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Who is the best FOOTBALL player on this team?


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Im not talking about best star wise i mean best over all football player. After watching the replay of the dallass massacre i gotta go with Lorenzo Alexander. He does everything, great blocker, gets good pressure at D tackle, and is a great blocker on special teams. Who gets your vote?

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Im not talking about best star wise i mean best over all football player. After watching the replay of the dallass massacre i gotta go with Lorenzo Alexander. He does everything, great blocker, gets good pressure at D tackle, and is a great blocker on special teams. Who gets your vote?

The fact that I can't pick one guy over any other guy says a lot about how good our team is. Each of our best players plays a crucial role for the team.

Now if you were to ask who was the weakest link...?

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If you leave out health issues, then it's without a doubt Santana Moss. He's unstoppable.

If you take everything into account, including durability (which is important), I'd have to say it's a tie between Clinton Portis, Chris Samuels, and London Fletcher. Those guys are football players, period. Chris Cooley would be there if he could block better... but he hasn't blocked too well. The good news is that he blocked exceptionally well against Dallas... let's hope it's a sign of things to come.

Who else has the mixture of speed, strength, athleticism, durability, and most importantly, intelligence than Portis, Samuels, and Fletcher?

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All around talent, I'd have to give a vote to Rock Cartwright. A kick returner and special teams hitman on coverage, and back up running back with good pass catching ability. If, god forbid, we had an injury to Portis or Betts, we're talking about a guy who would probably be on the field more than anyone else on the team.

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I think it is hard to say who is the best football player on a team. We have tons of talent and hopefully Zorn will continue to pull it out of these guys.

One thing that impresses me is the amount of respect that you all are given London Fletcher. I wish the NFL and fans would give him that much respect. He is better than almost all other middle linebackers out there and he knows how to line the guys up properly.

I can't believe that both the Rams and Bills got rid of this guy. I guess he is not a big mouth like Ray Ray, so he is overshadowed. It is a shame that he hasn't gone to Hawaii and it is a shame that he will not make the HOF because he didn't make the PB. BS is what I call the whole situation.

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