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Steelers Fans Force Silent Count

Dan T.

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Monday Night Football what do you expect? Mad people were selling their tickets because they just can't go to a weeknight game with family and work commitments. I bet a lot of people sell them with online auction style sites like Ebay, StubHub, and CraigsList so they don't even know who they are selling them to. This is just my humble opinion but I think everyone from the players, to the radio personalities, to us fans need to stop ****ing about whose fans were at the game and lets see how to go from here to make a playoff run. We sound like a bunch of "cats".

Let me ask you this, would you see this type of result at Heinz Field? Absolutely not! Eveyone has a personal choice and that is their business, but I don't understand why people are shocked when their are 90,000 seats and the demand for the team is not being filled? They say that there are people on the wait list, well let them off already and stop worrying about trying to fill the stadium. I think that the skins management is so concerned with the appearance of sell outs, but they need to honest put it out there that there are tickets available.

I think the one thing that discourages people from going to the games is the high prices and the amount of time. I love going to a game, but when I can watch it at home and eat for far less and not have to worry about am I making too much noise or if I am standing up the whole time, not to mention the fact that high definition has made viewing games on tv far superior.

It starts to eat away at the gate and what should happen if the skins build a new stadium in the future, IMO, is have less seats, not more. The demand will build again and it will feel like homefield advantage. The reason that we were successful is that you wouldn't see 30% steelers fans at the game if this were RFK. Those fans would be few and far between. I remember how hard it was to get tickets back in the day and now you can practically go at a serious discount if you wanted to. Even Troy Aikman notes that Fed Ex field is not nearly as loud as RFK was and the reason being is that when you have a lot of visiting fans, this is what you get. I think that JKC and Dan Snyder to a greater extent have oversold this team in exposure.

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From years of watching the local ticket market I can tell you that it's nearly impossible for a season ticket holder to profit on the resale of single game tickets.

The cost of preseason and the less desireable games like AZ, St. L, NO, and Cle make it hard for most people to recover face value, let alone make a profit. This works to the benefit of single game buyers. Cheap seats are usually readily available to those who like to go to games around here.

Considering the Redskins TO sells individual game tickets to every game including last night, I find it hard to blame our season ticket holders.

I didn't meant to snap at you Slacky, I know you're a regular around here.

I'm just frustrated of reading all of bash threads on our fanbase this morning.

92,000 seats are just too many.

I don't think it would've have been this bad if we had a 70,000 seat stadium like most NFL teams.

While I agree I think it wasn't a stretch when Snyder increased capacity. The formula is there. We add seats and decrease the waiting list while turning a profit that generates immediate cash for the team to allow a little flexibility in FA or whatever.

So a team in today's NFL would be hard pressed to limit the capactiy of their seating soley based on the impact of the fan. What will Dallas's new stadium hold? Will they have trouble filling it w/ blue & slilver? Is the uniquness of being in Dallas where the next closest team is 8 hours away and in the AFC while in the mid atlantic we are within 5 hours of two of our three divisional opponents and 6 hours from another conference opponent (Panthers). I just don't know. Every situation is different.

But I do think as a fan and a season ticket holder can you be more selective to whom you sell your tickets too? Of is the highest offer the most important (capitalism 101)? I guess there is no gurantee a person is a skins fan minus meeting them in person and hiring a PI to investigate their background to verify but if you are a fan (short for "fanatical") you should be a little more conscious.:2cents:

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It starts to eat away at the gate and what should happen if the skins build a new stadium in the future, IMO, is have less seats, not more. The demand will build again and it will feel like homefield advantage. The reason that we were successful is that you wouldn't see 30% steelers fans at the game if this were RFK. Those fans would be few and far between. I remember how hard it was to get tickets back in the day and now you can practically go at a serious discount if you wanted to. Even Troy Aikman notes that Fed Ex field is not nearly as loud as RFK was and the reason being is that when you have a lot of visiting fans, this is what you get. I think that JKC and Dan Snyder to a greater extent have oversold this team in exposure.

I know its been said before but we just have to win (period)

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Anyone at the game should be able to echo this.

Only later did it get out of hand. The Steelers fans began not even realizing how big their numbers were, it seemed. They started out silent when that stupid onside kick of their failed. Unfortunately, given great field position TWICE, we only got 6 points.

That spelled doom early. Who would have thought, that would be all we'd manage in the whole game though.

Fedex sounded as loud as I have ever heard it on TV, in the first quarter. If anyone doubts it, check the game thread. Many comments were made about how great the crowd sounded.

I'm sure there were a lot of Steelers fans there, but I think this whole "problem" is being magnified in the memories and consciousness, due to the circumstances. While it was a close battle, everything was cool. Then almost like clockwork, when the offense started grabbing their ankles, the comments started to trickle in about how many Steelers fans were around.

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I think the one thing that discourages people from going to the games is the high prices and the amount of time. I love going to a game, but when I can watch it at home and eat for far less and not have to worry about am I making too much noise or if I am standing up the whole time, not to mention the fact that high definition has made viewing games on tv far superior.

I feel ya, I just get pissy when people just start blasting the season ticket holders. I freely choose to spend all that time and money. I have a 65 inch HDTV but still pay to go to the games just so I can support my team. Outside of work the Redskins are all I have. Hell, in my free time I talk about them on the freakin internet. Plus, I was tyring to make an educated guess as to why people sold so many tickets. I'm 26 years old so when I can;t go for some reason I just sell them to one of my friends. I just feel like all this talk about the Steelers there are taking away from the real issues....the ones on the field.

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Monday Night Football what do you expect? Mad people were selling their tickets because they just can't go to a weeknight game with family and work commitments. I bet a lot of people sell them with online auction style sites like Ebay, StubHub, and CraigsList so they don't even know who they are selling them to. This is just my humble opinion but I think everyone from the players, to the radio personalities, to us fans need to stop ****ing about whose fans were at the game and lets see how to go from here to make a playoff run. We sound like a bunch of "cats".

The day the schedule came out I took vacation days for yesterday and today. Even if you don't have vacation time, you can get time off if you need to. The fact is that most people that sold their tickets did so for financial reasons. On one hand you can't fault people for trying to make a buck, but on the other hand...we're kind of the laughing stock of the league today because of some of our fans.

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You guys are morons if you think people aren't going to sell their tickets for a profit. For half of the season ticket holders it's how they partially pay for their plans. A season ticket isn't chump change. And to blame ANYTHING on the fans with tickets is moronic. They didn't lose because of the fans in the stadium, they lost because the play on the field.

Honestly, that's not necessarily true. I'm a huge Oriole fan, and I've noticed that the O's play better against Boston on the road than at home, when there's a large amount of visiting fans. Had I been on the Skins and seen so many enemies in our home stadium, I probably would have played tight as sh*t.

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Granted, the Steelers have a very large and solid fanbase throughout the country, but I'm sorry, a SILENT COUNT is just inexcusable in a home stadium. It's especially embarrassing when that is shown on national television. Unbelievable.

I know we have a lot of great fans, but a large stadium like FedEx lends itself to more tickets being sold to opposing fans as well as more tickets going to Skins fans who aren't the diehard type I remember growing up; I certainly don't remember this type of crap happening in RFK.

As soon as the schedule came out, I knew that this would happen. Maybe they'll do us an even bigger favor next year and schedule us for a Monday Nighter at home against the Eagles or something...a large contingent of fans from a division rival on national TV.

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This is nothing new, I've seen this before and I'm sure I see it again. For all the crap we give the players not showing up or playing poorly, the skins fans were also dominated last night and I'm embarrassed being a skin fan today not by the loss but how this fanbase showed no heart. I never thought this fanbase would do something like that

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Its quite simple to me. You have by far the biggest stadium in the league, the most expensive tickets, and the most transient city in the country. The seats are all corporately owned now. The average Joe from DC can't afford to pay $100+ per seat plus $40+ to park for 8 home games. And that is why you see a lot of visiting fans every time we play a regional team with a big fan base (Pittsburgh, Philly, NYG).

Of the 20 or so seats in my immediate area, about 6 are there every week. In the other 14 seats, I couldn't even tell you who the season ticket holders are (and these seats end up occupied by visiting fans a lot).

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this is embarrasing, no doubt, but some people have viable excuses as to why they weren't there... some people have families they need to take care of and some people can't afford to go to every game.... of course i have none of those problems( except being a college student with no money) and i have never been to fed ex for game in my life... terrible i know... so if some of u guys dont want to go, sell them to me!...

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If I could sell one game's tickets to pay for my whole season tickets, then most people in their right mind ARE going to make that deal any day of the week. Not unless they have money to blow and could care less about breaking even.

Majority of the people out there are middle class working people.

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We all are giving these excuses but the steeler fans embody the middle class fan, and they found a way to buy tickets. That showing last night was heartless and that really hurt me more than the skins losing, I never thought our group would do something like that.

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Its quite simple to me. You have by far the biggest stadium in the league, the most expensive tickets, and the most transient city in the country. The seats are all corporately owned now. The average Joe from DC can't afford to pay $100+ per seat plus $40+ to park for 8 home games. And that is why you see a lot of visiting fans every time we play a regional team with a big fan base (Pittsburgh, Philly, NYG).

Of the 20 or so seats in my immediate area, about 6 are there every week. In the other 14 seats, I couldn't even tell you who the season ticket holders are (and these seats end up occupied by visiting fans a lot).

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Its quite simple to me. You have by far the biggest stadium in the league, the most expensive tickets, and the most transient city in the country. The seats are all corporately owned now. The average Joe from DC can't afford to pay $100+ per seat plus $40+ to park for 8 home games. And that is why you see a lot of visiting fans every time we play a regional team with a big fan base (Pittsburgh, Philly, NYG).

Of the 20 or so seats in my immediate area, about 6 are there every week. In the other 14 seats, I couldn't even tell you who the season ticket holders are (and these seats end up occupied by visiting fans a lot).

You hit the nail on the head. I know it must have been weird for the players but most of free agents that came here came because of the big signing bonuses. They shouldn't complain when they the are part of the whole issue. Corporate dollars have priced a lot of the RFK types out of the market.

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Instead of complaining about it on a message board, call, write, email the Redskins!! I've done all three. I don't really care what the problem was. FIX IT!!! I almost threw up trying to watch that game and seeing the stands full of Steeler fans. Although it did help deflect my anger from the game!

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I'm so disheartened

Danny Snyder needs to wake up and give Ted Leonsis a ring

Ted made it hard as hell for Flyer fans to get tickets for The Caps playoff series against the Flyers.. I was expecting plenty of big mouth Philly losers..

instead, we got a RED OUT

Dan needs to get security to toss out of town fans at the drop of a dime

We as proper Skin fans need to wake the F up and stop getting punked in our own stadium

damn this sucks

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