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McCain really hurt his campaign last night IMO


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Honestly, the polls look like they are tightening up again today.

I would expect so. McCain did pretty well yesterday and the race is bound to get tighter as people get more and more serious. The question is does McCain have any real ammunition left and is Obama's lead to big to overcome at this point.

I'd say there's a 60% chance Obama wins the election at this point which is no given thing. Before the debates, I put it at a Coin flip.

It's now a weighted coin flip.

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Lol I saw McCain do that motion last night and I was like wtf was that...I did have a revelation right after that moment though....McCain has a hotter wife than Obama.

oh heck ya!! and palin tops it off for looks. its a shame that mccain looks bloated.

biden looks like bob barker though if you ask me.

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Obama lied about ayers last night. Which isn't unusual, since both candidates lied all night long.

But I think you are right, that Obama laid out his plan that if you are a middle income earner, the govt under Obama will strip you of your hard earned cash and give it away to those less fortunate.

Ayers is one of the few arguments that you, and the McCain campaign, has at this point, right?

Oh, and talking about lying: McCain making the claim that Palin "reduced" the size of government. Government in Alaska grew under Palin - it did not shrink. This idea that she is a 'small government" reformer is a bunch of hogwash.

Also, since when is $250,000 a year considered "middle income"? Can you defend this statement?

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Obama lied about ayers last night. Which isn't unusual, since both candidates lied all night long.

But I think you are right, that Obama laid out his plan that if you are a middle income earner, the govt under Obama will strip you of your hard earned cash and give it away to those less fortunate.

How do you know he lied? What are you comparing his statement to to make the claim that he lied? I think people need to give the Ayers thing a break. Obama explained the "relationship" very well last night if you ask me. Just because the explanation doesn't fit your criteria doesn't make him a liar.

Like Obama said, the fact that Ayers has been the theme of McCain's campaing the last 2 weeks says more about McCain than it does Obama.

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Neither really endeared himself to me with his answers, as both came off poorly in several situations. That being said, Obama seemed to come out on top in the final debate.

A few memorable wtf moments from both.

Obama on Ayres never answered the question presented to him and instead skirted the question with a vague answer. The Ayres is "not a member of the campaign and will not be a white house adviser" answer completely sidestepped the question. It seemed disingenuous to me. Disowning the guy would have been better politically, than to simply say, he's not a part of the campaign and won't be on my cabinet.

Obama's desire to not mortgage our childrens futures with freetrade deals also ringed hollow to me, as every 3rd statement seemed to about entitlements, new taxes, or additional spending.

McCains answer to the free trade deals question was just insane. It was something like, "American companies have invested a billion dollars into the ability to transport goods to America, and despite the Economic ideal of ignoring sunk costs, I'm willing to destroy America because I'm a free Traitor!"

Or at least thats what it sounded like to me.

Yeah then it got worse as he continued, "war on Drugs, that are killing our youth." Now I'm not a military guy, but it seems to me controlling the inflow of drugs at the border would be a much better way of limiting the availability of drugs in the country than elimination of all drugs at the source.

But I guess McCain couldn't bring up the topic of the border, as it might lead to an immigration question.

Anyways I could go on, but in the end Obama's empty promises sounded much better than McCain's inane attacks and incoherent answers.

So yeah about the OP's thoughts, couldn't agree more.

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Obama on Ayres never answered the question presented to him and instead skirted the question with a vague answer. The Ayres is "not a member of the campaign and will not be a white house adviser" answer completely sidestepped the question. It seemed disingenuous to me. Disowning the guy would have been better politically, than to simply say, he's not a part of the campaign and won't be on my cabinet.

Before he made the "not a member of my campaign" comment. He said that the extent of he and Ayers relationship was serving together on the same school reform board in Chicago.

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Obama destroyed him on what is being shouted at his rallies which he nor Palin ever speak against to....yet he was trying to say Obama doesn't either but i never hear anything at his rallies.

That's not true. Some dude at one of his rallies said something about how they were worried about Obama's ties and it was kind of offensive and McCain said don't say that he's a good guy.

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That's not true. Some dude at one of his rallies said something about how they were worried about Obama's ties and it was kind of offensive and McCain said don't say that he's a good guy.

LOL yeah he said look he is a good family guy he is not an arab...lol...like those two things are mutually exclusive.

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I believe that the conventional wisdom is that when your behind, you have to attack, and make no mistake negative attacks do work most of the time. The problem is though, you run the risk of alienating good natured people who were naturally for you. I think McCain did better last night, I felt he won, but Obama Didn't have to win in my mind so eh. This may tighten into election night I really don't have a clue who is going to win.

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I don't know, Mike. I think it was just as bad if not worse when Obama said, some of your supporters have been calling me terrorist and chanting "kill Obama" and Palin said nothing to quiet it... McCain's rebuttle was Hey, I can't control everyone in my crowds and make them play nice, but I really am offended at you criticizing WWII and Vietnam Vets who come to my rallies.

I was like WTF how did we get from the loonies shouting death threats and Palin letting it slide or actively encouraging it to that being a diss on our veterans.

I thought that was another bizarre-lite moment and not artypcal of McCain seeming to disconenct from what was actually being said to respond to something that wasn't said (not just referring to this debate).

Kind of a version of Palin's "no, I won't answer that question, but I'll tell you this talking point of mine that people applaud at my rallies."

I get that a lot reading posts. Some posters regularly seem to read something different than what the poster typed and most other people seemed to read. :)

Obama's version of that is to be glib and smooth with his language, while not actually insincere or deceitful (usually) and redirect the flow to a stronger point for him. But to my oberservatons, he does this far less often that his opponents. Biden >>> all 3 of them by just tearing into everything head-on. :D

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