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Washington Football Team Logo

obama/skins logo


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okay so some dude posted a somewhat crappy obama/skins hybrid logo in the Stadium, and thusly inspired by his mediocrity, i figured i could do a better logo in about 5 minutes time.

unfortunately the thread got closed in 4 minutes :(

but look, i spent almost 5 whole minutes working on it, so here in the Tailgate i figured what the heck, might as well post it. here's my logo, which is imho slightly less crappy than the original poster's:


:) cheers! go redskins!

All I can say is that is **** ing disgusting. It's a shame that politics have taken over our homes, lives, freindships, now "The Redskins"??? WTF is wrong with you? Can't you seperate your political opinion from the team everyone on ES loves? Could you possibly be looking for more division amongst our great country? IMO keep your political b.s. 10,000 miles away from the Redskins and Redskins Nation, as this is something we can all rally behind, no matter our political differences.

Your Logo is F-ing pathetic and a peice of crap.

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this election is so awesome. optimism and enthusiasm versus angry, bitter cynicism. it's no wonder obama's gonna win in a landslide!

better luck next time guys. cheers!

go redskins! :D

Honestly, I think Obama will be our next President, even though I disagree with almost every single position he takes aside from Education, I will support him as our President. Electing our first black President is something we all should be proud of. Now on to why your logo is stupid. First, when I go to Redskins games, I look around, and I see Redskins fans, I don't f-ing care what their political affiliation is, they are Redskins fans. Keep your stupid ass politics away from my Redskins.

Second, I am a conservative, I am married to a liberal/democrat and I love my wife more than anything in world. On sundays when I don't go to games, she and my two sons gear up in burgandy and gold, we cheer, we laugh, we have a good time. Obama, McCain, Barr and politics in general are not a part of our life, this year the Redskins should be everyones escape from this stupid ass political climate of seperation and hate.

Now, on to your stupid ass logo, if there isn't enough division in our country would you really like to see the Redskins Nation be divided because of your political opinion? or.... would you like to see Redskins Nation standing strong and cheering for a team we all love, regardless of our political opinion you selfish s.o.b.?

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dude, you're being ridiculous. my logo is merely the peanut butter and chocolate of my life right now. two things that psyche me up.

you're the one being divisive by reacting with such hostility, telling me to shove it up my a** and calling me an a**hole and worse.

nobody's forcing you to wear it or putting it on portis' helmet. this logo is for obama fans and nobody's forcing it on anyone else.

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Without name calling or political posturing, it just feels wrong to deface the logo of our team with politics. It's like someone just climbed Mt Rushmore and painted glasses and a mustache on George Washington. It feels like vandalism.

Just because we have the right to do certain things, doesn't mean we should.:2cents:

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okay so some dude posted a somewhat crappy obama/skins hybrid logo in the Stadium, and thusly inspired by his mediocrity, i figured i could do a better logo in about 5 minutes time.

unfortunately the thread got closed in 4 minutes :(

but look, i spent almost 5 whole minutes working on it, so here in the Tailgate i figured what the heck, might as well post it. here's my logo, which is imho slightly less crappy than the original poster's:


:) cheers! go redskins!

Dude, you arn't supposed to mix church and state.!!!!:cheers:

(even though the seperation is not actully a right, it was only in a letter from franklin to a church, not in the constitution)

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so uhhhh, because its not my "right" to force you to keep the two apart hay do your thing. however could you explain trickle up economics to me? just kidding, not a obama guy but its a creative pic. I recreated one with the greatfull dead head after surfing the boards one day then put it on a tshirt with one of those printed iron on transfers. it faded right away. looks awsome now all greatfull dead style.

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WOW, did someone piss in your cheerios this morning or what?

Grow up.

Get a life??:laugh:

Funny, I am not the one who can't seem to seperate politics from the Redskins, I would also like to add, I didn't take the time to merge a Obama logo with the Redskins logo.

If this election wasn't bad enough, we now have our beloved Redskins logo being thrown into the mix.

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