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Things you learned from watching C.S.I.


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I've also learned that even the smartest criminals, who go to great effort to commit the perfect crime, can be tricked into confessing. They will never think ahead to reasonable doubt in court, they will just spill their guts and confess.

"We found a fiber from your pants beside your girlfriend's body!"

"****! You caught me! That ***** had it coming. She was sleeping around, but she got hers - and good!....Oh, what?....yeah, I take that back....SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND, MAN! I'm over at her house wearing my pants on a regular basis. Unless you've got a time and date stamp on that thread you've got nothing!

It's amazing more of them don't just say, " I'm not talkin till I have a lawyer, because that's my right "

(as well as, their advantage)

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It you stab someone with a knife, you will always cut yourself and leave blood inside the handle

That's only if they put up a good struggle.

So either stab them when they're sleeping, or sedated, so you don't cut yourself.

Again, I'm not recommending that you commit murder - so ONLY stab a sleeping person in Self Defense.

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- All police drive Hummers and Escalades, especially the CSI peeps

- THere is always someone still at a crime scene, even after it has been cleared by the real police

- You can find a perp by analyzing the tread marks from any crime scene

- All cops are best buds with the forensic team and csi people

- If you interview a witness who lies repeatedly, eventually they will tell the truth

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I love CSI.


from NCIS (which I also love)

There is no traffic around the D.C. areas, as it is possible to drive from Quantico to Norfolk to some NOVA town and still have daylight.

dont watch CSI, but watch NCIS. that parts gets me too. plus all the times they show mountains in the background when they are in DC.

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I love the shows, but being a musician who does a lot of computer based recording, this one rips my butt apart every time...

If you happen to record a telephone call, that takes place in the middle of downtown Miami, during rush hour... you can just drop the .wav file into the figureitoutinator and easily separate the sound of the dog barking at the intruder three blocks away at Pagni's Fish Market... from the rest of the mess in the recording.

.. Despite the fact that this is akin to removing the egg from cake batter.

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A couple times, I've seen that the police have photo processing software so powerful, that they can zoom in on some regular joe's digital photo and ID a suspect reflected in sunglasses; or in one case, reflected off somebody's iris. So they zoom in, and instead of 4 huge pixels filling the screen, they can get a recognizable face. Cool, huh?

This drives me nuts. I'm waiting for them to zoom in on the thumb of a man hitchhiking across the street from an ATM camera and lift the finger print one of these days.

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If you commit a crime in the woods, you better not have cuffed your pant legs. Because something always falls into that cuff that links you to those woods.

LOL, actually, never commit a crime anywhere with cuffed pant legs. If you pop a couple in someones chest in a back alley, one drop of blood will float through space and land on that cuff without touching any other place on the pants.

Also, if you are unfortunate enough to kill someone while wearing cuffed pants, you most assuredly will be wearing those pants when they bring you in for questioning.

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What's with the lighting on those shows? They keep everything dark and they back light with colored lights in their offices and labs. I'm sure there are lots of government offices and labs using lavender, yellow and blue lighting. WTF. Must be the same set designers that did that stupid USA Network series Silk Stalkings.


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I could not concentrate if I worked with Emily Procter and Eva LaRue. Seriously, I'd forget everything.
Amen to this.

I love how over the top CSI Miami is.

The women are crazy hot, even the CSI's, and the guys dress in pink linen shirts and white pants with designer sunglasses, real professional police attire.

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