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God Bless America


Who/What deserves most credit for Redskins' success??  

94 members have voted

  1. 1. Who/What deserves most credit for Redskins' success??

    • West Coast Offense and their Coaching Tree
    • Joe Gibbs
    • Neither; Players deserve the credit...

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Good idea for a thread Burgold! Though I support neither R nor D, I pray with all my heart that our nation somehow returns to the ideas of her founders. Regardless of whos name is on the oval office door, if we can find those principles, we'll all have won.

May God bless our new leader and guide thier actions all throughout the next 4 years.

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Hey, if your guy somehow wins, Snyder Shrugged the thoughts still hold. I'd be shocked, but I'd want ____________ to be the best President this country has ever seen. I'm selfish that way.

Thats not selfish! It's honesty in politics and one major reason why I respect your posts more than just about anyone elses on the Left, right or in between.

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We've discussed the issues to death. We've been courteous, civil, delivered sucker blows and made inarticulate proclamations. We've studied the men and their backgrounds, associations, beliefs, proclivities, and character. There's not much left to say or do except vote and hope that the man who is chosen to lead this nation has the wisdom, fortitude, and temperment to steer us towards better days. I love this country and I know that most of those I've argued with do too. That's why we argue.

So, no matter who wins tomorrow... no matter whether it's a Truman surprise or a Reaganesque mandate let's remember that this election as long as it was was the preseason and that we all have our favorite prospects to make the team, but after tomorrow, the guy who isn't cut is going to be wearing our colors and be on our team. Let's cheer him and let's hope that the United States continues to be blessed and that when she is faced with hardships that our newest President will be up to the task.

God Bless McCain, Obama, and all of us.

Sorry, God can't bless America, seperation of church and state you know. However, Pelosi will be happy to bless America....:D

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Great call Burg. I can tell you all with confidence that no matter what, after Tuesday I will support my commander in chief in public and will not speak ill of him no matter what he does. I believe that no matter who it is he will hopefully have the interest of the country in mind and that will get my full support.

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Great call Burg. I can tell you all with confidence that no matter what, after Tuesday I will support my commander in chief in public and will not speak ill of him no matter what he does. I believe that no matter who it is he will hopefully have the interest of the country in mind and that will get my full support.

Now, I wouldn't go that far. The moment he messes up I plan to give it to him with both barrels! lol. I think we need to support our Presidents, but constructive criticism and sometimes plain old fashion griping is okay to... it just ought to be connected to a stupid action or decision.

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Sorry, God can't bless America, seperation of church and state you know. However, Pelosi will be happy to bless America....:D

Huh? I never would have thought I read you say that Pelosi is a blessing on America.

May all our leaders be blessed with wisdom and the conviction to do the right things.

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Now, I wouldn't go that far. The moment he messes up I plan to give it to him with both barrels! lol. I think we need to support our Presidents, but constructive criticism and sometimes plain old fashion griping is okay to... it just ought to be connected to a stupid action or decision.

yeah, not me though. i dont criticize the CIC in public. never have and never will. after 4 years and he is done i will but never while representing me.

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Not God Bless America, God **** America!!!!;)

I wondered which one it would be to use this in Burgie's thread, and you're a good pick. ;) We still have that pic of yours you posted, and a staff member deleted, of Obama as the "colored lawn jockey" in your user notes with the 5 mod actions from 4 different mods, including 3 bans. You're one of the consistent "special" posters on the site and it's probably only a matter of time before your next move is your last. :)

But back to the point.

Good post, Burgie. And many good responses even from some very "spirited" :D poltical posters. :applause:

I have been thinking similar things and wondered if we'd get a thread or two like this after all the mess that's been going on in here for a long time.

I'll add one more thought, in these times of "hating" on various things. There has much derisive and insulting vitriol, not just passionate disagreement, tossed out at large and diverse groups of people who hold a political choice or outlook that leans notably more to either direction of center than the other.

I refer to terms and phaes used in posts that carry a message of "your type is truly stupid, or truly worthless, or truly dishonest, and even truly anti-American" and the like.

Whoever wins tomorrow will be the beneficiary of the support of roughly half the country's voting population. These people are your fellow citizens. They're regular ole "USA!" "USA!" "USA!" citizens. :) They're Americans. Hating on them is truly hating on America.

Demographic voting blocs notwithstanding, a wide variety of Americans---dirt poor, filthy rich, pig-ignorant, brilliant, janitors, CEOs, gays, straights, atheists, agnositcs, religous folk of all faiths, outright zealots, well-balanced, nut-jobs, many races, many cultural heritages, etc.---are going to vote for each candidate.

It won't be just "one type" that's on "your side" and "one type" on the "other side."

And some love to you third party voters. :cool:

So a little more perspective, and a little less hating on the Amercian next you voting differently, but likely bringing the same fundamentally human approach to their choice as you're bringing to yours, is a healthy attitude option IMO.

So vote, you igwads :silly:.

I deeply love this country and it's varied and diverse people. :cheers:

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Sorry the humor of my post fell on your deaf ears Jumbo nor am I not surprised at your response or your disdain for me.

I'm not usually identified with being deaf to humor. ;)

But I can see where I may have missed an honest attempt at humor, and if so, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and I do aoplogize. I did think you were just being a gratuitous smart ass becuase you have been often in the past. If I misjduged you, and I will just assume I did, you really deserve the apology.

As to your not being surprised at my response (which is an interesting comment but I won't hi-jack the thread) , since I made a lengthy response to the topic, was there something other than my remarks to you that you noted?

As for my disdain, to the extent that such is true, I don't presume to apply it to you as a person at all, just some of your prominent posting behaviors--and as I said, it's been noted by 4 different mods, not just me. :)

I will always treat you even-handedly, show you courtesy and even respect where appropriate, and be blunt in the same manner, as I am wont do with anyone. That's who I was before I came to ES and that's who I have always been on ES. It isn't a personal matter. Again, I apologize for misreading your humor for being a smart-ass. My bad.

Sorry for the brief hi-jack. :)

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Hijack and election should never go into the same post, Jumbo. You should know better. I think SO was going for humor, but he never set up the joke and it was raw humor.

Anywho, I was just thinking about how at the end of Yom Kippur and Rosh for that matter, we always speak a prayer that God grants wisdom and strength to our leaders so that they may guide us well. I guess this thread is following in that tradition.

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Hijack and election should never go into the same post, Jumbo. You should know better. I think SO was going for humor, but he never set up the joke and it was raw humor.

Anywho, I was just thinking about how at the end of Yom Kippur and Rosh for that matter, we always speak a prayer that God grants wisdom and strength to our leaders so that they may guide us well. I guess this thread is following in that tradition.

we should overthrow him and then dance around him while he plays the organ grinder...

thats why i love america. we can still do stuff like that and cover ourselves in honey and glass shards while doing it.

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