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How many offensive geniuses look like morons when their O-Lines turn old and/or get injured? I'm willing to give Zorn the benefit of the doubt for another season, but not Vinny. There ought to be a super big giant thread dedicated to his firing. Even if you want Zorn gone, it was Vinny that hired him.

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Zorn looked over his head today, but we've got to have a little bit of patience. I wasn't a big fan of his hiring, but we need continuity to turn things around. When we were 6-2 it looked like he could coach. I'm in favor of keeping him another year and letting him have a chance.

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Afraid to say this, but does this not look very familiar to the Richie Petibon head coaching stint? The longer the season got, the easier it got in predicting what the plays will be called, almost easier than Wheel of Fortune with one letter left to go on a puzzle.

Zorn is overwhelmed and clearly out of his league as he did well when noone knew what he was going to call but as the season winds down, everyone knows his tendencies are on every down.

West Coast Offense does not mean Whimpy Calling but Offensive to watch.

I thought it sucked when the Skins lost to the lowly Rams, but this one stung because I almost was expecting it.

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we should be seeing progression... not regression.

The signs are plain too see... Zorn does not have control of this football team....

don't stick with him just for the sake of consistancy... we could end up just consistantly sucking.

That's what it comes down to. He has no control, and very poor motivational skills.

But more than anything else, his team has gotten worse throughout the year, despite his team getting healthier if anything, save for this past week. I could handle 7-9. I couldn't handle finishing 1-5 through November and early December.

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The playcalling has been terrible, and there has been some serious signs of bad coaching (things like rushing the team to get a play off after a sketchy call is made in our favor to limit the window of time the other team has to challenge, our line players falling down on EVERY play, and predictability on both offense and defense), but Zorn isn't the catalyst of all that has gone wrong.

Terrible personnel decisions have gotten us to this point. Thats on Cerrato. O-line. D-line. Running back (we need new, fresh, agressive and speedy legs to compliment Portis' workhorse running). I won't even comment on WR because most of the offensive players get another year to prove themselves to me. Campbell hasn't done great, but give him another half year. If he's terrible then, enter the era of Colt Brennan. I don't think Campbell is the problem...yet. He needs protection. The WRs need to do a better job and people need to stop quitting on plays.

Its absolutely frustrating how terrible and predictable we have been both on offense and defense. How and when we choke. How we simply can not generate a big play. I don't think its Zorn's fault.

But I do have to ask...Is it positional coaching? Is that why our reciever's route running is bad? Our D-Line can't get to the QB? Is it poor positional coaching that is to blame for broken tackles? Linemen falling down on plays and not having the motor to get back up and pursue to the ball (or to get back up and protect)? I don't know, but the more I see this terrible to mediocre performance, the uninspired play upfront on both sides of the ball and the severe lack of big play capability, it leads me to believe that while Cerrato formed this roster, these guys just aren't playing acceptable and coaching should fix SOME of that, but it simply hasn't.

Zorn deserves another year. So does Campbell.

But I'm afraid if our needs aren't addressed, we will be back at square one.

Am I frustrated? Absolutely. Will I give up on this team? Never.

Am I glad I vented in this post? Yes.

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If he is to be fired, wait til after the season. See what other coaches, and there will be some who also get fired and then a make a decision. Personally I wouldn't mind Jack Del Rio as coach. He'd have more to work with here than in J'Ville and he knows defense.

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Zorn is getting fired so everyone might as well accept it and lets start getting ready for next year. There really isnt any sense for all of the board fighting with eachother over a lame duck coach.

Lavarleap56 is very reliable source...this is a no brainer...got to bring in Cowher...if Skins don't...somebody else will...he is the last hope!!

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With the players the redskins have the redskins should easily be in the playoffs. I can't possibly see Zorn being a head coach for much longer. What they could do is get an experienced head coach put zorn as just an offensive coach let him get the hang of things then have him around and see what he has learned.

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With the players the redskins have the redskins should easily be in the playoffs. I can't possibly see Zorn being a head coach for much longer. What they could do is get an experienced head coach put zorn as just an offensive coach let him get the hang of things then have him around and see what he has learned.

Are you kidding me? players the redskins have are a bunch of worn out losers no other team would give a 1st 2nd or 3rd round draft pick for. Why do you think there is only 1 or 2 players from the redskins on the pro bowl every year, because they are all average and don't care if they win or lose

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With the players the redskins have the redskins should easily be in the playoffs. I can't possibly see Zorn being a head coach for much longer. What they could do is get an experienced head coach put zorn as just an offensive coach let him get the hang of things then have him around and see what he has learned.

Gibbs had the same players and snuck into the playoffs as the wild card team. I don't call that easily getting into the playoffs. Zorn has the same players (but one year more wear and tear on older players) and has a different offense. So it should be easy for him? Every time the Skins make a wild card entrance into the playoffs they have a losing record the following season. It would have been no different under Gibbs. Zorn is not the problem.

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I'm tired of Jim Zorn's play calls out there its is time for a New HEAD coach not a quarter back coach. Every team knows our damn play book but we are just not smart enough to relize it. Portis is right.

I see this is your second post. Alittle advice, check for previous threads on the subject before starting a new thread, and in this case beg forgiveness as a newbie. :rolleyes:

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I said this in earlier posts. While I don't dislike the man, He came out of the chute and surprised alot of teams. However, his play calling became predictable and everyone KNEW what was coming.

Down the strcth of the season, Defenses and teams that are bad, like Seattle and Cinncy took us to the limit, or beat us. Teams that were good, just flat out whooped us.

Zorn needs to stay, Cambell needs to go. :2cents:

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I think the thing that's hurting the most right now is that it is becoming obvious that the players are running the team.

Portis can obviously get away with bi***ing out his head coach and criticising his team and fellow players on national television, with no repremand.

The next day, the skins organization bends over backwards to kiss up to CP. talk about a credibility issue. And our incompetent owner sees no problem with any of this. He has old, overpaid players who don't contribute. But everything is okay because he is still getting our money from everything; 7 dollar beers and everything. Our problems are organization wide...Zorn can't be to blame for everything...

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Give Zorn and Campbell 1 more year. Let them go into the offseason already knowing eachother and the playbook. Now they go in to master it instead of learn it. Also let them go into the offseason with their young Wide Outs and Tight End settled into the playbook.

If it doesn't work out for Campbell after two years, you already drafted Brennan.

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