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The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace


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To blame Bush for everything is extremely ignorant. What could he have been impeached for..its not like he cheated on his wife with an intern in the white house.

Nobody blames Bush for "everything." They only blame him for the many things he screwed up.

And if Bush's biggest (public knowledge) mistake was cheating on his wife, America would be in far, far better shape right now.

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don't forget the Aids relief

don't forget the prescription drug plan

don't forget the attempt at fixing SS that his own party screwed him on.

(we will wish for that in 7 years)

don't forget his immigration bill that was in step with the dems.

As with Clinton they both get credit for continuously fighting the Israel/hamas debacle.

As with Clinton they both get credit for bypassing the UN to save countries.

As with Clinton they both will end up in the top 20.

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I've been trying to convince my wife about the Truman comparison for a few weeks now, she refuses to hear it. I agree that as of right now it seems Bush was a horrible president, but history may grade him much different. I wish more people grasped that concept.

I agree completely. As it is appearing the war on terror is showing actual results, we can possibly hold some optimism for a future of peace. If that happens, history will be much kinder the W than the present day is. Bush was faced with unprecedented challenges. He's not perfect, obviously, but times have indeed been extraordinary.

I am no fan of his, but I agree, naming a sewage plant after a president is low class. Ditto for making a movie mocking him while he's still in office. Ditto for making a porn about a VP candidate, and so many other ways we manage to disgrace and disrespect ourselves.


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So Bush really only listened to the conservative side of things. What is Obama going to do? He has voted for his party 97% of the time. Is that all of a sudden going to change? Bush has dealt with the worst terrorist attack in US history, probably the worst national disaster in US history (Katrina), and has faced off against the strongest terrorist organization in the world. The all democrat congress has had one of the lowest approval ratings ever. To blame Bush for everything is extremely ignorant. What could he have been impeached for..its not like he cheated on his wife with an intern in the white house.

Seriously who names themself after Trung Candidate?

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The Truman comparison is laughable. You want to know why he was treated more favorably in history than he was at that time? People had an opportunity later to re-examine the accomplishments of Truman and found them to be remarkable considering the context of the time he presided over.

His dip in popularity was a result of his power struggle with General McArthur, who was basically BEGGING to be fired for insubordination, as well as his progressive stance on civil liberties (considering the times in which he lived).

Give me the list of accomplishments by GWB. I'm guessing it would look something like this (though I disagree with most of these points, I'll concede them for the sake of argument):

- No terrorist attacks after 9/11

- Surge worked in Iraq

- Brought democracy to the Middle East

- Chased Taliban out of Afganistan

- AIDS relief in Africa

This doesn't remotely address his blunders, the extent of which would take up quite a bit of space.

Now let's look at Truman's accomplishments:

- Presided over the final stages of victory in WWII (which included his monumental decision to release the atomic bomb on Japan, saving millions of lives)

- Successfully guided the US through the most economically prosperous time in our history, averting strikes by nearly every major union that wasn't permitted to strike during the war (most notably the rail union, which Truman immediately took control of and threatened to draft their workers into the Army, which got them into line pretty quickly)

- Presided over the creation of the UN

- Was the central figure in the creation of and recognition of Israel

- The Marshall Plan saved Europe from economic disaster, preventing many nations including Italy, Turkey, and Greece from falling into communist hands,

- Created the department of defense (merging military wings under one roof, increasing efficiency by ten times over)

- Successfully averted war with the Soviet Union over the spoils of Germany with the decision to airlift supplies into blockaded sections of Germany

- Created NATO

- Was the first President ever to address civil rights, submitting legislation to congress regarding voting rights and civil liberties (none of it was passed, but it was the first step towards later endeavors and one could say towards what we saw last night)

So, um. Yeah. Bush ain't Truman.

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You reap what you sow and Bush has been far from a great president but the left went way over the line.

My biggest complaint is democrats being so dishonest about the Iraq war and WMD's. Many supported Saddam's removal (and expounded on the existence of WMDs) for years before Bush even took office, they voted for the war and when it became politically convenient to turn on him, they took the opportunity and stabbed him in the back.

Granted the war was run badly and Bush should be called out for that but Democrats all act as if they were lied to - if that was true allot of those democrats were lying before W was even elected.

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I agree. Watch what happens to people who talk poorly of Obama. It will be a blood bath.

People don't realize that tolerance is onesided to the left. You must be tolerant of their views but it doesn't work the other way.

That's crap. I'm as left as they come on most issues and I have a lot of friends and coworkers who are the exact opposite I am very tolerant of their views and I understand why they may differ from me. Stop thinking that TV is a depiction of real life. The truth is we will continue to function as a society, people will interact, go to work, raise their families. All the while hard core conservatives will co exist with hard core liberals and everyone in the middle will get along just fine.

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There ought to be a certain amount of respect for the office of President, but George Bush the man is certainly not ENTITLED to any amount of respect. Respect is earned, and spent. He has spent far more than he has had. And this is true of any President. **** the country up and you ought to be considered a disgrace. I don't see the problem.

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I agree. Watch what happens to people who talk poorly of Obama. It will be a blood bath.

People don't realize that tolerance is onesided to the left. You must be tolerant of their views but it doesn't work the other way.


Everybody respected Clinton. Was polite to him. Spelled his name correctly. Didn't call him names.

And you're right, again. There hasn't been a single case here in Tailgate of Bush supporters telling people who disagree with the President that they aren't Americans, and telling then to get out of the country if they disagree, the way all the Clinton people did when people criticized him.

Yep, it was Clinton who spent his entire Administration yelling "Treason!" whenever anybody disagreed with him.

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... naming a sewage plant after a president is low class.
- I agree with you 100%!
... Ditto for making a movie mocking him while he's still in office.
- I agree with you 100%!
... Ditto for making a porn about a VP candidate,
- What the Hell is wrong with you? :)
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This thread is proof that Obama's rhetoric on unity and bipartisanship will result in virtually nothing, just as Bushs's did. Obama's supporters do not want unity, they want their pound of flesh. This election was not one on unifying the country, it was won on throwing the bums out. Obama's victory is thanks to the ridiculous hatred and vitriol that has been whipped up about the current president and it will not be satiated without "revenge" of some kind.

There will be at least three years of investigations and hearings. Debate will be cut off, opposition silenced and the Democratic agenda will be forced through, due to their new majorities in Congress.

What I don't know today, is whether this will be an overreaching that results in a swing back to the middle, or if my country has changed so much that it will be welcomed and applauded. I wake up this morning feeling for the first time that I may not belong here anymore. Clinton's eight years did not make me feel this way, but something about the way that this election has unfolded gives me an odd feeling of alienation.

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Seriously who names themself after Trung Candidate?

I'd say it had to really be him, because no one else possibly would want to.

Except his name is mis-spelled, so that can't be.

Unless "How to spell your name" was on the same page of his playbook as "How to block a blitzing linebacker".

Then I could definitely see how he'd miss it.


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That's crap. I'm as left as they come on most issues and I have a lot of friends and coworkers who are the exact opposite I am very tolerant of their views and I understand why they may differ from me. Stop thinking that TV is a depiction of real life. The truth is we will continue to function as a society, people will interact, go to work, raise their families. All the while hard core conservatives will co exist with hard core liberals and everyone in the middle will get along just fine.

It's not crap, it's true. Just give this some time to sink in. Things are sure to unwind.

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Sometimes life deals a decent person an unfair blow. In most cases, however, people get exactly what they deserve - they reap what they sew.

Let's not start the revisionist history with this maggot that has soiled the White House for eight years. He was a horrible man who presided over the most divisive, destructive presidency in American history. He's left the country in shambles as he continues to push for un-American policies on his way out. Despicable doesn't even begin to cover it.

If anything, he has been treated far to kindly. He should have been impeached long ago.

Pretty much. The one thing I dont get is if you had some loon take a poke at Reagan, why was Bush getting shot at daily? He's been that bad for Amreica, I'm surprisied that one person did just go after him.

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This thread is proof that Obama's rhetoric on unity and bipartisanship will result in virtually nothing, just as Bushs's did. Obama's supporters do not want unity, they want their pound of flesh. This election was not one on unifying the country, it was won on throwing the bums out. Obama's victory is thanks to the ridiculous hatred and vitriol that has been whipped up about the current president and it will not be satiated without "revenge" of some kind.

There will be at least three years of investigations and hearings. Debate will be cut off, opposition silenced and the Democratic agenda will be forced through, due to their new majorities in Congress.

What I don't know today, is whether this will be an overreaching that results in a swing back to the middle, or if my country has changed so much that it will be welcomed and applauded. I wake up this morning feeling for the first time that I may not belong here anymore. Clinton's eight years did not make me feel this way, but something about the way that this election has unfolded gives me an odd feeling of alienation.

Don't let the door hit ya on the way out. I hear Australia is nice this time of year.

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No - BUSH was the disgrace.

It appears the revisionists are already trying to pump up his legacy. Good riddance to that semi-moron.

But if any Republican wants to label themself a "Bush Republican" feel free to do so. Will make electing more Democrats easier in the future...

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Is this a serious post? If anything, the title should read "The Treatment BY Bush Has Been a Disgrace".

(posted this on another thread)

GW Bush is responsible for countless acts of illegal wiretapping.


Bush ok's torture. Something outlawed for quite some time.


It's quite possible he's broken more than 750 laws.


Do I even need to mention the false validation for going to war with Iraq that has cost us many US and Iraqi lives and billions upon billions of dollars? He's a murder. Plain and simple.

This is a guy that thought he was above the law and disregarded the Constitution on every account. He should be tried for treason and hung in front of the White House.

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Give me the list of accomplishments by GWB. I'm guessing it would look something like this (though I disagree with most of these points, I'll concede them for the sake of argument):

- No terrorist attacks after 9/11

- Surge worked in Iraq Still debatable

- Brought democracy to the Middle East WRONG

- Chased Taliban out of Afganistan WRONG

- AIDS relief in Africa

A correction here.

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Bush has dealt with the worst terrorist attack in US history,

By hiding from it, and then using it for political capital.

probably the worst national disaster in US history (Katrina)

By hiding from it, and then using it for political capital.

and has faced off against the strongest terrorist organization in the world.

By using it for political capital.

What could he have been impeached for

For ordering the violation of the US Constitution? For making US citizens disappear strictly on his own say-so?

For ordering political loyalty tests be used to fill non-political government jobs?

For the destruction of government documents and records that are required by Federal Law to be retained?

..its not like he cheated on his wife with an intern in the white house.

Well, at least there's that. :)

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There ought to be a certain amount of respect for the office of President, but George Bush the man is certainly not ENTITLED to any amount of respect. Respect is earned, and spent. He has spent far more than he has had. And this is true of any President. **** the country up and you ought to be considered a disgrace. I don't see the problem.

Explain how exactly you go about respecting the office of the Presidency while you are trashing the person in that position?

IMO respecting the office off the Presidency means to NOT trash, insult, etc. the actual President. Disagree vehemently, yes. Insults no.

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Explain how exactly you go about respecting the office of the Presidency while you are trashing the person in that position?

IMO respecting the office off the Presidency means to NOT trash, insult, etc. the actual President. Disagree vehemently, yes. Insults no.

name the sewage plant after him once he gets out of office

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