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Steelers Fans Force Silent Count

Dan T.

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This is definitely a downside to a 90,000 seat home stadium... :doh:

From Dan Steinberg's DC Sports Bog:

So about those terrible towels. Lots of 'em, right? Loud, right?

"We actually went silent count one or two times out there," Chris Samuels said. "I mean, Jason called it so we had to basically obey it."

Wait, that was the home team? Using a silent count? Because of the noise from fans rallying behind their defense?

"Uh huh," said Pete Kendall, who said that had happened to him elsewhere but admitted he was a tad surprised last night. "I mean, that's not the reputation or the expectation I had of the fans here," he said, "but who am I to begrudge somebody from making a profit by selling their tickets? I'm playing for money, and they're watching, and it's their right to do what they want with their tickets."

How many Steelers fans were there last night? Unclear. A lot. Enough that, after walking from the parking lot to the press box, everyone was talking about it, hours before kickoff. Enough that when Antwaan Randle El ran out before the game, the boos were obvious. Enough that, in the final minutes, when Pittsburgh got an interception, a writer who couldn't see the play guessed that something bad must have happened to Washington, judging by the roar of the crowd.

My original guess was 15 percent, but I was mocked for going too low. Was it 20 percent? Was it 25 percent? Some writers guessed as high as 30, and the Washington Times went with 33 percent, although I still say that's way too high. Your guess on the percentage?

Link: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/dcsportsbog/2008/11/steelers_fans_forced_skins_int.html

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Monday Night Football what do you expect? Mad people were selling their tickets because they just can't go to a weeknight game with family and work commitments. I bet a lot of people sell them with online auction style sites like Ebay, StubHub, and CraigsList so they don't even know who they are selling them to. This is just my humble opinion but I think everyone from the players, to the radio personalities, to us fans need to stop ****ing about whose fans were at the game and lets see how to go from here to make a playoff run. We sound like a bunch of "cats".

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That is just embarrasing.

Granted Pittsburgh fans travel VERY well (see Dallas in 2004) but still, that was just terrible

It's not that they travel well, some do travel, especially to D.C., but it's also the fact that they've all moved away from pittsburgh to better places, a lot especially to Northern Virginia and the surrounding areas. In high school i knew more Steelers fans than Redskins fans and I was 20 miles outside of D.C. It's the same problems the capitals have with Penguins fans, a lot just live in the area and it's a shame.

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Pete Kendall is right. Before you talk about how the team got whooped, we also got whooped in the stands. For the poster who was like "workers who have weeknight commitments" or something, um, don't you think the steelers fans are in the same boat? because they are die hard steelers fans they don't have jobs?

I'm equally as upset with our fans than I am with our performance last night.

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Pete Kendall is right. Before you talk about how the team got whooped, we also got whooped in the stands. For the poster who was like "workers who have weeknight commitments" or something, um, don't you think the steelers fans are in the same boat? because they are die hard steelers fans they don't have jobs?

I'm equally as upset with our fans than I am with our performance last night.

I think his point was because of that more people are selling their tickets which means a higher chance a Steelers fan would buy said tickets.

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I can tell you that if I lived out there and had season tickets, no way in hell would I sell them to someone that I didn't know for sure was a redskins fan. disgraceful and greedy son of a ****es. **** you peopel who did that just like I say **** dallas. and if you don't like it, **** off. thanks for making us look even worse than our team played.

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Fed Ex is no RFK. I mean, even though I was barely alive, from what I know, if it were the 80's and the Skins were 6-2 on Monday night against the Steelers in RFK, THAT would not have happened. Meanwhile, I'm stuck on the waiting list for years because I'd do anything to go to these games and see the team win, but instead I see other fans sell off their tickets.

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You guys are morons if you think people aren't going to sell their tickets for a profit. For half of the season ticket holders it's how they partially pay for their plans. A season ticket isn't chump change. And to blame ANYTHING on the fans with tickets is moronic. They didn't lose because of the fans in the stadium, they lost because the play on the field.

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The fan base has dropped a lot in knowledge and passion with the years of losing.

Its not the same crazy fan base they had in the 80s and 90s. Its Norvified . We have fans now that say WE BEAT OURSELVES. SO WE ARE FINE. Why is everyone mad we can make a wild card!

When this happens you are in trouble. The Norv kids are becoming grown men. And the 80s early 90s men are becoming older and mature.

So you are going to get a less passionate fan base,

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I'm not excusing the low life scum that sold their tickets to Pissburgh fans. But FedEx is just too damn big. With 92,000 seats, there will ALWAYS be plenty of tickets available from brokers, EBAY, etc. So while blaming the low life scum, also blame Snyder's greed. The 78,000 seats that were there when JKC built the stadium were plenty.

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season ticket holders need to give up their tickets if they cant even make it to MNF... plenty of us on the waitlist would go and save our fans the embarrassment of having terrible towels all over the place.

Tickets are available for every game.

What stopped you from going last night?

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I wrote this in another forum, but this may be more appropriate. The Steeler fans around us (sec. 428) were loud when THEIR team was on offense. Didn't make sense to me. In my book, they are knowledgeable fans. Did anyone else see that at the game?

I saw this in my section as well. They would be cheering when the Steelers were on offense so the Skins fans would egg them on. They didn't quite understand it.

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I better not see one more retarded comment about us having the best fans in the league. That is BS.

I disagree. SOME of the Redskins fans are as good as it gets. And SOME of them are the corporate wine and cheese crowd who are all too willing to sell their tickets to opposing fans. But you don't tar the entire fan base like that. Wilbon did that in today's post and he's a horse's behind.

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Granted, the Steelers have a very large and solid fanbase throughout the country, but I'm sorry, a SILENT COUNT is just inexcusable in a home stadium. It's especially embarrassing when that is shown on national television. Unbelievable.

I know we have a lot of great fans, but a large stadium like FedEx lends itself to more tickets being sold to opposing fans as well as more tickets going to Skins fans who aren't the diehard type I remember growing up; I certainly don't remember this type of crap happening in RFK.

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Granted, the Steelers have a very large and solid fanbase throughout the country, but I'm sorry, a SILENT COUNT is just inexcusable in a home stadium. It's especially embarrassing when that is shown on national television. Unbelievable.

I know we have a lot of great fans, but a large stadium like FedEx lends itself to more tickets being sold to opposing fans as well as more tickets going to Skins fans who aren't the diehard type I remember growing up; I certainly don't remember this type of crap happening in RFK.

This type of thing would NEVER have happened at RFK. But with the new age wine and cheese fans that would prefer to sit on their hands instead of get up and make noise, things like this will happen more and more. Until we stop selling our tickets on stubhub we will continue to give opposing teams the opportunity to take over our stadium like pittsburgh did. Seeing all those towels last night was just nauseating. With 90,000 fans our stadium should be the loudest in the nation, but please people by all means continue to sell your tickets on ebay and sit there in your club seats and ask everyone infront of you to sit down aswell.

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