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Did anyone hear Zorn get into with Czabe and Andy?


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I definitely thought it was an uncomfortable moment. While I understand Zorn doesn't need to defend his position, he seemed not to fully get Czaban's point and clearly didn't show patience in hearing Czabe's explanation.

To his credit, Czabe tried another time to re-explain not thinking he was asking anything particularly imflammatory. He figured out Zorn was having nothing of it and wisely dropped the topic.

Personally, I always would prefer to get the ball leading off the 2nd half. If you're behind, you get a quick comeback chance. If you're ahead, you can build on the lead.

I can't think of very many times when an offense is able to march down the field and score first time handling the ball. I'd rather the offense find their way a little before getting the ball and let the other team flounder on offense first (given our strong defense so far this year).

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So crowd noise in not a factor in NFL games? Then why are we encouraged to make noise and become the 12th man? Is that just a charade?

If crowd noise is indeed a factor, then Czaban had a legitimate question.

The crowd at FedEx is absolutely MUCH louder for an opponent's offense at the beginning of a game than at the start of the second half. An opponent starting on offense at the start of the second half enjoys a stadium that is just as quiet as for any Redskins drive the whole game. That is a fact. And that is the point Czaban was trying to make.

If Zorn has determined not to consider that in his decision-making, fine. But it sounds like he was too defensive and dismissive in rejecting a legitimate point.

Or maybe he just thought it was stupid to gameplan around crowd noise. Personally, I would always like the ball to begin the 2nd half, but I've NEVER though about the crowd noise factor. I think about establishing something coming out in the 2nd half. If we're down, we have a chance to change the momentum and if we up, we have a chance to put a big nail in the coffin.

But crowd noise? No, that one never comes to mind, and to be honest it probably shouldn't. Sounds like they asked a question and he answered it but didnt give them the answer they wanted. So they tried to get it out of him and he wasn't going for it.

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Yes, but you have to understand that from Zorn's perspective, Czabe's suggestion *is* absurd and illogical. From Zorn's point-of-view, he is coaching his team to WIN A FOOTBALL GAME with no regards to outside influences.

Just how pathetic would it be if Zorn felt the need to adjust his gameplan in regards to whether or not the fans were in their seats?

"Hey guys, we're going to hold back a little bit because I see the fans haven't gotten to their seats yet...."

Yeah.... right.

that's nonsense. these guys talk about the 12th man and home field advantage all the time. what you mean to say is that there are no dependancies. they put together gameplans based on what they see on the film and adjust. but to argue that they don't think about and encourage every advantage they can seize upon does not square with the facts.

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Listen, I'm not a huge fan of either of those two guys, but their job on Tuesdays at 4 is to ask the head coach questions about the game.

They are not the only people in the world who believe it to be an advantage to defer and take the ball in the 3rd quarter. I'd ALWAYS do that if I'm a coach...but Zorn gets to make his own decisions.

However, he or no one else should get pissed about this...they are doing their jobs and it was a relatively harmless question.

I do like how passionate he is...he really believes in what he's doing and that's a great thing for this team!

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this is real simple.

Zorn isnt blind to crowd noise. What hes saying is, in his decision on weighing pros/cons, he would rather get the ball and have his offense get off to a good start with a lead than take advantage of a crowd situation. To him, saying we should go AGAINST his game plan simply to take into account any marginal crowd influence (compared to the actual players on the field having an impact on the game) is crazy and likely insulting.

Simple. Case closed.

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They are probably a couple of shows away from losing Zorn.

Where else would Zorn go if he's not on 980?

Danny is not gonna put Zorn on in the middle of the day w/Doc Walker when most of the audience is at work. The 4:00 timeslot is key for ratings.

On a related note,

I like the fact that Czabe asks Zorn about the uni's etc. I think most long time fans do care about the uni's and there is a strategy behind what color schemes they use and when.

And why give an opposing teams offense a nice quiet drive to start the second half?

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I like that Zorn doesn't get run over by guys lie Czabe and Andy but to be honest, I think it was legtimate what Czabe was saying and Zorn seemed to get overly defensive about it. Czabe started by saying " basically coach you've given us the logic that you think you want the first opportunity to score and get up on an opponent when you win the toss and I get that". .

Then he discussed something that maybe Zorn didn't think about and Zorn just would have none of it. Czabe discussed the fact that after hafltime there is NOBODY in the stands until halfway through the 3rd quarter (due to bathroom and concession lines etc) and that IF he deferred, he would have a frenzied crowd at the beginning of the game for the defense, and at halftime it would be super quiet for the skins "O". Instead we have a frenzied crowd that has to be "shhhhh'd" by the stadium recording at the beginning of the game, and the Rams marched down the field in utter silence before punching in a fieldgoal before anyone was in their seats last week. That is NOT illogical or ridiculous. In fact it makes perfect sense.

I think that you and Czabe are wrong. Listen, JZ is not going to play crazy little angles like this. It's football. YOu line up, you execute and play physical. Only someone who has never played the sport (I have, high school, JCC) would come up with a crazy and frankly dorky suggestion like this. It's ridiuculous and a waste of time to even ask. I get the logic, but the advantage to be gained by doing this is barely minimal.

I think Czabe has made some ridiculous comments

JZ is no fool. He has heard, and still hears the drivel that Czabe spews. I'm sure JZ has a chip on his shoulder when gets on the show cause, well frankly I think he has ZERO RESPECT for these guys.

Also, i'm sure there is the jock smacking around the know-it-all dork mentality here as well.

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I think that you and Czabe are wrong. Listen, JZ is not going to play crazy little angles like this. It's football. YOu line up, you execute and play physical. Only someone who has never played the sport (I have, high school, JCC) would come up with a crazy and frankly dorky suggestion like this. It's ridiuculous and a waste of time to even ask. I get the logic, but the advantage to be gained by doing this is barely minimal.

JZ is no fool. He has heard, and still hears the drivel that Czabe spews. I'm sure JZ has a chip on his shoulder when gets on the show cause, well frankly I think he has ZERO RESPECT for these guys.

Also, i'm sure there is the jock smacking around the know-it-all dork mentality here as well.

you mean crazy little angles like awnings on hot days?

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What has been overlooked so far in this thread is that Zorn started to get a bit testy right before this conversation and it kind of carried over into the conversation about what to do when you win the coin flip.

Zorn initially started to get a bit annoyed when Czabe started asking about why they didn't take shots down the field more.

Zorn responded with a clearly annoyed tone and said something like "Look if Jason had fired the ball down the field several times and it had resulted in an interception, you'd be all over me for being too aggressive." and then went on more about how the Rams were trying to keep them from doing that.

I don't think JZ was in the best mood yesterday.

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I don't think JZ was in the best mood yesterday.

I wouldn't be either if I had to be interviewed by those two dolts. Nothing more moronic to me than a mediot with half a brain trying to tell a head coach how to do his job. Even worse when the head coach is 4-2 with a team projected to finish last in their division. If those two fools have been running things, we WOULD be in last place. And this particular situation was based on the most asinine piece of logic I've heard this season.

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I wouldn't be either if I had to be interviewed by those two dolts. Nothing more moronic to me than a mediot with half a brain trying to tell a head coach how to do his job. Even worse when the head coach is 4-2 with a team projected to finish last in their division. If those two fools have been running things, we WOULD be in last place. And this particular situation was based on the most asinine piece of logic I've heard this season.

Those two clowns get awful ratings too. It is a mystery what Snyder is doing with that station. They have two clowns in drivetime who get some of the worst ratings in the era and who piss off the teams head coaches.

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Czabe will say ANYTHING to get reactions regardless of whether it is really his opinion.

I'm real tired of him. I wish he'd go away. Just an idiot.

LOL when he called Portis the 4th best back in the division if that and now he is all on her you know what.

His fans are pretty dumb. He basicaly thinks his fans are dumb. He calls them the fishes. And treats them that way.And he still has a loyal fan base.

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Yes, but you have to understand that from Zorn's perspective, Czabe's suggestion *is* absurd and illogical. From Zorn's point-of-view, he is coaching his team to WIN A FOOTBALL GAME with no regards to outside influences.

Just how pathetic would it be if Zorn felt the need to adjust his gameplan in regards to whether or not the fans were in their seats?

"Hey guys, we're going to hold back a little bit because I see the fans haven't gotten to their seats yet...."

Yeah.... right.

No, I agree with you 100%. I'd actually be a little weirded out if he said that. HAHAHAHAHA. But it sounded like it was at least a logical question. Again, its just my perception but it seemed like Zorn got way more annoyed by the question than he needed to and called it illogical. It wasn't illogical, it was inconsequential.

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Yet another example of Czaben trying to be too-cute-by-half, throwing out ridiculous ideas that are wayyyyyyyyy too far out from reality to really make much sense. Yes, crowd noise can impact a game, but no right-minded coach is going to start deferring coin tosses based on fans' bathroom-break patterns. Good for Zorn to stop the stupid discussion before it got any further.

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I think that you and Czabe are wrong. Listen, JZ is not going to play crazy little angles like this. It's football. YOu line up, you execute and play physical. Only someone who has never played the sport (I have, high school, JCC) would come up with a crazy and frankly dorky suggestion like this. It's ridiuculous and a waste of time to even ask. .

With all due respect I have played college football (Ok VMI which is hardly college football but you get the point) but more importantly if crowd noise doesn't have anything to do with strategies, why does our owner shell out thousands of dollars to pump noise into the stadium?

Why does out team's website specifically tell us to arrive early and be in your seats by kickoff?

Why do we have a pre-recorded "SHHHHHHHH" in the stadium (I was there Sunday - it is incredibly annoying yet surprisingly effective)?

Why did our starting right gurardl specifically call out our fans for "making his job harder" when we cheer when they are on offense?

Why is there a 50 foot by 50 foot sign that says "QUIET OFFENSE AT WORK" when we have the ball?

Why did our past Hall of Fame Coach encourage the 12th man to show up every sunday?

Why is are there two threads in this forum right now - 1) asking us to be loud on sunday and 2) telling us to shut up when we are on offense?

I don't know how big the crowd at you junior college games were but only someone who has never been to FED EX and heard 91,000 people screaming their head off would suggest that it has nothing to do with the game or suggest that it is ILLOGICAL to even ask the question on a show called the Coach Zorn show and expect that Coach Zorn would be as insulted as he seemed.

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Between Czab, Andy and Larry Micheal, this team is represented very poorly, IMO. How hard can it be to find a few guys who can be entertaining without being complete homers (Micheal) or negative Nancys (Czabe and his ass puppet)?

I use to listen to John Castleberry down here in tidewater, but he got the boot a couple weeks ago. For those of you not familiar with Castleberry, he was far and away, leaps and bounds better than ANYONE currently representing the Washington Redskins. Since his show was cut, Ive stopped listening to sports talk completely.

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Between Czab, Andy and Larry Micheal, this team is represented very poorly, IMO. How hard can it be to find a few guys who can be entertaining without being complete homers (Micheal) or negative Nancys (Czabe and his ass puppet)?

I use to listen to John Castleberry down here in tidewater, but he got the boot a couple weeks ago. For those of you not familiar with Castleberry, he was far and away, leaps and bounds better than ANYONE currently representing the Washington Redskins. Since his show was cut, Ive stopped listening to sports talk completely.

They have the lowest ratings or close to it the past 10 years. Check out DCRTV.

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