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obama/skins logo


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Thanks for the characterization. You don't know me from Adam (hah!). The statement in the sig doesn't even take a stand on the issue one way or another, it's just throwing out a possibility and a suggestion.

No one has ever said anything about my sig...so how could that be the purpose of it? :rolleyes:

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Damn straight.

At least McCain is a freaking Warrior... not a community organizer (whatever the hell that is).

Obama is a puss - probably likes tennis and soccer.

I heard he likes the Redskins and the Cowboys. :silly:

Seriously, to the OP, don't disgrace the Skins logo that way IMHO.

And don't mix the Skins and politics. Redskins nation is one.

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Well this is America and so on and so forth. You have the right to have any sign(within reason).

Your sign does not make since to me because I believe in God and enjoying life.

Wife, 3 healthy children, and pretty cool grandson. Plus a secure career to boot.

I have been bless.:)

Good for you. I'd just argue that you've made good decisions in life and should be commended. God and being "blessed" probably had nothing to do with it. Sound judgment did. Just my opinion.

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I heard he likes the Redskins and the Cowboys. :silly:

Seriously, to the OP, don't disgrace the Skins logo that way IMHO.

And don't mix the Skins and politics. Redskins nation is one.

hey man, i'm not the one slinging insults here. i just made a logo i thought some people might enjoy. it's the mccain supporters who can't help but hurl mud in this thread.

it's a real shame, too, because there are plenty of respectable reasons to be a conservative, but all republicans want to talk about these days is Obama. it's why they're going to lose this election. they have no ideas of their own other than "NOT OBAMA". didn't work for the dems in '00 or '04, and it won't work for the republicans in '08.

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hey man, i'm not the one slinging insults here. i just made a logo i thought some people might enjoy. it's the mccain supporters who can't help but hurl mud in this thread.

it's a real shame, too, because there are plenty of respectable reasons to be a conservative, but all republicans want to talk about these days is Obama. it's why they're going to lose this election. they have no ideas of their own other than "NOT OBAMA". didn't work for the dems in '00 or '04, and it won't work for the republicans in '08.

On the other hand, I'm voting for him and I'm still sick of the Obama worship. I'm on overload and I just want it to stop. :doh:

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how long did you serve yusuf?

ever been locked up for serving your country or doing something patriotic?

somehow I doubt it.

You might want to learn to be less of a doubting Thomas. I served almost 6 years as an infantryman in the Maryland Army National Guard. No combat experience though.

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You might want to learn to be less of a doubting Thomas. I served almost 6 years as an infantryman in the Maryland Army National Guard. No combat experience though.

interesting. you might want to show some respect to someone who served as well instead of talking **** about him crashing.

the man was a POW for how many years? and you wanna talk about his flight record? wow..

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interesting. you might want to show some respect to someone who served as well instead of talking **** about him crashing.

the man was a POW for how many years? and you wanna talk about his flight record? wow..

I have a lot of respect for veterans. My Dad was a Navy lifer and my Uncle spent 16 years in the Navy also, some of them in Vietnam. However, the problem I have with McCain is that he just wasn't a very good Navy pilot and if he didn't have the family connections he did, he probably would have been thrown out of the Navy long before ever getting to fly in combat. Of course, the family ties getting him special treatment is yet another thing he has in common with Bush and Cheney.

He has at best lukewarm support from the Veteran's community for that and a host of other reasons.

In 1991, explains Hackworth, "I interviewed Col. Bui Tin in Hanoi, who was presented to me as their authority on POW/MIA issues. In the course of the interview Tin told me that during the war he was involved in the imprisonment of American POWs. When I questioned him further he said that John McCain was a `special prisoner.' Tin later told other POWs that McCain never was tortured. So when McCain embraced Tin during the hearings it seemed to some Vietnam vets to confirm the reports they had heard, and it really angered a lot of people. It was no secret that McCain had admitted to giving information to the enemy. In fact, McCain was given the Silver Star for `conspicuous gallantry' for the time period of 27 Oct. to 8 Dec. 1967 -- one day after he was shot down and admits to having given information to the enemy. McCain is a survivor, not a hero, and I don't think anyone in the history of our nation has been awarded such high military awards for dealing with the enemy."

Charles Bates, director of Veterans for Government Accountability, a government watchdog group, tells Insight that "during a three-day seminar on the Vietnam War at the Center for Vietnam War Studies at Texas Tech University, I and another POW activist, Joe Jordan, spoke to Bui Tin about McCain's treatment in Hanoi. Tin said, `No, McCain was never tortured. He was too important. We called him the prince. He received special treatment.'"

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Back to the original post...I love it! Very creative. Looks like the McSame supporters have taken on the persona of the candidate himself, personal attacks and not once saying "this is what I will do as president". Obama is what we need as a country and it will be nice to put the old geezer and his baby factory running mate to bed. 4 years USMC gives me the right to say whatever the F*ck i want.

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Back to the original post...I love it! Very creative. Looks like the McSame supporters have taken on the persona of the candidate himself, personal attacks and not once saying "this is what I will do as president". Obama is what we need as a country and it will be nice to put the old geezer and his baby factory running mate to bed. 4 years USMC gives me the right to say whatever the F*ck i want.

Thank you for serving. However we all have every right to say what we want. Now it's my turn.

You may have the right to say what you want but nothing protects you from sounding like an ass. I'm sick of the nasty comments from both sides. I blasted a friend last week for repeating stupid lies about Obama. I'm voting Obama and you STILL make me sick with your "McSame" crap and your vile hatred. I'll bet you go into a rage every time someone makes a nasty comment about Obama too. McCain is a damn fine man who has fought for years to do good for this country. If you don't agree with him that's fine. But he deserves some degree of respect.

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Wow. I actually thought this was going to turn out to be a funny thread. With ppl mixing up the political logos with different things. Its cute, though. I guess I'm surprised at the reaction, since I'm sure Obama's a Bear's fan anyway.

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Wow. I actually thought this was going to turn out to be a funny thread. With ppl mixing up the political logos with different things. Its cute, though. I guess I'm surprised at the reaction, since I'm sure Obama's a Bear's fan anyway.

Yeah. Welcome to the Tailgate.

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okay so some dude posted a somewhat crappy obama/skins hybrid logo in the Stadium, and thusly inspired by his mediocrity, i figured i could do a better logo in about 5 minutes time.

unfortunately the thread got closed in 4 minutes :(

but look, i spent almost 5 whole minutes working on it, so here in the Tailgate i figured what the heck, might as well post it. here's my logo, which is imho slightly less crappy than the original poster's:


:) cheers! go redskins!

Regardless of who you like, Mr. Obama could only have 8 years as our President. Our 'skins will need a lot more than an 8 year wonder (at most) to change our logo.


I'll give you props on the art work though it is well done.


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