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Did anyone hear Zorn get into with Czabe and Andy?


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On the Jim Zorn show. Czaben was telling him it was logical to defer the ball until halftime because fans are not in their seats until midway through the third.

And Zorn got pissed. And said what are you talking about? And then said MEN you are telling me its logical to wait for the fans? Then Czaben tried to say it again and Zorn was basically like are you kidding me? Then Czaben got nervous and said he will cease all questions. And Zorn said good!

It was the second time Zorn was pissed off. And both times happend on that show because of their questions.

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Zorn completely misunderstood their reasoning for deferring the ball if you win the toss. It does work in our opponents advantage if they receive the kick at the start of the half, as opposed to the start of the game.

FedEx is too quiet after the half.

Zorn did not understand their explanation. So, they gave up.

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Zorn completely misunderstood their reasoning for deferring the ball if you win the toss. It does work in our opponents advantage if they receive the kick at the start of the half, as opposed to the start of the game.

FedEx is too quiet after the half.

Zorn did not understand their explanation. So, they gave up.

Zorn, as a HC, is not overly concerned with crowd noise. Our crowd noise didn't affect them all that much in that game, but maybe a couple of times.

Zorn wanted to do the things the way he wanted and didn't think the crowd noise should really be taken into account. I respect that.

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Zorn completely misunderstood their reasoning for deferring the ball if you win the toss. It does work in our opponents advantage if they receive the kick at the start of the half, as opposed to the start of the game.

FedEx is too quiet after the half.

Zorn did not understand their explanation. So, they gave up.

They are two shiny tools. A HC job is game planning and getting his players to make plays. Not freaking crowd noise.

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I was listening when that happened. It was an awkward moment to say the least. Not quite B-Mitch vs Portis, but close.

I know what Czab was trying to get at, but Zorn has adressed this issue on more than one occasion. This wasn't the first time the question had been asked of him. He's pretty clear on it. If we win the toss, he wants to put the offense on the field and SCORE!

Czab tried to reiterate his point about the crowd getting back to there seats after halftime. But I think by that time, Zorn was already pissed by the notion that he should somehow wait for the fans. I think he snapped on Czab, but it made for good radio.

Zorn may have misunderstood the point initially, but he didn't seem concerned with talking about it any further. At that point, Czaban knew it wasn't going anywhere positive. I think he did the right thing by letting it go.

Maybe Czab should call Vinny Cerrato on Friday morning to try to get an answer to his question.

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I think Czaban was a little condescending in sounding like he was trying to enlighten the coach with some idea Zorn's never thought about. Not that that's the reason Zorn got angry. I think he just misunderstood their intent. He's a little paranoid if you ask me, but I also think he can see through the bull****.

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Zorn completely misunderstood their reasoning for deferring the ball if you win the toss. It does work in our opponents advantage if they receive the kick at the start of the half, as opposed to the start of the game.

FedEx is too quiet after the half.

Zorn did not understand their explanation. So, they gave up.


Why does it matter?

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WTF... ? Did Slingczabe actually try to say that the winner of the coin toss should defer until the 3rd? Maybe I'm wrong, but isn't the point to try to get all over a team ASAP? Even his logic makes no sense. You get the team into it and score, then you get the crowd into it and they'll be deafening when the opposition gets the ball that first time. How in the hell did he come up with a lame-brained idea like that?

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