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Workout Thread II


Poll: Geographic Breakdown of Ravens Hating  

438 members have voted

  1. 1. Poll: Geographic Breakdown of Ravens Hating

    • I'm from DC and I hate the Ravens
    • I'm from DC and I'm (kinda) cool with the Ravens
    • I'm from MD and I hate the Ravens
    • I'm from MD and I'm (kinda) cool with the Ravens. I may even LIKE the Ravens.
    • I'm from VA and I hate the Ravens
    • I'm from VA and I'm (kinda) cool with the Ravens
    • I'm a Skins fan with no ties to the area and I hate the Ravens
    • I'm a Skins fan with no ties to the area and I am ok with the Ravens

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Anyone ever get a concussion? If so how long did it take for you to start lifting weights again


Depends on the severity of your concussion. I've only ever had like 2 mild concussions. The first one, I missed one day of practice and was back after that. The other one I needed 2-3 days before I came back full strength. 

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I think I've had two big concussions back when I was a teen. Not sure how long I was off. But unless you've had one in the past 5 years, I'd say our thinking on them has completely changed. I just completed my concussion certification and it's best to talk to a doctor about it. 

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Anyone have any kick butt arm & chest exercises? I been so busy with work and soccer for awhile that I had to miss the gym.  So basically I got my legs in great condition and I have endurance from the running but it took a a little toll on the arms.  I got a beach trip set for the end of June so I'd I'd like to improve that by then.  Plus after having my position phase out recently I need something to do besides filling out applications and waiting by the phone (otherwise I'll go nuts).  

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Anyone have any kick butt arm & chest exercises? I been so busy with work and soccer for awhile that I had to miss the gym.  So basically I got my legs in great condition and I have endurance from the running but it took a a little toll on the arms.  I got a beach trip set for the end of June so I'd I'd like to improve that by then.  Plus after having my position phase out recently I need something to do besides filling out applications and waiting by the phone (otherwise I'll go nuts).  


See my post above about bodybuiding.com.  They have some good workout plans, and you can kinda tailor them to your needs.


For example, I'm currently doing the 12 Week Power-Bodybuilding program.  I changed up a few things, for example I do barbell bench and dumbbell incline, instead of barbell incline and dumbbell bench.  The workout has three upper body days, a deadlift/back day, and a squat/legs day.  If you're already comfortable with your legs, you can change the legs to a core workout day.  Just remember to do some cardio throughout.

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Anyone have a good workout routine they are willing to share? Looking to be able to go to the gym with  a plan instead of just randomly using different machines. Preferrably one that I can print out and take with me.


Bodybuilding.com has boatloads of workout plans. Also there are good channels on youtube worth following.

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Shaker cup part had me laughing hysterically!  So true.  


I also HATE people who do curls in the racks.  My gym only has two power/squat racks, and people constantly use them for things other than squats, standing military press, and deadlifts.  Those are the only three exercises I can think of that need a power rack, and even deadlifts is debatable.  I just bought a used power rack on craigslist so I can avoid those idiots all together.


The spotter video is pretty hilarious too:


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Thought about those videos yhou guys posted while at the gym this morning. Some friggin' douchebag was standing right in front of one of the dumbbell racks doing curls so he could look at his douchebag self as closely as possible in the mirror. Meanwhile, everybody had to walk around the said douchebag in order to get the weights they wanted. Did I mention he was a douchebag?


They really should have douchebag cops at gyms. I am ALWAYS courteous of others at the gym and I expect the same in return.

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That gym is awesome.  


I'm surprised their highest squat is 500.  You would think D1 OL/DL could squat more than that.


Yeah this is only Craig Fitzgeralds's 2nd year a PSU. Before him the players did HIT (High intensity Training) or some BS. They didn't even squat. So most of the guys on the team have only been doing squats for just over a year now.

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That gym is awesome.  


I'm surprised their highest squat is 500.  You would think D1 OL/DL could squat more than that.


Yeah this is only Craig Fitzgeralds's 2nd year a PSU. Before him the players did HIT (High intensity Training) or some BS. They didn't even squat. So most of the guys on the team have only been doing squats for just over a year now.


That's dumb, but very believable.  My first rule of a working out routine:  "If you're not lifting your legs, you're not lifting."

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  • 4 weeks later...

That gym is awesome.  


I'm surprised their highest squat is 500.  You would think D1 OL/DL could squat more than that.



That gym is awesome.  


I'm surprised their highest squat is 500.  You would think D1 OL/DL could squat more than that.


Yeah this is only Craig Fitzgeralds's 2nd year a PSU. Before him the players did HIT (High intensity Training) or some BS. They didn't even squat. So most of the guys on the team have only been doing squats for just over a year now.


The gym is nice, about what to expect from a school like PSU.  Alabama's is crazy.  I kind of laughed that PSU has the adjustable dumbbells, i hate those things, so unwieldy.  


I don't think I've ever heard of a college program that didn't squat (and clean).  I know some programs that run spread offenses do a lot of HIT, (like Oregon), but no squatting?  Wow.  

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I don't know how many in here take fish oil, but I do and I believe it helps with joint pain. However, there's a new study saying it might be linked to an increased risk in prostate cancer. So yikes. Here is the link


That really bummed me the **** out. What to do? What.......to......do? **** it. I think I'll just start joining the Golden Corral crowd.

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