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Do You Hate ESPN?


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Are Cowboys fans seriously petitioning their biggest supporters in the media?

ESPN loves the Cowboys, why would you petition them?


ESPN has to report the truth in between all the butt kissing over the pokes, some of the time

Poke fans only want to hear how "great the pokes are" nothing else

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personally I like ESPN, its the reporters I am tired of. Boomer's shtick and his clever saying are stale. Stewart Scott just tries to be cool and use "hip hop" language because thats what he thinks will keep his job. Stephen A Smith is just an idiot that is more Iverson then Cronkite. Jackson just is just outright biased against certain teams (and I dont mean just the Redskins).

If they would bring in new people and concentrate more on the news and less on being cool or hip to the crowd theyre reporting to I think they would be fine.

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You young'ins have no idea what it was like before ESPN. You got to watch 5 mins of NFL highlights on your 11 o clock news, or watch the "George Michael Sports Machine" at 11:30 with all the highlights cramped into 30 mins.

If you missed it, that was in. No other highlights for you.....

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The thing I really don't like about ESPN is how they completely sucked up ABC Sports and took all their original programing, specifically Monday Night Football. Apart from that, and the hype machine around certain teams and players, I don't really hate ESPN. I have it on quite often, actually.

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Well, the pansies can always click over to Lifetime.

There's probably some really crappy Shirley McClain movie on.

Real simple. Back in the 70s when the NFL became the Sunday TV staple that it is now the Cowboys were really good, and really humble. Under Landry and Staubach they were the wholesome image that was easy to promote. They also won a lot, and so they were on national TV all the damn time.

And so, there are more Cowboys (and Steelers) fans in America than any other team.

So if you want to blame ESPN for covering them incessantly, you're barking up the wrong tree.

Blame the NFL for marketing them so aggressively.


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LOL, the media loves the Cowboys? You have got to be kidding me. The media, especially ESPN's main goal is to cause drama in Big D. It's more like ESPN loves the Giants even WITH what has happened this year with Plax, etc.

And your right. ESPN, it's highlights in general are okay, but they've become more than that now. They've become like a drama series. Their newscasters, commentators, etc are just idiots who think they know everything. You know you see this.

Btw, it says on the site for now that all it is IS to show your hatred towards ESPN. No, maybe it isn't a big deal, but you know you hate ESPN and expressing your opinions/feelings is the best thing to do.

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to look at it, for those who did. The site WAS started today so there wasn't much to expect except for the petition itself. And yes it is driven by a Cowboy fan, but what different does that make? ESPN sucks, I hate it, and seems like by the replies on here, all, or most of you do too.

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Actually one of the main things I hate about ESPN is that 60% of their football coverage is about the Cowboys. Everything they talk about winds up with what it means to the Cowboys and their chances. You can't watch one ****ing NFL network or ESPN show that talks any football at all without them spending time on the Cowboys. They need to just making an ESPN C, all Cowboys, all the time so that they can start talking about the rest of the NFL on the regular network occasionally.

As far as creating drama in Dallas, no, that's not what they do. They overhype whatever is going on with them. If they're winning and everything's fine in the locker room, they'll be comparing them to Lombardi's Packers. If TO is going nuts and they're losing, they'll blow that up. No matter what the situation, the only thing guaranteed is that they will spend twice the time on the Cowboys as any other team and that no show will go without Cowboys talk.

Other than that, the whole not covering anything and just being a soap opera for men pisses me off about ESPN. 96% of their content is wholly and entirely worthless and does not do anything. I don't really watch ESPN other than games anymore. I grew tired of their style a long time ago.

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