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Bill O'Reilly vs. Barney Frank (You're a coward..You're dumb)


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I'd love somebody to get all in Bush's face about how he ****ed up and he's a coward and the like. Really, somebody to just say, "You're unamerican, you're a coward, you ruined this country!"

O'Rielly did the exact same thing right here. Really, what is the point of going on O'Rielly's show anymore? He doesn't give a fair shake to anyone. His show is a giant trap.

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His show is a trap. I do however see him as non partisan (despite what people say) and believe he does want whats best for the average American. He doesn't like the far right, but he really despises the far left. I've heard him attack both. (Well he never really "attacks" the right like he does the left, but he does say they ****ed up)

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I just watch this and think about Bush selling the war...

It's a good investment, we'll make out OK, it's a must win...

People have lost their lives, we have wasted money, Bush won't admit he made a mistake. Maybe I won't listen at all or I'm too dumb to understand but it is all Bush's fault.

PS: I don't see how anyone can't see FoxNews as a total right wing establishment. They are having their post VP debate broadcast from the Palin Alsaskan party headquarters.

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His show is a trap. I do however see him as non partisan (despite what people say) and believe he does want whats best for the average American. He doesn't like the far right, but he really despises the far left. I've heard him attack both. (Well he never really "attacks" the right like he does the left, but he does say they ****ed up)

Bill O'Reilly is an admitted racist, right wing blowhard.. and not the good conservative right.. the modern Neo-Con right that hijacked and caused a complete degradation of a great party who at one point had it right.. Its like the new Republicans take the worse positions from both the parties from 20 years ago and make it their platform.. Back to Bill, he is scum and truly one of the reasons why this country is going to hell because he refuses to hold republicans feet to the flames like all good pundits are supposed to.. What he did to Barney Frank is correct.. however, I would love to see him do the same thing to a member of this administration or to someone who is running for office.. when he does that, I will consider him as bipartisan..

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Ya, know -- i really don't blame the gov't for this collapse... more the consumers for over extending themselves. The only thing I thought was shady was the shear fact that I felt like I was being forced into an arm loan when I continually asked for a fixed rate w/twenty percent down.

That said, I don't know why anyone would want to go on his show. To quote barney frank he boorish and could only appeal to very provincial political audience.

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I was actually thinking about starting a thread on O'Reilly the other day. Since we're talking about O'Reilly I'll throw it in here. Hope you don't mind. Perhaps this has already been posted, I do not know.

And seriously I'm sorry for the hijacking. If it's taken that way.

Ok, so on his show O'Reilly went after Rush Limbaugh and Co. for being full of **** and lying to America in regards to the current financial crisis and the bailout. Mark Levin (whom I never even heard of until Spaceman Spiff started a thread on him here) attacked O'Reilly head on. Brought up his sexual harassment suit and everything.

Here's a youtube vid of all of it:


There was also a thing a month or so ago where Rush Limbaugh in an interview said that O'Reilly really was Ted Baxter.

You know, I used to like O'Reilly back in the day. I thought he sold out after awhile though; changed. I don't know. Maybe my memory is wrong and he's always been a douche.

If I'm remembering right though, and once upon a time he was alright, I gotta think that success is what did him in. I think O'Reilly really bought into his own shtick about "Looking out for YOU!" and all that nonsense. He was Moses, tapped to lead the people out of the desert. As a result, in his mind, instead of the people being what's important, him and his views began to trump all.

I think probably deep down inside he's not a bad human being. And I think Limbaugh and Levin going after him is probably proof of that.

But what do I know :whoknows:

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I saw this last night and I thought O'reilly was staging a bit but it is maddening that the democrats have been in charge of congress for almost 2 years but blame everything on the republicans. Its freaking nuts. They both deserve a lashing for this - Frank is a big a-hole, just like any republican is a big a-hole who says it's all Clinton's fault.

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O'Reilly is a die hard Republican. Always has been, always will be. Every year he campaigns exclusively for Republicans, and exclusively against Democrats. Like Savage, he might even say the occasional bad thing about Republicans, but only if it is coupled with an equal or greater insult towards Democrats. I don't buy the indepedent claim from guys like that.

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I just watch this and think about Bush selling the war...

It's a good investment, we'll make out OK, it's a must win...

People have lost their lives, we have wasted money, Bush won't admit he made a mistake. Maybe I won't listen at all or I'm too dumb to understand but it is all Bush's fault.

PS: I don't see how anyone can't see FoxNews as a total right wing establishment. They are having their post VP debate broadcast from the Palin Alsaskan party headquarters.

And Olbermann followed by Rachel Maddow is somehow not partisan? ;)
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^^No I agree he does make some good points. But, sometimes he's completely off base and way to narcassistic... overall, he's boorish but obvious a genuine person.
Pretty much my view too.

ANd I just can't stand listening to the shouting anymore on those shows. Even Morning Joe is starting to get too much shouting.

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And Olbermann followed by Rachel Maddow is somehow not partisan? ;)

I assume your referring to MSNBC. The only time I watch MSNBC is when somebody posts something about Olbermann in this forum. The only news channel I regularly watch is FoxNews.

However, I have been watching CNN for the debates because it's the only news channel on Cox that is broadcast in HD. Plus, CNN has all those cool graphs and pie charts during the debates. :)

The post VP debate coverage seemed to be much more centrist on CNN where they had a "board" of people discussing how the debate went. On FoxNews it was just Greta Van Sustren hanging out at the Palin party. It was hugely biased toward Palin compared to the Biden bias by CNN.

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O'Reilly is a die hard Republican. Always has been, always will be. Every year he campaigns exclusively for Republicans, and exclusively against Democrats. Like Savage, he might even say the occasional bad thing about Republicans, but only if it is coupled with an equal or greater insult towards Democrats. I don't buy the indepedent claim from guys like that.

O'Reilly is not a Republican. I watch his show almost every night. He is an Independent with traditional values. I'm a Republican and there are times I get irritated about him defending someone on the left; however, I like him and his show. I was disappointed that he was so soft on Obama in his interview. Normally he'll back someone in a corner and make them answer. Although O'Reilly and Obama had a spirited exchange, O'Reilly didn't drive home points on Obama like he does some folks.

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