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Steelers Fans Force Silent Count

Dan T.

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Meanwhile, I'm stuck on the waiting list for years because I'd do anything to go to these games and see the team win, but instead I see other fans sell off their tickets.

You say you'd do "anything" to attend a game.

Would "anything" happen to include buying tickets?

People sell season tickets for face value all over the place in August.

If the waiting list is the sole reason you're not attending games, you must not be doing your homework.

Do you go to games when teams like St. Louis, AZ and Cle are in town and tickets can be had for less than face value?

Or do you just wait for big games like last night to complain that you can't go b/c our season ticket holders are unloyal?

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The Steelers fans were loud during introductions but shut up very quickly when our first four possessions started in their territory. The seemed to completely disappear while Skins fans were very loud and enthusiastic early.

The problem is that our offense did absolutely NOTHING all night and people quieted down as the tides turned. Then it went from being a home game to a veritable away game right before the half. Our team gave us very little to cheer about... and the end result was the terrible towels dominating.

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With 90,000 fans our stadium should be the loudest in the nation, but please people by all means continue to sell your tickets on ebay and sit there in your club seats and ask everyone infront of you to sit down aswell.

Are you a season ticket holder?

If not, you could easily be one.

Stop whining about those who are if you aren't.

If you wern't at the game last night you could have bought tickets instead of waiting till the next day to complain about those who did.:2cents:

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Tickets are available for every game.

What stopped you from going last night?

Thank you. I spend thousands of dollars every year going. Now I didn;t sell my tickets, I was there last night. But as far as I'm concerned the rest of you ****ing about the Steelers fans there can suck a **** unless they were actively trying to spend their own hard earned money to make the game. If you made no attempt to go or buy available tickets you have no right to say a thing.

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Are you a season ticket holder?

If not, you could easily be one.

Stop whining about those who are if you aren't.

If you weren't at the game last night you could have bought tickets instead of waiting till the next dat to complain about those who did.:2cents:

Hold up, so I can only criticize people who sold their seats if I'm a Season Ticket holder? Didnt realize that was the case. Ive been to plenty of games in my lifetime and I've seen our stadium filled with opposing fans each time. A primetime game on national TV and you'lld rather sit at home in the comfort of your own home. Dont get me wrong, I wouldve loved to be there last night, unfortunately I was also scheduled to work. But please, by all means give me your season tickets and I will represent this team the way fans should.

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Really guys...I'm pretty ****ing disgusted. To ANY scalpers out there who sold your tickets...I hope you had fun dancing with the ****ing devil. You pieces of ****. Call yourself Skins fans? Go get a ****ing job.

I don't think the scalpers are skins fans actually. Honestly I think they travel from New York to scalp. If you ever talk to them a lot of heavy NY accents.

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Didn't the Washington Post figure out a few years ago that it was something like 15-20% of the seats in FedEx Field are available on the reselling sites/from scalpers for any given game due to people who hold tickets purely as a profit-making venture? Sorta corresponds with the estimates of the number of Steelers fans there last night if you think about it. Especially with night games since it's such a PITA to get to the stadium during rush hour. It took me and hour and a half and I was coming from Silver Spring.

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Exactly, you want someone to "give" you tickets.

You know that season tickets can be had for face value but you don't want to buy thm.

You wanna try going to school full time, having a part time job and still being able to afford season tickets? I go to games whenever I can afford to, this unfortunately wasnt a game I could afford to attend. I would love to have season tickets, and will have then when I can afford to have them. So quit trying to patronize me because I'm not sitting here rolling in millions like you apparently.

Also im getting the feeling more and more that you were one of those fans who sold his tickets for profit at sat at home instead.

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yes, to the season ticket holder in 217 Row 13 seats 1 and 2, thanks for selling your tickets to a Steelers fan.. Plan to get an ear full from me at the Dallas game if you even show up..

I usually don't say this but it was nice to see a couple Steeler fans get punched in the jaw especially the punk in the bathroom at halftime, the best was when he fell down and his hand went into the urinal, nasty...

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Also im getting the feeling more and more that you were one of those fans who sold his tickets for profit at sat at home instead.

I sold my $32 obstructed view seats for face value in the ES classifides. I could have got a little more on Craigslist. I missed my only only home game of the year b/c of work obligations late yesterday and early this morning.

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I sold my $32 obstructed view seats for face value in the ES classifides. I could have got a little more on Craigslist. I missed my only only home game of the year b/c of work obligations late yesterday and early this morning.

And props to you for that. But if you see my point, not everyone can afford to purchase season tickets, hell some cant even afford to make it to a single game. But the audacity of some fans to try and profit(again, not you) off tickets by putting tickets on ebay or stubhub for over face value just shows they dont give a **** about the stadium being filled with opposing fans, aslong as they pocket a few bucks to go with it. THAT is was sickens me. I'm not calling you out specifically, infact I would venture to guess you are pretty vocal down in the cave on game days, but you have to admit that there was no reason for that stadium to have that many steelers fan in it for a game of that magnitude on national TV.

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Then how come those of you without season tickets didn't go out and buy them up?

Easy... because damn near all of them are for sale at prices that are outrageous. Good to see seat in our stadium are owned by a bunch of punks looking to make a buck instead of supporting their team. Snyder even endorsed friggin stubhub which has to be the worst place to buy tickets. You can get them at way better prices on Ebay... and even those aren't near face value.

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The Steelers fans were loud during introductions but shut up very quickly when our first four possessions started in their territory. The seemed to completely disappear while Skins fans were very loud and enthusiastic early.

The problem is that our offense did absolutely NOTHING all night and people quieted down as the tides turned. Then it went from being a home game to a veritable away game right before the half. Our team gave us very little to cheer about... and the end result was the terrible towels dominating.

Yeah, I noticed that. FedEx was very loud at the beginning of the game, at least on TV it sounded loud to me. But it's hard to keep up that sort of intensity when you aren't given a whole lot to scream about.

But, this larger stadium caters to more of the wine & cheese crowd (not saying you are part of that at all) that reminds me of SF fans...and that really stinks.

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I wrote this in another forum, but this may be more appropriate. The Steeler fans around us (sec. 428) were loud when THEIR team was on offense. Didn't make sense to me. In my book, they are knowledgeable fans. Did anyone else see that at the game?

I was in 437 and they were doing the same thing, I felt totally ashamed to even be there.:doh:

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But the audacity of some fans to try and profit(again, not you) off tickets by putting tickets on ebay or stubhub for over face value just shows they dont give a **** about the stadium being filled with opposing fans, aslong as they pocket a few bucks to go with it.

From years of watching the local ticket market I can tell you that it's nearly impossible for a season ticket holder to profit on the resale of single game tickets.

The cost of preseason and the less desireable games like AZ, St. L, NO, and Cle make it hard for most people to recover face value, let alone make a profit. This works to the benefit of single game buyers. Cheap seats are usually readily available to those who like to go to games around here.

Considering the Redskins TO sells individual game tickets to every game including last night, I find it hard to blame our season ticket holders.

I didn't meant to snap at you Slacky, I know you're a regular around here.

I'm just frustrated of reading all of bash threads on our fanbase this morning.

92,000 seats are just too many.

I don't think it would've have been this bad if we had a 70,000 seat stadium like most NFL teams.

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For the poster who was like "workers who have weeknight commitments" or something, um, don't you think the steelers fans are in the same boat? because they are die hard steelers fans they don't have jobs?
Nope. They are a bunch of toothless hillbillies who live in trailers watching QVC listening to John Cougar Mellencamp 8 tracks all day. They sold some Wal-Mart stuff at a yard sale and bought some tickets. They have no jobs so they had nowhere to be early Tuesday morning. They just have to be at the Welfare office on Friday to pick up the food stamps.


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The Steelers fans were loud during introductions but shut up very quickly when our first four possessions started in their territory. The seemed to completely disappear while Skins fans were very loud and enthusiastic early.

The problem is that our offense did absolutely NOTHING all night and people quieted down as the tides turned. Then it went from being a home game to a veritable away game right before the half. Our team gave us very little to cheer about... and the end result was the terrible towels dominating.

Anyone at the game should be able to echo this.

Only later did it get out of hand. The Steelers fans began not even realizing how big their numbers were, it seemed. They started out silent when that stupid onside kick of their failed. Unfortunately, given great field position TWICE, we only got 6 points.

That spelled doom early. Who would have thought, that would be all we'd manage in the whole game though.

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From years of watching the local ticket market I can tell you that it's nearly impossible for a season ticket holder to profit on the resale of single game tickets.

The cost of preseason and the less desireable games like AZ, St. L, NO, and Cle make it hard for most people to recover face value, let alone make a profit. This works to the benefit of single game buyers. Cheap seats are usually readily available to those who like to go to games around here.

Considering the Redskins TO sells individual game tickets to every game including last night, I find it hard to blame our season ticket holders.

I didn't meant to snap at you Slacky, I know you're a regular around here.

I'm just frustrated of reading all of bash threads on our fanbase this morning.

92,000 seats are just too many.

I don't think it would've have been this bad if we had a 70,000 seat stadium like most NFL teams.

I understand your frustration, It's just that I have NEVER seen a team take over an opposing stadium like that. I knew there would be Steelers fans there, but I had no idea they would be there in those numbers. I'm not bashing our entire fan base, I think we have one of the best ones in the league, but there are just too many fairweather fans in these stadiums. I guess my idea of going to a game and theirs differs. They are there to have a nice quiet time, while I would like to yell at the top of my lungs for the entire game. You also make a valid point about stadium size, with a 90K+ capacity its gonna be tough for that place to be all Redskins fans.

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