. For some reason though my chest grew a lot faster then my legs. Keep it up.

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I started regularly lifting weights about 3 months ago. i've been doing 5x5 compound lifts for the past month or so. 5x5 has been awesome. My max bench press a couple months ago was 185, and now I can do 5x5 185. I've had basically linear progress on squat as well.

KDawg put me on to that routine. Great program for a novice. Produced awesome results for me. Bench, squat, and dead lift maxes jumped up 30-40% in a couple of months.

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What 200 calories looks like.


What 2000 calories looks like.

Obviously focuses on calorie density and not nutrition density, but interesting nonetheless.

I guess I should mention that carrots and bacon appear to be the winners, and these days the mere mention of the word bacon seems to get people hard.

---------- Post added April-8th-2013 at 01:47 PM ----------

If you do crossfit, tough mudder will be easy.

Sadly way way too many people do tough mudder now and because of that the waiting takes the "tough" out of tough mudder

Just signed up for the Spartan Race in Leesburg in August.


This is a "Super Spartan" which means its 9 miles, rather than the other one i did which was 3 miles.

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30 pound mark should be reached soon. Unlike the weight loss program 3 years ago,(dropped near 25 in a similar amount of time using tabata and complexes),this program is a bit more unique. Okay. So. It's work. Unloading trucks,(hey it's a job),by hand then pulling all that freight by hand for about 3-4 hours a day 5 times a week will do it. Last night the boss,(me),decided it was a good day to "throw" the truck. 2,200 pieces in 1 hour and 50 minutes is pretty good. Lifting boxes weighing anywhere from a few ounces to 50+ pounds represents a lot of reps. :D Big workout for the week done. :whew:

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30 pound mark should be reached soon. Unlike the weight loss program 3 years ago,(dropped near 25 in a similar amount of time using tabata and complexes),this program is a bit more unique. Okay. So. It's work. Unloading trucks,(hey it's a job),by hand then pulling all that freight by hand for about 3-4 hours a day 5 times a week will do it. Last night the boss,(me),decided it was a good day to "throw" the truck. 2,200 pieces in 1 hour and 50 minutes is pretty good. Lifting boxes weighing anywhere from a few ounces to 50+ pounds represents a lot of reps. :D Big workout for the week done. :whew:

Good job on the weight loss, PCS!

I hear ya on the work workout. I just took over the Y's gymnastics program and spotting, lifting, supporting and catching all the kids in my classes is a great upper body workout and calorie burner, good grief. I still do the CrossFit classes but I'm not too disappointed if I don't hit my upper body each weight session.

I had yesterday off, but the day before our instructor decided we needed pure cardio and had us run 8 400m sprints...uphill with only 90 second rests. Thought I was going to die, definitely need to incorporate more running into my workouts. Needless to say, the sprinting turned to jogging after the 2nd of the 8 for most of us :ols: Maybe when I get in Olympic caliber shape I'll be able to sprint 4 laps, ha.

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone have a good workout routine they are willing to share? Looking to be able to go to the gym with  a plan instead of just randomly using different machines. Preferrably one that I can print out and take with me.


I try to workout for an hour a day after work and I have found this to be pretty effective. If you want more specifics into each exercise/reps let me know. 


10 Min Cardio -> I use the elliptical because I have bad shin splints and its less impact

10 Min Core/abs. Planks, medicince ball situps, crunch exercises. 

10 Min Cardio

10 Min Upper Body. Military press/bench/decline. Tricep extensions, curls, shoulder press. 

10 Min Cardio

10 Min Core/Upper Body -> Here I try to combine my favorite upper body and core stuff I did earlier to close out my workout. 


I alternate Upper/Lower body days so for lower body days I will work squats, leg press, calf raises, leg curls leg extensions, the other thing where you sit on it and spread your legs, dont know what its called I just call it the slut machine. I also will do hardly any core on lower body days to relax it. 


I have found that this works great for me and mixing the cardio throughout the entire workout helps keep my heart rate in its target area and burning calories/fat the whole time. As far as rep counts and exercises its usually as many as time permits. Sometimes I'm just slower and can't get as much in so I will save those exercises for the next upper/lower day. The first 10 min of upper body I use heavier weight and lower reps and the last 10 min I use lighter weight and more reps for one last burn through. 


Diet wise to compliment this I drink heavy amounts of water all day and try not to eat any carbs after lunch. I will typically make grilled chicken or salmon/tilapia with veggies for low carb/high protein dinners and maybe a whey protein shake too if I'm feeling it. 

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Gotta love kettlebell snatches. Click on the thumbnails. It looks and feels great. :D


Dang that's rough. No gloves my man?

I don't like using gloves during snatches. I want to be able to "feel" the kettlebell during snatches and gloves take away some of that feel. I did wear them this morning and could only do swings. Gloves definitely affect your grip.


Those blisters happened Friday and anytime I went to wash my hands I screamed like a you know what.

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Gotta love kettlebell snatches. Click on the thumbnails. It looks and feels great. :D


Dang that's rough. No gloves my man?

I don't like using gloves during snatches. I want to be able to "feel" the kettlebell during snatches and gloves take away some of that feel. I did wear them this morning and could only do swings. Gloves definitely affect your grip.


Those blisters happened Friday and anytime I went to wash my hands I screamed like a you know what.


Yeah true, you do lose something with gloves but it might be worth it. You don't have to wash your hands though...we understand. 

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