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Who/What deserves most credit for Redskins' success??  

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  1. 1. Who/What deserves most credit for Redskins' success??

    • West Coast Offense and their Coaching Tree
    • Joe Gibbs
    • Neither; Players deserve the credit...

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We've discussed the issues to death. We've been courteous, civil, delivered sucker blows and made inarticulate proclamations. We've studied the men and their backgrounds, associations, beliefs, proclivities, and character. There's not much left to say or do except vote and hope that the man who is chosen to lead this nation has the wisdom, fortitude, and temperment to steer us towards better days. I love this country and I know that most of those I've argued with do too. That's why we argue.

So, no matter who wins tomorrow... no matter whether it's a Truman surprise or a Reaganesque mandate let's remember that this election as long as it was was the preseason and that we all have our favorite prospects to make the team, but after tomorrow, the guy who isn't cut is going to be wearing our colors and be on our team. Let's cheer him and let's hope that the United States continues to be blessed and that when she is faced with hardships that our newest President will be up to the task.

God Bless McCain, Obama, and all of us.

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So, no matter who wins tomorrow... no matter whether it's a Truman surprise or a Reaganesque mandate let's remember that this election as long as it was was the preseason and that we all have our favorite prospects to make the team, but after tomorrow, the guy who isn't cut is going to be wearing our colors and be on our team. Let's cheer him and let's hope that the United States continues to be blessed and that when she is faced with hardships that our newest President will be up to the task.

God Bless McCain, Obama, and all of us.

Hear, Hear! Cheers:cheers:


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Cheering is not enough, but its a good start.

Seriously folks, I really do hope every single American Citizen begins to communicate with their elected government officials at least once a week.

They really need our input to do the work for us, and to get our country out of the mess we are all in together.

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Burgold is right tho, we need to put our petty political squabblings aside,

and realize that we're all in this together - so when Barack Obama ruins this country and drives this ship underwater, we're all going to be in the same boat, and try to survive together :laugh:

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Burgold is right tho, we need to put our petty political squabblings aside,

and realize that we're all in this together - so when Barack Obama ruins this country and drives this ship underwater, we're all going to be in the same boat, and try to survive together :laugh:

That's the spirit! (You hack)

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I completely agree. We need to stand together and support the winner and pray that he can steer our country in a better direction. Whoever wins this election is going to have a very tough job. It almost makes me wonder why anyone would want to be POTUS at a time like this.

that is a great question.

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I have to disagree. No matter who wins tomorrow, there will not be a man I can call MY President in the Oval Office for at least four years. If Obama wins I will be a man without a Country, a Culture, or a Society; a dinosaur that no longer has a place in the world.

So I'm sorry to say it but this whole happy-go-lucky, let the chips fall where they may, everybody let bygones be bygones, good sportsmanship bologna is lost on me.

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I have to disagree. No matter who wins tomorrow, there will not be a man I can call MY President in the Oval Office for at least four years. If Obama wins I will be a man without a Country, a Culture, or a Society; a dinosaur that no longer has a place in the world.

So I'm sorry to say it but this whole happy-go-lucky, let the chips fall where they may, everybody let bygones be bygones, good sportsmanship bologna is lost on me.

It's a big, big world, Mass. Pick another country, any country.

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I have to disagree. No matter who wins tomorrow, there will not be a man I can call MY President in the Oval Office for at least four years. If Obama wins I will be a man without a Country, a Culture, or a Society; a dinosaur that no longer has a place in the world.

So I'm sorry to say it but this whole happy-go-lucky, let the chips fall where they may, everybody let bygones be bygones, good sportsmanship bologna is lost on me.

To quote Yoda...

"And that is why you fail"

As much as I disagree with President Bush, he is my President. I will disagree with his views where I find them to be in error. I will protest and shout and encourage, but in the end... he is my President and I must support him or evict him.

My country is bigger than any government. If you are lost, it's because one of the most basic precepts of this country is lost on you. Freedom of thought, freedom of religion, and acceptance of a diversity of rationale. That is one of the reasons why people initially fled to the Americas (as well as the hope to own land and get rich) and one of the reasons why America decided to rebel and become the United States.

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To quote Yoda...

"And that is why you fail"

As much as I disagree with President Bush, he is my President. I will disagree with his views where I find them to be in error. I will protest and shout and encourage, but in the end... he is my President and I must support him or evict him.

My country is bigger than any government. If you are lost, it's because one of the most basic precepts of this country is lost on you. Freedom of thought, freedom of religion, and acceptance of a diversity of rationale. That is one of the reasons why people initially fled to the Americas (as well as the hope to own land and get rich) and one of the reasons why America decided to rebel and become the United States.

A much better response to Mass than mine. Nice.

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It's a big, big world, Mass. Pick another country, any country.

Where, Dan? Where in the world am I going to find a country that even comes as close as the United States to my personal belief system? There just isn't one out there. Those that may be better in one respect are worse in others. The US was my last hope, and that's apparently gone now.

To quote Yoda...

"And that is why you fail"

As much as I disagree with President Bush, he is my President. I will disagree with his views where I find them to be in error. I will protest and shout and encourage, but in the end... he is my President and I must support him or evict him.

That is where we will disagree, Burgold. In my voting life there have only been a couple years (the first few years of the Bush Admin) where there someone in the Oval Office that I could call MY President. Clinton wasn't MY President; the last four years of Bush he hasn't been MY President; and no matter who gets elected tomorrow they won't be MY President. It's not our job to support them. It's their job to support US. WE employ the POTUS, not the other way around.

My country is bigger than any government. If you are lost, it's because one of the most basic precepts of this country is lost on you. Freedom of thought, freedom of religion, and acceptance of a diversity of rationale. That is one of the reasons why people initially fled to the Americas (as well as the hope to own land and get rich) and one of the reasons why America decided to rebel and become the United States.

I will DEFINITELY disagree with the ides of the country being bigger than the government. I wish it was, but the society we have no longer allows for that, Burgold. Mostly because the citizenry is most often WORSE than the government at this point.

You and I both know that True Freedom (aka Anarchy) is NOT the concept this country was founded on. Those Freedoms have to have some level of limits imposed on them or they don't work in a society. Unfortunately we no longer have those societal restrictions in place. Therefore either the government has to step in and enforce them or our society goes down the same road as Rome did.

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I will DEFINITELY disagree with the ides of the country being bigger than the government. I wish it was, but the society we have no longer allows for that, Burgold. Mostly because the citizenry is most often WORSE than the government at this point.

The country is bigger than society too. The locus of your control is misplaced. The country doesn't reside in a President or what language is spoken in a grocery store. It isn't about wearing flag pins or any of that superficial stuff. It isn't even in "conservatism" The country is bigger than anyone philosophy. It was meant to be a melting pot of thought and from the divergence of experience and intellect emerges something better, but it is the friction of disagreement, the application of effort, and the basic understanding and love of liberty that form this nation.

Now, many don't think about it. Many aren't even aware of how good they have it (including you, I think), but that's because we do live in a great nation and because diversity of thought, ideas, religions, philosophies, and tactics is an essential and a core part of America.

No, we don't embrace chaos or anarchy, but we do incorporate, we do accept, we do adapt and whether that was in the 1600's when people fled religious tyranny or in the 20th Century when people struggled to redefine equality for all to mean equality for all... this country's first belief is that there is a home for all.

Whether it is the ideology of Barr, Obama, McKinney, McCain or any of a hundred million other voices, the idea behind America still stands. Sometimes its voice is hoarse and ragged, but you can still hear it.

America still stands and God bless the next man fortunate with the burden of leading it.

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Nice Post. McCain started off on the right foot with his original message. America First. That's what it is all about. No party has all of the answers. No party or candidate is more important than the country.

These two candidates are good men with different points of view. Let's just pray that whoever wins,they can make their ideas work for the good of the country. :cheers:

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Thanks guys. I'm ready for us to go forward again and hope for a United States. That would probably be the most impossible and difficult mission for either candidate, but we can at least stop pretending that one or the other is a villain. We need whoever is elected to be a great President or at least a very good one.

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