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Big toe, my toenail completely fell off


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Ahhh... a health area that I have quite the experience in.

Go see a podiatrist, make sure it's not infected and find a way to keep it from getting infected.

Whatever you do, don't go to an ER. Good chance you will end up with MRSA which is a lot more serious than just a toe jam.

:stfu: This is probably all your fault anyway. He doesn't need any more of your "help".

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thanks bro, will do.

I just couldn't really find anything concrete on google, and extremeskins has been good to me with this kind of information.

thanks everyone, i really appreciate it

Don't you love it when you have a problem and it turns out to be no big deal? Good times.
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I had surgery on my left middle finger. They drilled a hole in the fingernail and attached a button (like the one's on your shirt) and string to stabalize the area. Everytime my nail grows it starts to split at the end and then I know it's time to cut my nails. I had the tip of my finger snapped completely backward (toward the top of the hand). Hope that made some of you puke. My finger was dangling like a door hinge.

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"This one time, I farted a rainbow and then my dead toenail turned into a delicious Pringle."

Possibly the funniest thing I've read on here in awhile, I think the adjective "delicious" is what made the sentence. Also caused me to spit part of my sandwich out. Thanks ass;)

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I had to drill a thumbnail before, with a red-hot sewing needle. The idea was to relieve some pressure under the nail before it separated and fell off.

After two holes and no relief, I gave up and just lived with it.

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i remember one time i slammed my thumbnail on a car door it bruised up and started loosening up plus there was blood all under my nail so it looked completely purple.

My dad pinched a needle to let the blood out the nail eventually came off.

it looks normal now but the growing process was a pain as my thumb looked hideous with a little nubbin on it for a month or so lol

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I wish my toe nail had fallen off a few weeks ago. Ingrown toenail being removed and the local anesthesia didn't work all the way, so for a few minutes of the operation I could feel the whole shebanga bang. One of the worst pains I've ever had...

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