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Washington Football Team Logo

obama/skins logo


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okay so some dude posted a somewhat crappy obama/skins hybrid logo in the Stadium, and thusly inspired by his mediocrity, i figured i could do a better logo in about 5 minutes time.

unfortunately the thread got closed in 4 minutes :(

but look, i spent almost 5 whole minutes working on it, so here in the Tailgate i figured what the heck, might as well post it. here's my logo, which is imho slightly less crappy than the original poster's:


:) cheers! go redskins!

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he is one of those kinds of people that have sigs for NO other reason but to irritate and cause people to say something. I unfortunately started the whole thing but I know that I am that kind of guy.

Thanks for the characterization. You don't know me from Adam (hah!). The statement in the sig doesn't even take a stand on the issue one way or another, it's just throwing out a possibility and a suggestion.

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Thanks for the characterization. You don't know me from Adam (hah!). The statement in the sig doesn't even take a stand on the issue one way or another, it's just throwing out a possibility and a suggestion.

Well this is America and so on and so forth. You have the right to have any sign(within reason).

Your sign does not make since to me because I believe in God and enjoying life.

Wife, 3 healthy children, and pretty cool grandson. Plus a secure career to boot.

I have been bless.:)

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Damn straight.

At least McCain is a freaking Warrior... not a community organizer (whatever the hell that is).

Obama is a puss - probably likes tennis and soccer.

I guess you use the term "warrior" pretty loosely. You might want to examine McCrash's military record before you give him that label.

Being a lousy pilot and getting yourself shot down after 20 hours of combat flight doesn't make you a warrior.

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