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Springs: "I'm not missing an NFC East Game!"


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Getting breaks (playing teams not at full strength) can sometimes make the difference in a season.

A couple caveats...just because Westbrook might miss a game, that doesn't mean we'll win. Also, just because Westbrook might play, that doesn't mean we'll lose.

However, we used good fortune (in part) in 1991 to gain homefield advantage in the playoffs. We played Detroit without Barry Sanders, Atlanta without Deion, Philly (both times I think) without Randall, etc. Not only that, but we benefitted IN the playoffs by having Detroit upset Dallas setting up a much easier matchup in the NFC Championship game.

Now again, nothing is saying that we'd have lost any of those games, but getting breaks is key in the NFL. Great teams are typically relatively healthy throughout the year and usually play some teams at less than 100%

Having said ALL of that, I think Westbrook will play on Sunday.

Amen. The goal in the NFL is not to be the best team in the league...it's to win the super bowl. Just ask the 2007 Patriots.

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Am I the only one on this board that wishes the opposing teams had all of their best players healthy so that we can beat them fair and square.

How do you know you are the best when you do not play the best?

Will they be playing all of our best players this week?

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Good to hear. No doubt in my mind that he can shut down Reggie Brown. Rogers kept both TO and Fitz in check so I like his chances against Desean Jackson. Oh and I won't be shedding any tears if Westbrook doesn't play, just like the fact that you can only play whose on your schedule you can only play against the healthy ones. I could care less if media or anybody else claims we aren't legit because we didn't beat a team "at their best"

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  • 1 month later...

Jesus F'n Christ.

Portis has a partial tear in his damn KNEE, and two weeks later is running the ball.

How long has Springs been out with his hurt wittle calf muscle? And basically the ONE game we expect him and need him there, to handle TO, he's down.

But hey, Hall had an int.

Springs, gtfo. Take your big ass paycheck and head down to Dallas where we all know you actually want to play. That way you can be down for injury once a year against us instead

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