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Big toe, my toenail completely fell off


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I've used this forum before with injuries such as when I broke my collarbone (which didn't hurt really).

I was playing soccer and i guy was lining up a drive shot and i tried to toe poke the ball and disrupt his shot and basically my foot hit the ball the same moment his foot hit the ball and my big toe took all the force of the impact.

that was 3 or months ago and the toenail turned partially purple and all, then i played soccer about 16-20 hours a week on it after that and finally it just fell off when i hardly touched it.

what do i do? how should I protect it? how do I prevent an ingrown toenail?

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I had this happen on both toes when i was in the USMC. If i remember correctly you need to clean it everyday. Keep it covered while you are wearing shoes for a while. Both of mine came back without becoming ingrown. They do look a little different now. Kinda like they grow then push out. Anyway good luck with it.

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My middle toenail came off a few years ago bc I was running so much...it bruised up and came off. To hide it, I bought those fake french pedicure toenails and just used one on that toe and got a french pedicure for the rest of my toes. I don't think that's an option for you ;) but if I were a dude, I would have just put a bandaid on it. My toenail grew back and it's perfect now.

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I've used this forum before with injuries such as when I broke my collarbone (which didn't hurt really).

I was playing soccer and i guy was lining up a drive shot and i tried to toe poke the ball and disrupt his shot and basically my foot hit the ball the same moment his foot hit the ball and my big toe took all the force of the impact.

that was 3 or months ago and the toenail turned partially purple and all, then i played soccer about 16-20 hours a week on it after that and finally it just fell off when i hardly touched it.

what do i do? how should I protect it? how do I prevent an ingrown toenail?

Cut your toe off. You have no risk of an ingrown toenail then.

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I'm in the early stage of this on my big toe - left foot. Not from soccer, but because someone stomped on my foot at the New Orleans ES tailgate. I think it was TLC, the ****. Anyway, my nail is all sorts of purple and red right now, and I expect it'll fall off sometime in the next few months, especially since I run on a semi-regular basis.

Anyway, I've had it happen before, I think I used to put a cotton ball on the top and then scotch tape it around my toe to keep it in place. Just for a layer of protection. Wash it each night. It takes forever to grow back, but shouldn't be too much of an issue.

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This has happened to me plenty of times. Hit with a hammer, jammed between a wrench and part, whatever.

It'll grow back just fine. Screw that quitter toe nail. You don't need it.

Be glad you didn't have to take the drill to it, that hurts like a *****.

The voice of experience...you often jam your foot between a wrench and a part?:)

Long as it fell off ,it's all good...the ones that get split up into the quick are the worst....thank God for Super glue imo

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meh....toe nails fall off all the time if you get stomped playing sports or bruise them badly. Show it off IMO. Start wearing flip flops and force your friends to look at it.

When asked if it hurts reply "It did until I rubbed some dirt on it"

BTW, keep it clean and you'll be fine.

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Ahhh... a health area that I have quite the experience in.

Go see a podiatrist, make sure it's not infected and find a way to keep it from getting infected.

Whatever you do, don't go to an ER. Good chance you will end up with MRSA which is a lot more serious than just a toe jam.

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The voice of experience...you often jam your foot between a wrench and a part?:)

Long as it fell off ,it's all good...the ones that get split up into the quick are the worst....thank God for Super glue imo

haha been a long time since I had to glue my toe nail back together. I had a friend that stomped his own split toe hoping to bruise it enough for it to fall off on it's own. Not the greatest idea.

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I lost a big toenail (and sensation in part of my big toe) due to a skiing accident about 10 years ago.

Now, losing the nail isn't the end of the world. The really bad scenario is when the dead nail won't fall off, and the sharp, new nail growing in underneath it gets shoved down into the soft, squishy, traumatized nailbed of your big toe every time you take a step.

I suffered through that incredible pain for two days, and finally said "F it" and grabbed a pair of rusty pliers from a rain-soaked toolkit in the trunk of my car. Then I literally took the rusty pliers, grabbed the end of the dead big toenail firmly with its jaws, got a nice firm grip, and then yanked as hard as I could.

Problem solved. Today you'd never know I even lost the toenail, and I still have the rusty pliers (although I threw out the nail instead of doing the right thing and framing it).

My thumbnail, on the other hand, is gnarly and mangled from a 3rd grade run-in with a weed whacker. Got ripped up and never did grow in right. Weed whackers are damned evil things when you get on the wrong side of them, but not as evil as goats, staph infections, or giant splinters under your fingernails. Let me tell you about those...

I'm just going to stop now.

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I lost a big toenail (and sensation in part of my big toe) due to a skiing accident about 10 years ago.

Now, losing the nail isn't the end of the world. The really bad scenario is when the dead nail won't fall off, and the sharp, new nail growing in underneath it gets shoved down into the soft, squishy, traumatized nailbed of your big toe every time you take a step.

I suffered through that incredible pain for two days, and finally said "F it" and grabbed a pair of rusty pliers from a rain-soaked toolkit in the trunk of my car. Then I literally took the rusty pliers, grabbed the end of the dead big toenail firmly with its jaws, got a nice firm grip, and then yanked as hard as I could.

Problem solved. Today you'd never know I even lost the toenail, and I still have the rusty pliers (although I threw out the nail instead of doing the right thing and framing it).

My thumbnail, on the other hand, is gnarly and mangled from a 3rd grade run-in with a weed whacker. Got ripped up and never did grow in right. Weed whackers are damned evil things when you get on the wrong side of them, but not as evil as goats, staph infections, or giant splinters under your fingernails. Let me tell you about those...

I'm just going to stop now.

This is probably the most disgusting post I've ever seen on here.

Thanks for sending me off to bed with that :mad:

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Have lost my big toe nail three times already. Never really did anything other than trying to keep it clean and haven't had any issues with an ingrown nail.

If the nail fell off on its own the nail bed should be fully healed and it may not even be necessary to warar any sort of dressing or bandaid.

See the doctor if you notice any swelling or pain. Other than that it's completely harmless.

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OLS, that's a good way to put it.

Siven, keep the toe clean. If you see any signs of infection, get it checked out.

thanks bro, will do.

I just couldn't really find anything concrete on google, and extremeskins has been good to me with this kind of information.

thanks everyone, i really appreciate it

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