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Bill O'Reilly vs. Barney Frank (You're a coward..You're dumb)


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I assume your referring to MSNBC. The only time I watch MSNBC is when somebody posts something about Olbermann in this forum. The only news channel I regularly watch is FoxNews.

However, I have been watching CNN for the debates because it's the only news channel on Cox that is broadcast in HD. Plus, CNN has all those cool graphs and pie charts during the debates. :)

The post VP debate coverage seemed to be much more centrist on CNN where they had a "board" of people discussing how the debate went. On FoxNews it was just Greta Van Sustren hanging out at the Palin party. It was hugely biased toward Palin compared to the Biden bias by CNN.

Isn't Greta gay? That's ironic huh? :silly:
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Hey Zguy, is there any way you could make that sig a little bigger? It doesn't quite take up my entire computer screen and I'm really trying to broadcast the rumble to my co-workers.
Sorry, I had uploaded the wrong version and couldn't tell since we block photobuket images at my work. :(
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O'Reilly is not a Republican. I watch his show almost every night. He is an Independent with traditional values. I'm a Republican and there are times I get irritated about him defending someone on the left; however, I like him and his show. I was disappointed that he was so soft on Obama in his interview. Normally he'll back someone in a corner and make them answer. Although O'Reilly and Obama had a spirited exchange, O'Reilly didn't drive home points on Obama like he does some folks.

stop it. He's a right wing nut.

But more than anything, he's an *******.

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O'Reilly is not a Republican. I watch his show almost every night. He is an Independent with traditional values. I'm a Republican and there are times I get irritated about him defending someone on the left; however, I like him and his show. I was disappointed that he was so soft on Obama in his interview. Normally he'll back someone in a corner and make them answer. Although O'Reilly and Obama had a spirited exchange, O'Reilly didn't drive home points on Obama like he does some folks.

O'Reilly wasn't as hard on Obama because he knows better - You don't slam the messiah!

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PS: I don't see how anyone can't see FoxNews as a total right wing establishment. They are having their post VP debate broadcast from the Palin Alsaskan party headquarters.

I am a republican and I do see FoxNews as slanted to the right. However, I see the other major news networks, especially MSNBC, as slanted heavily to the left. Why do leftists get so bent out of shape that there is only one network that people on the right have yet they have several?

Are you honestly going to try and tell me that CNN or MSNBC are objective coverage? Please.

I'm admitting that FOX has a rightward bias, why don't you admit the bias of the other networks and let's get on with our lives.

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I am a republican and I do see FoxNews as slanted to the right. However, I see the other major news networks, especially MSNBC, as slanted heavily to the left. Why do leftists get so bent out of shape that there is only one network that people on the right have yet they have several?

Are you honestly going to try and tell me that CNN or MSNBC are objective coverage? Please.

I'm admitting that FOX has a rightward bias, why don't you admit the bias of the other networks and let's get on with our lives.


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That was embarassing to watch. O'Reilly is a jackass- how do guys like this make it? Unbelievable.

As for the substance of the interview itself, it was over in the first 30 seconds when Frank told him he'd only been in oversight since Jan 31 of 2007.


No wonder OReilly blew up. Frank made him look like a Grade A Ignoramous in front of his audience in 30 seconds flat. :dunce:

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But what do I know :whoknows:

I think O'Rielly is a right wing nut job. I think Limbaugh is too. I think the difference is Limbaugh knows it, and considers himself an entertainer. O'Rielly thinks he's some sort of super journalist. These two arguing and condemning each other aren't credentials for their moderate positions.

It's more about rats leaving a sinking ship. What's wrong about the modern conservative movement isn't what Reagan created. It's the pomposity, the unilateralness, the ego, and the character assinations of folks who disagree with them. It's the inability to consider or hear the disagreeing opinion and the over reliance on gotcha moments rather than reason. In general it's what guys like O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Hanity, and the others bring to the table.

In short a lot of it can be directly attributed to these media clowns who have made big money surfing this bogus unforturnate wave of American politics.

Them attacking each other is just panic and finger pointing.

I'm not a big frank fan, but I thought he looked professional and reasonable in this clip compared to O'Reilly. I think Frank will get painted with some tarnish over this incident. I think the public realizes the Republicans controled the reigns of power for 14 of the last 16 years and that they are rightfully taking the majority of the hit. The Dems took over in Jan of 2007, This mess has been purculating for a much longer time than that...

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I am a republican and I do see FoxNews as slanted to the right. However, I see the other major news networks, especially MSNBC, as slanted heavily to the left. Why do leftists get so bent out of shape that there is only one network that people on the right have yet they have several?

Are you honestly going to try and tell me that CNN or MSNBC are objective coverage? Please.

I'm admitting that FOX has a rightward bias, why don't you admit the bias of the other networks and let's get on with our lives.

There is bias at other networks. Who is saying otherwise? I

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O'Reilly is the most ridiculous pundit on television ever. Ever.

Olberman's a bit of a douche, Limbaugh is a racist hypocrite. O'Reilly is utterly and completely devoid of professionalism or integrity. He's even a step beneath Geraldo Rivera. (A small step.)

In fact, he's only a half-step above Morton Downey.

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There is bias at other networks. Who is saying otherwise? I

There are many people who act as if Fox News is borderline criminal for having a slant but could care less that the other networks have a different slant.

Murdoch was a genius to cater to HALF of the country who were fed up with the slant on other networks.

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There are many people who act as if Fox News is borderline criminal for having a slant but could care less that the other networks have a different slant.

Would you agree that talking about slant solely in terms of "left" or "right" does not paint the full picture?

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Would you agree that talking about slant solely in terms of "left" or "right" does not paint the full picture?

Every individual's "slant" is going to be different and cannot always be neatly packaged into a box called "left" or "right", I do concede that point. However, painting in broad strokes, I think those are pretty accurate descriptions.

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Bill O'Reilly is an admitted racist, right wing blowhard.. and not the good conservative right.. the modern Neo-Con right that hijacked and caused a complete degradation of a great party who at one point had it right.. Its like the new Republicans take the worse positions from both the parties from 20 years ago and make it their platform.. Back to Bill, he is scum and truly one of the reasons why this country is going to hell because he refuses to hold republicans feet to the flames like all good pundits are supposed to.. What he did to Barney Frank is correct.. however, I would love to see him do the same thing to a member of this administration or to someone who is running for office.. when he does that, I will consider him as bipartisan..

No he's not watch his show before spewing BS

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Frank was caught Red handed and tried to spew nonsense instead of answering the questions and then went on the typical it ws Bush's fault rant that all pathetic liberals do.

Frank defending Raines, now in the Obama camp after being fired as well as stealing money, and ignoring the early warnings about Fannie Mae


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