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Most underrated actor/actress...

Chump Bailey

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To piggyback on Spiff's thread...


Morgan Freeman (not enough praise IMO)

Daniel Day-Lewis (not enough praise either - not from the public IMO, but certainly from his peers)

Sean Penn

Robert Duvall

Gary Oldman

Ed Harris

Christian Bale

Val Kilmer

Billy Bob Thornton

Ewan McGregor

Ray Liotta

John Cusak

Kurt Russell

Viggo Mortensen

Ryan Reynolds

Willem Dafoe (Thanks Cali...)

Powers Boothe

Forest Whitaker

Kevin Bacon

Vince Vaughn

Rutger Hauer

Robert Patrick

Ed Norton

Josh Brolin


Laura Dern

Diane Lane

Rosario Dawson

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you put ghost dog in there? that movie alone kills him for me..

Morgan Freeman gets just enough credit for my liking. he is very respected but never slobbered over.

I will agree with Dafoe and Oldman though.

Oldman's best line is from True Romance "he must think its white boy day"


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you put ghost dog in there? that movie alone kills him for me..

Morgan Freeman gets just enough credit for my liking. he is very respected but never slobbered over.

I will agree with Dafoe and Oldman though.

I loved True Romance Mike...

I thought Forest did a great job in Street Kings with Keanu Reeves - Good Morning Vietnam was a good role for him too IMO. I could have left him off in hindsight without much trouble though.

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Don't know about rating actor's entire body of work, but I will say that there are two performances where I think the "supporting" actor really stood out, in my mind.

Tom Arnold in True Lies.

Fred Gwyne in My Cousin Vinny.

I also agree with the guy in the "other" thread who said that Jeffery Roush in POTC helped a bunch.

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Jeremy Piven- still underrated IMO since he is typecast as "the agent"

Clive Owen

John Candy (RIP)

Kevin Corrigan ( the cousin in "the departed")

Sterling Hayden (oldie but a goodie)

James Ransone

James Gandolfini- suprised that a guy who had a hard time getting "gangster" roles before the Sopranos, now cant get offers for anything but.

John Goodman

Bill Murray


add Willam Dafoe and Chiwetel Ejiofor to the list.

Natascha McElhone

Marisa Tomei- she won an oscar but still gets no credit

Debi Mazr- seen her in a few things where she did NOT have her typical NY accent, great acting.

Edie Falco-How is she not starring in a movie after those amazing performances in the Sopranos?

Helena Bonham Carter

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Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman is badass. I actually just watched Hellboy 2 last night online. He's a great voice actor for just about everything, and he can do really campy or serious horror movies, or just as easily switch it up and do something like Enemy at the Gates or the very excellent Sons of Anarchy.

I think Paul Rudd is pretty underrated.

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Ron Perlman is badass. I actually just watched Hellboy 2 last night online. He's a great voice actor for just about everything, and he can do really campy or serious horror movies, or just as easily switch it up and do something like Enemy at the Gates or the very excellent Sons of Anarchy.

I think Paul Rudd is pretty underrated.

mother****ing sons of anarchy...best shot on TV!! :cheers:

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Daniel Craig - Does a great Bond

Kevin Bacon- listed but he did an AMAZING job in Death Sentence

Heath Ledger (R.I.P.)- Brokeback Mountain discouraged some people about him but him as the Joker...wow.

Kiefer Sutherland - The job he does in 24 and did in Phonebooth are great and he was just awesome in the Cowboy Way.

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these guys are both type casted from here on out.

LOTR and The Sopranos are going to be their calling cards just like Alan Alda is forever Hawkeye. :2cents:

Or anyone who has ever appeared in any version of Star Trek. (Although Jerry Ryan does keep trying to bust (no pun intended) out.)

Also, re: Typecasting:

I recall reading on IMDB a while back that supposedly John Wayne turned down the role of Matt Dillon on Gunsmoke, "because he didn't want to be typecast as a cowboy". :)

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