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McCain really hurt his campaign last night IMO


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I knew I was going to vote for Obama months ago but for the people who were undecided last night, I think McCain really hurt his campaign.

He chose to stay on the offensive and attack Obama instead of answering the questions asked.

Unfortunately for McCain, Obama not only had answers for all of his attacks but managed to go over his own policies in detail and point out how they differ from McCain's and why he thinks they are better for the country.

Obama also managed to keep the conversation on the economy and what he plans to do to fix it, which is the single most important issue for voters at this day and time. Instead of going toe-to-toe with Obama on the economy, McCain opted to make more personal attacks, which IMO backfired bigtime.

The low point of the evening for McCain was when he made the Ayers attack and Obama put it to rest in front of the largest audience that will see the two of them together before the election.

I was worried about McCain taking the election before last night's debate but now I honestly think McCain has stopped himself short of the White House barring some big news against Obama.

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This one has been over for months. With the economic implosion, its wrapped up for 2 generations

B.Obama is a different kind of candidate. We have no precedent to measure him against. Therefore, I don't think conventional wisdom applies.

That being said, I certainly hope you are right.

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I liked this part of the debate:

MCCAIN: Now, my old buddy, Joe, Joe the plumber, is out there. Now, Joe, Senator Obama's plan, if you're a small business and you are able -- and your -- the guy that sells to you will not have his capital gains tax increase, which Senator Obama wants, if you're out there, my friend, and you've got employees, and you've got kids, if you don't get -- adopt the health care plan that Senator Obama mandates, he's going to fine you. ....

Now, Senator Obama, I'd like -- still like to know what that fine is going to be, and I don't think that Joe right now wants to pay a fine when he is seeing such difficult times in America's economy.

Senator Obama wants to set up health care bureaucracies, take over the health care of America through -- as he said, his object is a single payer system.

If you like that, you'll love Canada and England. So the point is...

SCHIEFFER: So that's your objective?

OBAMA: It is not and I didn't describe it...

MCCAIN: No, you stated it.

OBAMA: I just...

MCCAIN: Excuse me.

OBAMA: I just described what my plan is. And I'm happy to talk to you, Joe, too, if you're out there. Here's your fine -- zero. You won't pay a fine, because...


OBAMA: Zero, because as I said in our last debate and I'll repeat, John, I exempt small businesses from the requirement for large businesses that can afford to provide health care to their employees, but are not doing it.

I exempt small businesses from having to pay into a kitty. But large businesses that can afford it, we've got a choice. Either they provide health insurance to their employees or somebody has to.

Mcain's face was priceless when I repeated "Zero!?". He took a note down ....probably the name of the person in his campaign that screwed that up.

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The whole "Joe the Plumber" thing seemed pandering.. like he was talking to a country of kindergartners.

I'd love to read the notes McCain takes. He starts writing the second he sits down.


He's working on his hate letter to Sarah Palin.

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seems to me like McCain calls out Obama on specific things and then Obama responds with a broad paintbrush and never tells you anything he is going to do for that specific subject.

It took McCain 3 times to get Obama to even acknowledge what he was saying about the GA politician calling him George Wallace. Obama just wanted to brush right over it and keep going on with his generalizations and skipping what was really being said.

and Bang, I would like to see them as well..

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seems to me like McCain calls out Obama on specific things and then Obama responds with a broad paintbrush and never tells you anything he is going to do for that specific subject.

It took McCain 3 times to get Obama to even acknowledge what he was saying about the GA politician calling him George Wallace. Obama just wanted to brush right over it and keep going on with his generalizations and skipping what was really being said.

and Bang, I would like to see them as well..

All in the eye of the beholder.....

McCain kept bringing it up that Obama hasnt "reputed" the statements. Obama then said "Well - I issued a statement that said I disagree and think it was over the line".

McCain looked bad there. Like he didn't know. He's asking Obama to do something 3 times that had already been done.

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Guest sith lord
seems to me like McCain calls out Obama on specific things and then Obama responds with a broad paintbrush and never tells you anything he is going to do for that specific subject.

It took McCain 3 times to get Obama to even acknowledge what he was saying about the GA politician calling him George Wallace. Obama just wanted to brush right over it and keep going on with his generalizations and skipping what was really being said.

and Bang, I would like to see them as well..

Like Obama said, if he wants an apology, call John Lewis. Obama did a VERY good job at responding to McCain's attacks.

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All in the eye of the beholder.....

McCain kept bringing it up that Obama hasnt "reputed" the statements. Obama then said "Well - I issued a statement that said I disagree and think it was over the line".

McCain looked bad there. Like he didn't know. He's asking Obama to do something 3 times that had already been done.

then why did it take obama 3 different times to say that? every time mccain would bring it back up he would talk about something completely different. truth is (IMO) that Obama doesnt care if mccain's feelings are hurt and that people believe that. McCain was right about the ads ran during the Pukes/Cards game. They were everywhere and I even said outloud "well, so much for Obama wanting a clean campaign" and everyone laughed dems and repubs alike.

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I don't know, Mike. I think it was just as bad if not worse when Obama said, some of your supporters have been calling me terrorist and chanting "kill Obama" and Palin said nothing to quiet it... McCain's rebuttle was Hey, I can't control everyone in my crowds and make them play nice, but I really am offended at you criticizing WWII and Vietnam Vets who come to my rallies.

I was like WTF how did we get from the loonies shouting death threats and Palin letting it slide or actively encouraging it to that being a diss on our veterans.

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controlling hundreds of people and saying sorry are 2 different things. the people in the crowd are wrong but they arent anything he can personally control but Obama can be like "dude, what the **** are you saying that for?" and if he is in control of his camp like he says he is and he has already said he wants a clean campaign, what is this guy doing being a rogue and going off on his own to make that statement?

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Well to be fair, Lewis isn't a part of the Obama campaign and what I think Obama questioned was ultimately fair. It isn't McCain or Palin's fault that some idiots said idiotic things. It was their fault that they let it build and let it pass without saying a word. McCain had that really great moment last week when he told that woman that Obama was not the devil reincarnated, but the McCain campaign, especially at Palin rallies had been getting more and more vile and the candidates did nothing but smile and try to encourage the hate.

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I was like WTF how did we get from the loonies shouting death threats and Palin letting it slide or actively encouraging it to that being a diss on our veterans.

That whole segment was one that hurt McCain too. When Obama responded to the John Lewis remarks and brought up what people were shouting at the McCain rallies, McCain attempted to paint it as Obama wanting him to be unpatriotic towards Veterans at his rallies....wtf? Fail.

controlling hundreds of people and saying sorry are 2 different things. the people in the crowd are wrong but they arent anything he can personally control but Obama can be like "dude, what the **** are you saying that for?" and if he is in control of his camp like he says he is and he has already said he wants a clean campaign, what is this guy doing being a rogue and going off on his own to make that statement?

Apparently someone thinks you're full of rage again lol.

(PS: I didn't make that tag BTW)

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That whole segment was one that hurt McCain too. When Obama responded to the John Lewis remarks and brought up what people were shouting at the McCain rallies, McCain attempted to paint it as Obama wanting him to be unpatriotic towards Veterans at his rallies....wtf? Fail.

Agreed. That came off as awkward at best, if not straight disingenuous.

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I agree. But I don't see them discouraging it either.

And sometimes the failure to discourage it is seen as condoning or actually encouraging it. It's okay, so now I can get even wilder. It's like kids testing boundaries. If they think they can get away with a, then they'll go after b.

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now im far from an obama fan. not a mccain fan either, but i tend to roll on the liberal republican side. but id say obama won the debate. on the post stuff on cnn, they were all saying how mccain had a good showing and was staying on the offensive, etc.

maybe, but it seemed to me that all he did was attack obama instead of answering the questions. the first few minutes were good, both were giving answers, no attacks. then after that, both seemed to start doing some attacks, so i turned it off. but caught the last 30 minutes of it on a reairing on cnn after midnight so watched it. and throughout all that, obama was just answering the questions, but mccain was more into attacking obama directly instead of giving his own answers. then obama would calmly point out where mccain was supposedly wrong in the attacks.

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And sometimes the failure to discourage it is seen as condoning or actually encouraging it. It's okay, so now I can get even wilder. It's like kids testing boundaries. If they think they can get away with a, then they'll go after b.

but if it took 3 times for him to finally say it was wrong, isnt it kind of not denouncing it as well? like "fine, i will say its wrong if it will make you happy". like he isnt really sure he doesnt agree (which they did support some of what he said) but he will pacify john by saying it was wrong.

and 99, yeah I saw that. Some people just like to be tuff guys behind a monitor. and since nobody has stopped them or discouraged them from doing it I am just going to have to chalk it up to internet tuff guyness..:silly:

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I don't know, Mike. I think it was just as bad if not worse when Obama said, some of your supporters have been calling me terrorist and chanting "kill Obama" and Palin said nothing to quiet it... McCain's rebuttle was Hey, I can't control everyone in my crowds and make them play nice, but I really am offended at you criticizing WWII and Vietnam Vets who come to my rallies.

I was like WTF how did we get from the loonies shouting death threats and Palin letting it slide or actively encouraging it to that being a diss on our veterans.

I know. McCain never looked more like an old, out of touch person at that point.
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