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McCain really hurt his campaign last night IMO


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I think that's fair, Mike. I kind of expected Obama to explain and denounce it on the first go around. My guess is that the Terrorist, Kill him language really did get to him and he was genuinely mad at McCain/Palin for not trying to do more to quash it. I think by the third time McCain brought it up, Obama decided that politically speaking it was prudent for him to apologize, but I think that Obama did take those threats and that language of growing hate very personally. (If I had to guess... more personally than McCain took Lewis' comments)

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I think that's fair, Mike. I kind of expected Obama to explain and denounce it on the first go around. My guess is that the Terrorist, Kill him language really did get to him and he was genuinely mad at McCain/Palin for not trying to do more to quash it. I think by the third time McCain brought it up, Obama decided that politically speaking it was prudent for him to apologize, but I think that Obama did take those threats and that language of growing hate very personally. (If I had to guess... more personally than McCain took Lewis' comments)

As I would have taken them as well. I guess were all muddy in this campaign.

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but if it took 3 times for him to finally say it was wrong, isnt it kind of not denouncing it as well? like "fine, i will say its wrong if it will make you happy". like he isnt really sure he doesnt agree (which they did support some of what he said) but he will pacify john by saying it was wrong.

and 99, yeah I saw that. Some people just like to be tuff guys behind a monitor. and since nobody has stopped them or discouraged them from doing it I am just going to have to chalk it up to internet tuff guyness..:silly:

The Obama campaign had already stated that it did not agree with the "George Wallace" characterization: What more do you or the MccCain campaign want? Obama didn't make the statement, and McCain pressing for an apology from him was just disingenuous and, frankly, transparent.

Why the heck would Obama say, "fine, I will say it's wrong if it will make you happy"? Again, Obama had already said he disagreed with the mis-characterization, and yet, you would seemingly want Obama apologizing for something he did not even utter.

It is an apology that McCain does not even deserve, if you ask me. McCain has no issues with behaving in an ugly manner, if you consider his behavior at last night's debate.

What's worse is that McCain's defense was a cheap ploy to deflect away form the language being used at his campaign rallies, of which, until just last week, McCain did little to dissuade, contrary to his false claims at last night's debate.

If the McCain campaign hadn't started to vocalize the ugly language and accusations we have heard from the Right for months directed towards Obama, then this wouldn't even be a topic of discussion.

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McCain had to go on the offensive, cause he's behind. He had to pressure Obama and try to crack that cool frosty exterior. I don't think McCain hurt himself.

I agree however McCain didn't help himself with moderates or undecideds and that means he's missed his biggest opprotunity for a game changer with the election now only 19 days away.

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Obama lied about ayers last night. Which isn't unusual, since both candidates lied all night long.

But I think you are right, that Obama laid out his plan that if you are a middle income earner, the govt under Obama will strip you of your hard earned cash and give it away to those less fortunate.

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Obama lied about ayers last night. Which isn't unusual, since both candidates lied all night long.

But I think you are right, that Obama laid out his plan that if you are a middle income earner, the govt under Obama will strip you of your hard earned cash and give it away to those less fortunate.

$250,000 is middle income now?

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Obama lied about ayers last night. Which isn't unusual, since both candidates lied all night long.

But I think you are right, that Obama laid out his plan that if you are a middle income earner, the govt under Obama will strip you of your hard earned cash and give it away to those less fortunate.

If you are going to mislead about one statement, you have to at least be honest about your second statement to lend it credibility...

Being totally and obviously wrong about both statements just makes you too easy to dismiss.

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Obama lied about ayers last night. Which isn't unusual, since both candidates lied all night long.

But I think you are right, that Obama laid out his plan that if you are a middle income earner, the govt under Obama will strip you of your hard earned cash and give it away to those less fortunate.

Ahh 81artmonk spewing garbage as usual....want to back these statements up with facts?

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I laughed so hard when they were talking about each others health policies and McCain brought up Joe the Plumber. And then McCain mentioned Joe the Plumber getting fined and how Obama had not even said what the fine would be yet. He had a **** eating grin on his face when Obama started to speak. Then Obama said that Joe the Plumber would pay ZERO. McCain looked like he just crapped himself on TV. Then Obama goes on to say that last week and earlier in the debate he said that small businesses were exempt from the fines he would impose. McCain looked, and was, absolutely speechless. That was the highlight of the night for me.

I am not sold on Obama, but I am more leaning toward him than Mr. McCain.

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