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Punting Situation Solved?!?


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I don't know about you guys, but I've been VERY impressed with our good ol' pow Plackie!!!!!! (Sorry, that's what I call him) He's been very consistent with us so far, and has done a great job dropping the ball inside the 5 on a few occasions(darn you for hustling Rock!!)

What are your guys' thoughts on him? I like him. He's relatively young, has good experience, and has been doing a great job so far with us.

Lets hope he keeps it up!!


Just trying to find some positives as we move towards Seattle week. It'd be nice to go up there, after our struggles the last few years, and whoop up on them!

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I like Placky so far as well because he hasn't shanked anything. However, he's 31st in punt avg of 36 punters, and 35th in net avg., the second being below what Brooks had. Like I said, I like Placky so far, but he's low in the same categories everyone knocked Brooks for. He def. has room to improve in the punting game, but he has been looking better each game, so hopefully that will continue. And like others have said, at least he's not shanking them.

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The key here is consistency. Brooks, whom I was a fan of, as well as Frost just were not consistent. They would boom a punt after one stalled drive and then shank another. Plack has been able to bring consistency to the kicking game which was clearly lacking.

I'd give him an A- as well.

Exactly - with Brooks, a great punt was when he was being inconsistent.

Frankly - Placky deserved the punt to the 1 yard line, too bad we couldnt keep it for him.

We could do worse, and we have. Bring Brooks back during training camp and see who wins.

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I'm on the fence here.

I liked Brooks because he had a cool name and bombed a 78-yarder in college. Before the season started, I was positive that he would make the biggest impact of all our rookies this season.

It sucks he went out the way he did- but Plackdaddy has a Ray Guy award too-- and has looked pretty solid so far.

Also, for some weird reason... I really like having an overweight/awkward looking kicker back there. Way better than some skinny Canadian weasel who would look more fitting on stage with 98 Degrees. (cough, cough, sorry Suisham...)

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I keep thinking they should try him out at guard.

He seems to put it where he needs to, and the funky back-spinny stuff is good for situational kicking.

Also, for some weird reason... I really like having an overweight/awkward looking kicker back there. Way better than some skinny Canadian weasel who would look more fitting on stage with 98 Degrees. (cough, cough, sorry Suisham...)

LAY OFF SUISHY! :) The Horse steroids they gave him in the off season seem to have worked.

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The key here is consistency. Brooks, whom I was a fan of, as well as Frost just were not consistent. They would boom a punt after one stalled drive and then shank another. Plack has been able to bring consistency to the kicking game which was clearly lacking.

I'd give him an A- as well.

Yes he is consistent in getting less net yards than almost every other punter in the NFL; including Brooks! Bravo Plackey and Danny Smith! The only thing missing from this fisco is a big "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!" sign being unfurled after another 32.1 yard net punt. The guy gets 5 yards less than the 50-year old Matt Turk!!!!!

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I think this is a perfect example of seeing only what you want to see.

Placky has not been good. Yes, he has had good punts, and he has had a good game or two. He had a very good punt in the Cowboys game, but he also has been saved at times with good rolls on really short punts. In fact, he is second to last in all punters that have played this year in net yardage. Surely he has had short fields to punt on, right? Not with our offense... Out of his 20 punts, 4 were inside the 20(not neccesarily meaning it was a short field) and 3 were TB's. That actually may be lower than the league average, as alot of punters hit about half inside the 20 and in the endzone.

No, Placky has not been good, but with the offense so bad, who notices the punter? When the offense and defense are playing well, the only thing to notice IS the punter.

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His Net is worse than Brooks was, but yeah Brooks sucks and Plackey is great!!! :doh: I guess people just see what they want to see......

Use your head dude, have you seen one post on this board about punting problems since we made the switch? He may not be the best punter in the league (very far from it), but he's CONSISTENT, which IS much better than Brooks, and pretty much all you can ask for from our punter right now. We wasted a draft pick, and this is the best we can get for now. God I wish they would ban than smiley with the hand over his face, so freaking sick of that thing, everyone wants to be the infallible voice of reason.......... Weve got bigger problems to worry about, Plackemeier should be the last thing we're criticizing right now.

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