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Did anyone hear Zorn get into with Czabe and Andy?


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WTF... ? Did Slingczabe actually try to say that the winner of the coin toss should defer until the 3rd? Maybe I'm wrong, but isn't the point to try to get all over a team ASAP? Even his logic makes no sense. You get the team into it and score, then you get the crowd into it and they'll be deafening when the opposition gets the ball that first time. How in the hell did he come up with a lame-brained idea like that?

Dudes who think this way I think are just over-thinking the whole thing and end up second-guessing themselves into a corner. Just be glad he is not the coach.

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I heard it. From what I gathered it was just a miscommunication. I thought they were saying if you get the ball back in the 2nd half, people wouldn't be in their seat, thus it would be inherently quieter for the offense to work. Not sure what Zorn was thinking, but he wasn't happy for sure.

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I fully understood what Czabe was trying to say and his logic makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, Zorn misinturpreted Czabe.

I can also fully understand why Zorn would have no concept of how hard it is for our fans in the lower level to return to their seats by kickoff for the second half.

Normally, the fan experience should be of no concern to a HC other then the product on the field, but this time is an exception.

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Sounds like both sides made it more complicated than it really needed to be.

Asking Zorn why he likes to take the ball in the first half vs. deferring to the second is a legit question. Especially since a number of our opponents have gone the other way and deferred. So there is a school of thought going through the NFL that deferring is the way to go. Zorn clearly does not agree so asking him why and what his philosophy on this was certainly legit.

But it sounds as if Czaban overstepped a bit and offered HIS opinion as to why the Skins should defer before really exploring the concept with Zorn and that immediately put Zorn in a defensive posture with someone who he clearly would not respect their opinion on football strategy.

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I fully understood what Czabe was trying to say and his logic makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, Zorn misinturpreted Czabe.

I can also fully understand why Zorn would have no concept of how hard it is for our fans in the lower level to return to their seats by kickoff for the second half.

Normally, the fan experience should be of no concern to a HC other then the product on the field, but this time is an exception.

It is NOT an exception.

Coach Zorn has to do what he feels gives our team the best edge to win.

He can't worry about what the fans want (and certainly not what two knuckleheads on the radio want him to do).

A coach that goes down that road, is taking a road right out of town.

I can see these two are asking the same inane-type questions that kept Gibbs from coming on their show, and got Czabe canned from the Comcast post-game show (asking Brunell why he won't bench himself :doh: ).

They are probably a couple of shows away from losing Zorn.

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Why does it matter?

The underlying reason behind what Czabe was talking about is that fans at FedEx are typically not in their seats at the start of the 2nd half, because they're still in line to either get food or take a dump.

Thus, if the redskins kick off in the 2nd half, the opposing team's offense will have a very quiet stadium in which to operate...which works to the other teams advantage. And since you can't really get the fans back in their seats any sooner, it would be (slightly) advantageous for the redskins to receive the kick off in the second half, let JC and the offense work in a quiet stadium and, hopefully, by the time the other team's offense takes the field, the stands will be mostly full again and ready to make some noise.

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I fully understood what Czabe was trying to say and his logic makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, Zorn misinturpreted Czabe.

I can also fully understand why Zorn would have no concept of how hard it is for our fans in the lower level to return to their seats by kickoff for the second half.

Normally, the fan experience should be of no concern to a HC other then the product on the field, but this time is an exception.

I agree totally. I've always thought that we put ourselves at a disadvantage when the visiting team gets a free quiet drive to start the second half. Not saying we're bad fans at the stadium, it's just logistically tough to even hit the bathroom and get back to the seats in time. However, it's not exactly packed to the brim at kickoff either, so pick your poison.

I like that Zorn has a real honest talk with these guys every week, not like Gibbs used to with the radio personalities. Zorn holds true to his emotions at the time.

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I like that Zorn doesn't get run over by guys lie Czabe and Andy but to be honest, I think it was legtimate what Czabe was saying and Zorn seemed to get overly defensive about it. Czabe started by saying " basically coach you've given us the logic that you think you want the first opportunity to score and get up on an opponent when you win the toss and I get that". .

Then he discussed something that maybe Zorn didn't think about and Zorn just would have none of it. Czabe discussed the fact that after hafltime there is NOBODY in the stands until halfway through the 3rd quarter (due to bathroom and concession lines etc) and that IF he deferred, he would have a frenzied crowd at the beginning of the game for the defense, and at halftime it would be super quiet for the skins "O". Instead we have a frenzied crowd that has to be "shhhhh'd" by the stadium recording at the beginning of the game, and the Rams marched down the field in utter silence before punching in a fieldgoal before anyone was in their seats last week. That is NOT illogical or ridiculous. In fact it makes perfect sense.

Now, Zorn could (and in a way did) say "ya know we aren't gonna make our decisions based on concession lines etc when we believe philosophically in "take the ball and get the lead". That is totally fine. But instead he basically talked down to Czabe as if the suggestion was absurd and illogical itself.

I personally felt like Czabe was thinking maybe Zorn doesn't know this about Fed ex and that he was kinda giving him an inside tip about the crowd habits. I mean it started out sorta funny but the OP is right it actually got a bit snide and catty there at the end and Czabe backed off. I think Czabe has made some ridiculous comments and I have to admit a bit of enjoyment in seeing these guys smacked around by Zorn and sent a message that he won't be second guessed etc but on this PARTICULAR point I felt Zorn got a bit over-defensive almost like he assumed anyone in the local media is ragging him in some way and the truth is you can't say "hey we need the 12th man" and "we need our home field advantage" and "hey fans get in your seats early for kickoff" on the skins site etc and then completely dismiss what Czabe was saying because it is totally true what he was pointing out.

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Some of you, including Czabe, are making way too much about this home team crowd noise. I was there. It was NOT that loud. Stupid...YES. But if the Skins can execute without problems at Philly, as noisey as it was, they certainly could handle the mild noise from a few thousand home fans.

Zorn has a different philosophy than Czabe. Now let me see who has played and coached in the NFL for about 30 years and who is an asshat? Quit the show Zorn, like Gibbs did.

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Can anyone please remind me what Czabe's and Andy's records are as NFL coaches. :doh:

Zorn has answered this same question on a number of occasions. As I recall his answer he feels that taking the ball when winning the coin flip means that you are confident that your offense is going to take the lead and that he prefers dictating the game to the opponent rather than letting them set the tone.

I understand what they were asking, but he answered it and then they wanted to argue. I can understand why he doesn't want to get pulled into the same nonsensical discussions these guys have on a regular basis. :)

As I see it his job on the show is to take questions and answer them, but I don't think he needs to be debating two armchair jocks about strategy and tactics. :2cents:

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Another thing to consider is that Zorn has probably heard from Vinny and TheDan about the whole relationship with the local media. I wouldn't be one bit surprised if he knows exactly what has gone down in the past with Cazbe and B-itchell and Jenkins and the rest of the sniveling dogs that never miss a chance to stick it to the FO. Maybe he saw this as the start of a new round with him (which wouldn't be that surprising, would it?)

I like that Zorn is running things, I like HOW Zorn is running things and if it comes down to a choice between what he thinks best and what some mediot jackals think he ought to be doing, well that's no contest is it?

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So crowd noise in not a factor in NFL games? Then why are we encouraged to make noise and become the 12th man? Is that just a charade?

If crowd noise is indeed a factor, then Czaban had a legitimate question.

The crowd at FedEx is absolutely MUCH louder for an opponent's offense at the beginning of a game than at the start of the second half. An opponent starting on offense at the start of the second half enjoys a stadium that is just as quiet as for any Redskins drive the whole game. That is a fact. And that is the point Czaban was trying to make.

If Zorn has determined not to consider that in his decision-making, fine. But it sounds like he was too defensive and dismissive in rejecting a legitimate point.

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Some of you act like Czabe is the first and only person who has made this suggestion. It's common knowledge that if you're playing at home and you have an opportunity to get the crowd fired up you put your defense on the field first.

That being said. I just think the real reason that Zorn is a little feisty is because he HATES to lose, especially a game we had no business losing. I love that about him.

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So, do we do just the opposite for away games? Or are other fans, at other stadiums, able to get their beers, and take a dump, and get back to their seats before kickoff for the second half?

When I go to the games, I keep my warm ass planted in that seat for the entire time. With the price of tickets and everything else, there's no way in hell I'm gonna miss even one play.

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So crowd noise in not a factor in NFL games? Then why are we encouraged to make noise and become the 12th man? Is that just a charade?

If crowd noise is indeed a factor, then Czaban had a legitimate question.

The crowd at FedEx is absolutely MUCH louder for an opponent's offense at the beginning of a game than at the start of the second half. An opponent starting on offense at the start of the second half enjoys a stadium that is just as quiet as for any Redskins drive the whole game. That is a fact. And that is the point Czaban was trying to make.

If Zorn has determined not to consider that in his decision-making, fine. But it sounds like he was too defensive and dismissive in rejecting a legitimate point.

Crowd noise is a bonus. If you are counting on it to win, you've already lost.

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...Now, Zorn could (and in a way did) say "ya know we aren't gonna make our decisions based on concession lines etc when we believe philosophically in "take the ball and get the lead". That is totally fine. But instead he basically talked down to Czabe as if the suggestion was absurd and illogical itself.....

Yes, but you have to understand that from Zorn's perspective, Czabe's suggestion *is* absurd and illogical. From Zorn's point-of-view, he is coaching his team to WIN A FOOTBALL GAME with no regards to outside influences.

Just how pathetic would it be if Zorn felt the need to adjust his gameplan in regards to whether or not the fans were in their seats?

"Hey guys, we're going to hold back a little bit because I see the fans haven't gotten to their seats yet...."

Yeah.... right.

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