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Steelers Fans Force Silent Count

Dan T.

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How many Skins fans here that don't have season tickets regularly go to games? You can buy them just like the Steelers fans did. For all the games this year except the steelers the skins have been selling them for face value the week of the game. Did you go?

Anyone wanting season tickets could buy them for face value during training camp.

So if you have not been at the stadium, you are part of the problem. Just like the ticket holders that sell to other fans.

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I was at the game and i will say it was jus embarrassing to see so many opposin fans and for the stadium to be so loud when the offense was on the field. The stadium went into an uproar when JC got sacked, thru interceptions, got stopped on third downs, etc.....it was CRAZY. I have never seen anything like it. I can imagine it messed with the players confidence a little, but with that bein said, that is no excuse for the offensive performance we displayed last nite

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Well, if you guys would stop kicking FG's, actually get the lead, my bet is the noisy Steeler fans go away. 23-6, what is there to cheer about? Seems like the players are more concerned with how many fans are in the stands and not their performance. Stop looking in the stands and block someone Samuels and Kendall. SEVEN SACKS you douches. Block and the Steeler fans shut up. Again, SEVEN SACKS?

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The fan base has dropped a lot in knowledge and passion with the years of losing.

Its not the same crazy fan base they had in the 80s and 90s. Its Norvified . We have fans now that say WE BEAT OURSELVES. SO WE ARE FINE. Why is everyone mad we can make a wild card!

When this happens you are in trouble. The Norv kids are becoming grown men. And the 80s early 90s men are becoming older and mature.

So you are going to get a less passionate fan base,

That's pretty much the only good thing you've said in any thread all day. Only thing I agree with you on.

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Thank you. I spend thousands of dollars every year going. Now I didn;t sell my tickets, I was there last night. But as far as I'm concerned the rest of you ****ing about the Steelers fans there can suck a **** unless they were actively trying to spend their own hard earned money to make the game. If you made no attempt to go or buy

available tickets you have no right to say a thing.


I totally agree with BigMike. You have no right to complain about the number of Steeler Fans there if you live in the VA,DC, MD area and didn't go yourself. It is like complaining about who won the election when you didn't vote. Get over it all ready. What is done is done. If you don't want this to happen in the future, than spend some of your hard earned money and buy a ticket to the games, otherwise stop complaining. And for the record, even if the Steeler fans were quiet last night while we were on offense, do you think it would have really mattered? I mean how many false starts did we get? We were totally out played which I don't think had anything to do with how many Steeler Fans were there.

Also, I would make a plea to all of you who don't currently have tickets to the Cowgirls game to make sure you buy up tickets to the game so we don't have this problem again. I just hope our team gets the rest they need to come back and make a run to the playoffs, because they looked really bad last night which really makes me sad!:(

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The day the schedule came out I took vacation days for yesterday and today. Even if you don't have vacation time, you can get time off if you need to. The fact is that most people that sold their tickets did so for financial reasons. On one hand you can't fault people for trying to make a buck, but on the other hand...we're kind of the laughing stock of the league today because of some of our fans.

I did the same thing: block out yesterday and today for leave, as well as the Monday following the Cowboy game.

Perhaps I am old school here but if I've invested this kind of money into something, I want to be part of it as much as I can. I admit that there have been times over the years where I could not attend. But those who bought them were people I knew personally and for face value.

Last night was, putting it nicely, an embarrassment in the stands. I really felt like I was in Pittsburgh, especially when fans starting leaving early in the fourth quarter. Traffic? Work the next day? This game was on the schedule for seven months; more than enough time to put in for leave.


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Well, if you guys would stop kicking FG's, actually get the lead, my bet is the noisy Steeler fans go away. 23-6, what is there to cheer about? Seems like the players are more concerned with how many fans are in the stands and not their performance. Stop looking in the stands and block someone Samuels and Kendall. SEVEN SACKS you douches. Block and the Steeler fans shut up. Again, SEVEN SACKS?

best. post. ever.

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